Remote power switch 12V connection diagram

Battery disconnect switches became quite widespread about 40 years ago. They were installed on Soviet and imported cars.

The switch had 2 main tasks. This is the organization of a rather simple but effective anti-theft system, as well as protection against current leakage while the vehicle is parked.

Currently, the tasks facing such devices have not changed. At the same time, many motorists continue to be interested in the possibility of installation.

Purpose of the remote power switch

While the car is parked, its battery gradually loses charge. The reason for this phenomenon is simple - there are always non-switchable current consumers in the car, of which the alarm system, clock, radio and others consume the most power. And if after a short stay (even for two or three days) the battery is able to provide energy for the starter to operate, then after a week or two the battery may be discharged to zero. Therefore, during long-term parking, it is recommended to disconnect the battery from the on-board network - a special remote switch (or, conversely, a ground switch) is used for this.

A remote power switch is an electromechanical or electronic switching device designed to disconnect the battery from all consumers of the vehicle’s on-board electrical network. This switch, as its name suggests, is controlled remotely using a button in the cab.

The remote disconnect switch performs two key functions:

  • Complete disconnection of the battery from the on-board network of the car/bus;
  • Performing the functions of an anti-theft agent (immobilizer).

Thus, the switch not only helps to preserve the battery charge, but also prevents the theft of the vehicle. Hidden installation of the switch (as well as its button at the driver's seat) does not allow an attacker to start the car engine or will require him to break into the battery compartment, which will attract the attention of others.

It should be noted that remote ground switches are used primarily on trucks and buses, and are practically not widespread on passenger cars (with the exception of UAZs and the like). The fact is that trucks and buses are not equipped with alarms and other devices that require constant connection to a power source. If a tachograph or satellite vehicle monitoring system is installed on the car, then these devices usually have their own battery.

What it is

First, you need to understand the essence of battery disconnect switches and understand what they are.

The switch allows you to turn off the power to the on-board network without removing the terminals from the battery.

When choosing a circuit breaker, you should think about exactly what functions the device will perform on the machine. If you want to minimize battery current loss, then just take a simple device or make it yourself. It is not difficult. If this is part of an anti-theft system, it is recommended to select a ready-made solution from a trusted manufacturer.

There are 3 main tasks that a switch (also known as a circuit breaker) performs:

  • turns off the power to the on-board network when the car is parked for a long time;
  • if there is a pair of batteries under the hood, one of the batteries (mostly the backup one) can be disconnected;
  • plays the role of simple anti-theft equipment.

It is interesting that now car thieves, armed with high-tech equipment, have begun to forget and have forgotten how to break into cars that have the simplest circuit breaker. Some attackers may not even realize that the machine has such a system.

As for protection against current leakage, this problem is widespread in modern cars. They are filled with various electrical equipment and consumers. When stopping the car, the current continues and the batteries flow to them. This includes an alarm system, a multimedia system, a car radio, and much more. This already depends on the specific configuration of the car.

The norm for leakage is considered to be 60-80 mA. Some say that even with leaks of about 150-200 mA, nothing bad will happen.

But imagine that in 24 hours you can lose 5 Ah in this way, in 10 days you will already have 50 Ah. And many batteries have such operating parameters.

If you leave the car parked for a long time, for 1-2 weeks, if you do not disconnect the battery mass, there is a high risk that when you try to start the engine or simply open the car, nothing will work.

A mass switch will help solve this problem.

Types and design of mass switches

Currently, there are two fundamentally different types of remote mass switches:

  • Electromagnetic switches;
  • Electronic (thyristor) switches.

Electronic switches are built on the basis of thyristors; they have gained popularity among owners of domestic passenger cars VAZ, Niva and others. Such switches are designed for low currents, so they are not suitable for trucks; for heavy vehicles, electromagnetic switches are used, which will be discussed below.

The basis of the mass switch is a housing (usually cylindrical), which contains three components:

  • An electromagnet with an armature and a rod is located in the upper part. Usually the anchor is combined with a button, closed with a sealed rubber cap. On the side of the switch body there are two terminals for supplying current to the winding;
  • Latch (mechanism for transmitting force from the armature to the contact device) - located in the middle part, it ensures the transfer of force from the armature to the contact device and fixes the contacts in the closed position (the same mechanism is used in conventional buttons with locking);
  • Contact device - located at the bottom of the switch, consists of a contact disk mounted on a latch and two power terminals (threaded with nuts).

The mass switch operates as follows. When a short-term current is supplied to the winding of the electromagnet, its armature is retracted, and the rod connected to it through the latch sets the contact device in motion - the contact disk connects the terminals and the battery is connected to ground. In this case, the latch is installed in this position and ensures constant pressing of the disk to the contacts. After connecting the battery to ground, supplying current to the electromagnet is no longer necessary, since the contact device is held in place by a clamp.


A simple circuit of a ground switch for a car.

How to make a ground switch for a car yourself Many car enthusiasts, when parking a car for a long time, want to disconnect the battery from the on-board network, and in order not to constantly remove the terminals, they independently install all kinds of mechanical switches in the engine compartment, because such switches are not provided in serial passenger cars. The contacts of mechanical switches must be designed to carry a current of several hundred amperes and have a very low transition resistance, so the use of conventional network switches or toggle switches in this situation is not acceptable. For these purposes, there are special car mass switches, for example, VK-318, or in some articles found on websites, the RAD-1 remote mass switch device is mentioned, although we were unable to find information on the RAD on the Internet. (Maybe, of course, we were looking in the wrong place, but still...). The circuit that we want to propose does not have mechanical contacts, and its main advantage is that this mass switch can be controlled remotely using a small toggle switch or a button with fixed positions, installed in any place convenient for you. It can be installed inside the car, and in order to turn off the mass it is not necessary to open the hood lid. This diagram was published a long time ago in one of the radio engineering magazines, so we will not reinvent the wheel and redraw it in our own way, it is quite informative and intelligible, so we are posting a scan of the circuit diagram in the original as is without changes.

The figure shows that a powerful thyristor and diode are installed on an aluminum corner with dimensions indicated. On the vertical side (as shown in the picture) there is a hole through which it is attached in the engine compartment to the car body, not very far from the battery. The thyristor works like a key; when the toggle switch is turned on, it will be open. But there is one “but”... As you know, a thyristor can pass current only in one direction (from the anode to the cathode), and in order for the battery to receive recharging from the generator while driving, a diode with the opposite polarity is installed in parallel with the thyristor. Attaching the angle to the car body must have good electrical contact, and the wire connecting the thyristor to the tip must have a fairly impressive cross-section; you can use the one that connects the negative terminal of the battery to the car body; otherwise, there are no critical requirements. Some craftsmen advise placing the device in a metal box and painting it in the color of the car body. The parameters of some powerful thyristors are shown in the following image, to enlarge which click on the picture.

Parameters of thyristors type T-xxx

The parameters of silicon diffusion diodes of the D2XX series are given below:

Parameters of silicon diffusion diodes of the D2XX series


Options and features for installing remote power switches

Installing the mass switch is quite simple; here are a few key points to note:

  • The switch is most often mounted in the battery compartment of a truck or bus; this is necessary to reduce the length of the “mass” wire;
  • The power terminals of the switch are connected to the negative wire going from the battery to the vehicle ground. For this, thick stranded wire designed for high currents is used;
  • One terminal of the electromagnet winding is connected to the “−” terminal of the battery;
  • The second terminal of the electromagnet winding is connected with a thin stranded wire to a button installed in any convenient place in the car cabin (and this button can be hidden);
  • The second terminal of the button is connected to ground using a thin conductor anywhere in the cabin. The “+” contact of any device is selected as this point - radio, ignition switch, relay and fuse box, etc.;
  • A button without locking is installed in the cabin, since only a short-term current pulse needs to be supplied to the electromagnet, sufficient to retract the armature and operate the latch.

For safety, the electromagnet winding is connected to the button through a fuse (usually 5 A), and for convenience, it is recommended to install a test lamp between the button and ground. If necessary, the button can be connected to the mains switch via an additional relay; this is justified when using a button designed for low current in trucks and buses with electrical systems that have powerful consumers.

Terminal care

To maintain battery terminals in working condition, it is necessary to take proper care of them in a timely manner. To do this, do the following:

  • Remove the battery;
  • Prepare a strong solution of baking soda. The terminals are lowered into it. You should keep them in the solution for about 5 minutes. During this time, bubbles can be seen rising from the metal. The terminals are removed when the bubbles stop flowing;
  • The removed terminals are inspected; they should not be severely damaged by corrosion. Wipe the terminals;
  • Apply special lubricant or technical petroleum jelly to the contact points.

Prevention should be carried out at least 2 times a year. Experienced motorists recommend doing this in spring and autumn. Article on the topic “How to lubricate battery terminals.”

Typical malfunctions, repair and maintenance of the mass switch

The switch and the entire electrical circuit associated with it are reliable and can serve for many years without problems. However, if the switch is poorly positioned (for example, if it is poorly protected from moisture and dirt), corrosion may occur in it, which will lead to poor contact between the contact disk and the terminals, as well as between the terminals and the wires connected to them. In this case, the switch can be disassembled and cleaned.

Sometimes more serious malfunctions of the switch are possible - breakage of the electromagnet winding, breakage of the latch, sagging or breakage of springs, deformation of the armature rod, and others. In these cases, it is much easier and cheaper to completely replace the switch.

With proper installation and careful operation, the remote main switch will protect the battery from loss of charge and the car from theft for a long time, without requiring any attention.

As a rule, automobile factories do not install a special button or mechanism that would turn off the power to the mass. Ground (-) is called negative power supply. The negative from the battery is connected to the car body. Having the ability to disconnect the ground without disconnecting from the battery terminal, there is convenience and protection of the car from fire in the event of a short circuit and protection against theft.

The main reasons for battery discharge in a car

There are several reasons why your car battery may die. The most common ones include too long battery life (more than 5 years), disturbances in the operation of the generator, as well as the influence of severe frosts.

Regardless of the battery capacity, it can quickly discharge if not used correctly. There are three main reasons for this:

  • carelessness and mistakes of the car owner;
  • equipment malfunction;
  • violation of wire insulation.

Motorist inattention

The most common cause of battery discharge is headlights turned on for a long time. This can happen between October and May, when it is clear outside. After a long-distance trip, the driver may not even notice that the headlights are still on.

A picnic trip will become more interesting if there is good music and high-quality acoustics. But long-term operation of the audio system significantly reduces the battery charge.

In addition to these reasons, the battery will be discharged if equipment such as heated glass, trunk or glove compartment lighting, radio with the sound turned off, etc. is left on. It is worth noting that in many cars, when the ignition is turned off, most systems are disabled, while in others they are not.

Motorist mistakes include using powerful equipment that the factory power supply system cannot handle. This may include installing a car amplifier (you can learn how to properly connect an amplifier in a separate article).

Often, replacing standard headlights with brighter ones or installing additional lighting equipment also leads to rapid battery consumption. You need to be especially careful in the case of old batteries - due to loss of capacity, they discharge faster. Sometimes it is enough to crank the starter a couple of times, and the battery “falls asleep”.

Failure to follow the rules of operation and maintenance of batteries can not only lead to frequent loss of charge, but also significantly reduces the working life of the power source.

Short trips with powerful equipment turned on (for example, in winter, heated windshield and rear windows, a heater) lead to battery discharge. Many drivers think that recharging is enough to keep the car running. In fact, many generators charge the battery at 1500 engine rpm. Naturally, if the car is moving slowly in a traffic jam at low speeds, the battery is not recharged (or it receives a negligible amount of energy).

If the car does not start after a long period of inactivity, the driver, cranking the starter for a long time, drains the battery himself. Starter operation is one of the most energy-intensive processes during vehicle operation.

Equipment malfunction

The battery must be recharged while the engine is running. If the generator is faulty, this process will not occur. Its problems include:

  • failure of the charging regulator (“chocolate”);
  • break in the rotor winding;
  • the diode bridge burned out;
  • the fuse in the mounting block has failed;
  • the brushes are worn out;
  • The starter winding is rotten.

In addition to these faults, you should also pay attention to the generator drive belt. It must be sufficiently taut

In wet weather, this is immediately noticeable due to the characteristic squealing sound during engine operation. This sound will be heard until the belt is dry. Belt tension is easy to check. You need to press it with your finger. If it sags by 1.5 centimeters, it needs to be tightened.

Violation of wire insulation

This factor causes the battery to drain unnoticed. Sometimes the leakage current cannot be noticed except due to rapid loss of charge. The problem can be resolved by visually inspecting the wiring. If there are cracks on the wires (the cores do not necessarily have to be visible), they must be replaced. You can also find a current leak if you “ring” the electrical components of the car.

In addition to insulation failure, leakage currents can occur when electrical equipment is connected incorrectly. Proper connection of the electrical circuit allows you to maintain the battery charge for up to 3 months (depending on the quality of the battery).

Power off button

A battery ground disconnect device (BMA) is a mechanism that short-circuits or opens the negative cable in a vehicle's electrical wiring. The switch is implemented using a button or toggle switch, which is installed in the passenger compartment so that the driver can safely turn off the power without opening the hood or disconnecting the negative terminal from the battery.

Before you buy a car weight switch button, you should decide on its purpose. If you need a switch just to disconnect the power, then you can buy and install a cheap button. And, if you need a switch as an additional means of protection against vehicle theft, then you need a button of a more complex design.

But, basically, the main switch is installed for safety, and not as an anti-theft device.

Preparing to disconnect the battery

Although the removal and installation procedure is a completely familiar process for all car enthusiasts, you should pay attention to safety rules, how to properly remove the terminals from the battery, in what sequence, how to disconnect the battery so as not to harm the car

Necessary equipment

If you know which wire to remove from the battery first, disconnecting is not a difficult process, provided you follow certain rules:

  • remove the battery cover;
  • Use a metal brush to remove accumulated dust;
  • determine which key is needed to remove the terminal;
  • prepare a screwdriver, a set of keys, usually they are 8, 10 or 13 mm in size.

Safety precautions

It is better to wear gloves when disconnecting the battery. When removing a battery, an experienced driver should always know which terminal to remove first and how to remove the terminals from the battery in order to comply with safety precautions. The vents release hydrogen, which is explosive. A small spark from a short circuit can cause an explosion. It is better to carry out the removal work outdoors or in a ventilated area.

Before turning off the device, you need to carry out a number of mandatory procedures:

  • turn off the ignition;
  • guaranteed to turn off all electronics;
  • close the windows and doors, if the device is located in the trunk, close the hood;
  • turn off the mains switch, if there is one;
  • decide which terminal should be removed from the battery first;
  • when contacts are oxidized, do not hit them with pliers or a hammer, otherwise the plates will be destroyed;
  • remove the terminal from the battery with negative polarity, in this case it is necessary to position the negative wire with the connector in such a way that it does not dangle, does not interfere with further actions and cannot return to its original place;
  • remove the positive connector;
  • After removing the battery, do not throw or hit the battery to avoid liquid leakage inside;
  • The removed device cannot be stored at low temperatures so that the plates do not fall off.

The procedure for removing battery terminals for foreign cars is the same as for domestic cars.

How to make a power switch with your own hands

For those who want to create a shutdown mechanism themselves, there is a simple circuit for manufacturing. This type of switch will have no mechanical contacts. It can be used as a means of protection against car theft.

Ground switch device diagram

The thyristor in this mechanism is an electronic relay, which is switched on when pulses appear on the control electrode.

S1 is mounted inside the car in a hidden place. If you close the contacts of S1, then the desired impulse will appear, which will go to the thyristor, as a result of which it is unlocked, which leads to a decrease in resistance and current flows through the electrical wiring.

What does the main switch mechanism consist of?

The SCR allows current to flow in only one direction, from the battery to the network, but not from the network to the battery.

To allow the battery to be charged from the generator, a diode is installed in parallel with the SCR. The parts of the device are mounted on a duralumin corner. The wires used are stranded.

How to install a mass switch in a car:

  1. The thyristor has a cathode (+) terminal. The battery terminal is connected to the cathode. The structure assembly must be installed in a metal casing.
  2. Next, you should stretch the stranded wire from the engine compartment to the passenger compartment. The hole can be drilled, it can be found nearby in other wires.
  3. We mount the button or toggle switch on the steering column, having previously removed the cover from the steering column and drilled a blind hole in it of the required diameter to place the switch there.
  4. We connect one contact of the button or toggle switch to the ground (-) of the car, the second to the positive.

Procedure for disconnecting the battery in a car

Features of installing a car battery mass switch
It is important to follow a certain sequence of actions when disconnecting. Otherwise, you can get into trouble in the form of short circuits, failure of elements of the electrical system, or, quite simply, the remaining ignition key inside the car when the doors are locked.

So, the sequence of disconnecting the car battery.

1. Turn off all on-board network devices: stereo systems, headlights, running lights. You should check whether the interior or trunk lighting and other electrical equipment are turned off.

2. Turn off the ignition, remove the key and be sure to take it with you. Failure to comply with this requirement may lead to a situation where the key becomes locked inside the car. The reason is that many modern car security systems perceive disconnecting the terminals as a break-in attempt and block the doors to prevent it.

3. Remove the terminals from the battery.

Important! The following terminal removal sequence must be strictly followed. First you need to loosen the negative terminal, remove it, move it to the side and fix it in the removed position, and only then remove the positive

Do not completely unscrew the terminal fastenings. It is enough just to loosen them and, turning them left and right, carefully remove them without effort. If the terminal is oxidized, covered with a white coating and “stuck”, you should clean it with a stiff brush and use WD 40 or another similar product. After cleaning, you need to slightly twist the terminal to try to remove it. The main thing is to avoid too much force and not to try to disconnect it, no matter what. It’s better to waste time and wait for the terminal to free itself than to try to tear it out, damaging the contacts of the battery itself.

There is no need to listen to “advisers” who claim that the order of “resetting” the terminals can be anything. This is fundamentally wrong. It must be remembered that in cars the “mass” is the body. Therefore, if you disconnect the “+” first, then if you accidentally touch the car body, for example, with a wrench, a short circuit will occur with possible dire consequences - fuses and wiring may blow, contacts may burn, or worse, electrical appliances accidentally left on may fail.

If the task is to remove the battery, then you should release it from the mount and carefully pull it out. At the same time, we must remember that the battery is quite heavy, it is strictly forbidden to drop or turn it over and after removal it should only be placed horizontally.

Tips and tricks

Here are the basic recommendations for correctly installing the main switch:

  • if there are electronic devices in the car (all new cars now have them) that require adjustment, after turning off the mass, you will have to re-set the time and other settings;
  • if the security system design has an autonomous siren, then the siren turns on and starts making a sound when the “mass” is turned off;
  • if the car alarm design does not have an autonomous siren, then after turning off the mass of the car, the entire security system of the car is also turned off;
  • When the mass is turned off in injection cars, the controller is turned off, in which all accumulated information is erased.

After some time, depending on operating conditions (in particular, high humidity), the contacts of the device undergo corrosion, which leads to an increase in current resistance. Transient high resistance is sensitive for a conventional or gear starter, so it is advisable to lubricate the contacts with lithol or special petroleum jelly.


How to install an alarm with your own hands

Before you start installing the switch on the car, you need to choose it correctly

To do this, it is recommended to first pay attention to the type and model of the vehicle. You should also take into account parameters such as:

  • mains voltage;
  • current indicators.

For KAMAZ and other large vehicles, ground buttons with a voltage of 12V and a current of 50A are suitable. Installing the button is not difficult. To install it you will need:

  1. Connect the negative battery terminal wire to the button contact.
  2. Connect the free wire to the body of the bus or engine. For connections, it is recommended to use wires with a larger cross-section to ensure a reliable flow of high currents.
  3. Connect a small cross-section wire to one of the power contacts connected to the negative terminal.
  4. Lead the wire from the second contact of the coil to the button. Additionally, provision should be made for installing a 5A fuse on the circuit.
  5. Connect the second contact of the button to the positive terminal using any wire.

After this, you can begin operating the vehicle. To organize reliable operation of the device, it is recommended to use a non-latching button, which, after pressing, can open the circuit and return to its original position.


In most trucks and various models of PAZ buses, a special means is used to protect the battery from unexpected discharge when it comes to long-term parking of the vehicle. The KAMAZ remote weight button serves as such a means. It is worth taking a closer look at its features, operating principle and design.


In this video, the skillful hands of experienced drivers make a button for remotely switching off the car's weight with their own hands.

Tips and recommendations on how to choose a weight for a car.

This video shows the choice of location, how to install and connect the button from a Kamaz car to a Mercedes car.

And this is for those who want to do it completely with their own hands.

There are several ways to create a mass switch. Anyone who bought mass buttons or made them themselves, write in the comments.

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What else is important to know?

If you decide to install such a scheme, you should first consider several important points.

  • If there are devices and instruments in the car that require adjustment, in the event of a power failure, they will need to be periodically restored. This usually concerns setting the time, date, etc.
  • Opening the ground does not reset the odometer and does not reset the ECU settings, so there is no need to worry about this.
  • If your alarm system has an autonomous siren, it may be triggered in the event of a ground fault.
  • If the alarm does not have an autonomous power source, disconnecting the battery leads to automatic deactivation of the security system. It just won't work.
  • On vehicles with an injection type engine, if the ground is disconnected, the power to the controller is also turned off. This leads to the deletion of all accumulated information.
  • Periodically check the condition of the contacts and take resistance measurements. It is better to lubricate them with lithol, and also renew the lubricant.
  • Some experts agree that it is better not to use the switch for cars manufactured after 2000. If it accidentally operates while the ignition is on, the immobilizer may become unstuck. The motorist will lose the ability to access his own car. To restore work, you need the help of specialists and an impressive amount of money.
  • Disabling the mass leads to the loss of previously made settings in the multimedia system.

All this directly indicates that not everyone needs a mass switch and not always. And if you use it, then only when absolutely necessary.

Think carefully about the feasibility and necessity of using a car battery disconnect switch. Sometimes it makes sense to make a device yourself. But most are of the opinion that it is better to use factory solutions and involve experienced auto electricians. The choice is yours.


There are several options for used mass switches.

  • thyristor;
  • manual;
  • remote electromechanical (relay-based).

Manual devices are mainly used on trucks and special equipment. Such systems can operate under conditions of high currents of up to 1000 A. They are also successfully used in passenger cars.

The most convenient disconnectors are those that are located on the battery terminals and are intended specifically for passenger cars. The remote type of switch can be installed on trucks and passenger cars. Control is carried out from the cabin using a special hidden button.

Powerful thyristors rated at 160-320 A are also suitable for passenger cars. The control can also be hidden. But thyristors do not always withstand high currents when starting an internal combustion engine.

Where to begin

Before installing the mass switch, you need to select it in accordance with the technical characteristics of the car. This can be done in a specialized organization. Services in this direction are provided by an online store operated by VDS-Torg LLC. The company supplies the market with spare parts for Bogdan, Etalon, Ataman buses, as well as for Tata and Isuzu trucks. Here the interested buyer finds:

  1. Only certified goods.
  2. High level of service.
  3. Individual approach to the client - all his wishes are taken into account, the best options for spare parts are offered based on the price and technical characteristics of the vehicles on which they are planned to be installed.

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Pay attention to technological nuances

A good switch is equipped with fuses and serves to de-energize the car battery. It is this circumstance that poses an additional problem for potential hijackers. If you decide to purchase a power switch, make sure it is new. Don't use a used one! In this state, the VM will easily damage the electrical system of the machine.

When the battery is de-energized, there is a high probability that the car computer will turn off. This, in turn, threatens failures, such as erasing from memory information necessary for full operation. How to prevent such a development of events, what energy source to buy and how to connect it - these issues should be discussed with professionals.

Read more: All-wheel drive on the Tiguan

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