Error 23 on Pioneer radio: description and how to fix

Causes and solutions to the error


But as practice shows, any device can fail.
The radio was no exception. There are breakdowns that are clearly expressed. In such cases, the device does not turn on and does not work at all. To fix this problem, you will definitely need the help of a specialist. But there is another type of breakdown. They are reproduced on the device display in the form of some letters and symbols. To understand their meaning, you will need to use the instruction manual. It is included with all radio manufacturers and contains useful information.

It is important to familiarize yourself with it before using the radio.

This problem may occur for reasons such as:

  1. Music file format mismatch. This item must be strictly monitored. Since the device will not be able to read songs recorded in a different format. For example, if the Pioneer radio is designed for MP-3 expansion, then only such files need to be downloaded;
  2. Incorrect file names. It is easy to determine this reason. Basically, some files play and others don't. This suggests that some are written in the Cyrillic language that is typical for the radio, while others are not. Perhaps, in general, it works in the Latin alphabet. Then all files will need to be renamed so that their names contain only letters of the Latin alphabet;
  3. Flash drive failure. It is necessary to check the drive for serviceability. Perhaps this is the first thing that follows in a situation of error. The flash drive may have failed. To determine its status, you need to connect it to another device. For example, a computer. If it is not readable on it either, then the reason is a faulty drive. This can happen either due to mechanical damage or for another reason. In some cases, the operation of the drive is quite possible;
  4. The connector into which the flash drive is connected to the radio is faulty. This may happen if the device is used frequently or incorrectly. Its contacts become loose during operation, which disrupts their function. It is possible to correct the situation, but it is not easy. It is better to contact the service center specialists;
  5. The discrepancy between the volume of the flash drive and the car radio. This mainly concerns a large amount of information. Basically, radio tape recorders are designed for flash drives of no more than 4 GB. And if this value is exceeded, the device is unlikely to work. But this does not mean that the flash drive should only be of this size. There are some tricks that are great for solving this problem. So, the drive can be divided into segments that will contain the necessary amount of information;
  6. The file system of the flash drive does not match. Almost all radios are individual and can only work with a certain format. You can find out which one is typical for your radio from the device’s operating instructions. And you just need to format the flash drive.

But there is no need to be upset. Because there is a solution that can help you. It consists of carrying out the operation of formatting a flash drive. This is not difficult to do and anyone can do it.

You need to insert the drive into your computer. Then, on its icon that appears on the screen, right-click and select the word format. Set this command to be executed. To do this, just click the word start in the new window.

The system will warn you that this procedure will be performed with the deletion of all data that was previously saved on the drive. These are mandatory conditions. Therefore, it is necessary to agree to its implementation.

After the work is completed, a window will appear on the screen. It will say this. What you need to do is click OK and remove the drive from the computer. This procedure is very simple and is shown in the photo. Therefore, difficulties in carrying it out are unlikely to arise.

As practice shows, there are no unsolved problems. Don't be alarmed by errors that may appear on the display of your Pioneer radio. Almost everything can be fixed and the device can resume normal operation.

When using a flash drive on a Pioneer radio, error 23 may occur.

Musical accompaniment increases the level of comfort when moving. The trip becomes exciting and unnoticed. Drivers can not only listen to their favorite tunes, but also receive useful portions of news information. Modern radios can play music files from an optical disc or flash drive.

Formatting a flash drive

A modern drive is often presented in the NTFS format, but sometimes it is difficult for the radio to recognize it. The car receiver is best coordinated with FAT16 or FAT32 formats. But this problem is not so significant and has its own solutions. To do this, you simply need to reformat such a drive into the device needed for the radio using a laptop or computer.

To do this, the flash drive is placed in the slot of a laptop or computer. After your device recognizes it, you need to right-click on its image and click the “Format” button in the menu that opens.

In the formatting menu that opens, in the “File system” settings, change the format to the desired one – FAT16 or FAT32. In the “Cluster Size” parameter, set “Standard cluster size”, after which you can click the “Start” button.

After formatting is complete, the system will notify you that formatting is completed with a message of the same name. Do not forget that when formatting a flash drive, all files written to it will be deleted and the contents of the drive will be completely cleared. Therefore, take care in advance of the safety of your files by saving them on another storage medium.

After formatting is completed, the files you need should be recorded in the format with which your car radio will interact correctly (usually MP3). And after all that, you can insert the USB flash drive into the device and test the result of the work done.

Why doesn't the radio read the flash drive in the car?

How to fix error p0441 on fret Kalina
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The main reasons that the car radio does not see the USB flash drive are:

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1. Lack of file system support for the car radio

, in which the flash drive is formatted.

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Most car radios produced before 2010 support FAT32 USB file systems. If the radio is even older, then it can only support the FAT16 file system.

p, blockquote 12,0,0,0,0 —>

New car radios, especially standard ones, may have support for the NTFS file system, and if the media is formatted in FAT32, which is more “ancient” from their point of view, problems may arise when reading audio information.

p, blockquote 13,0,1,0,0 —>

If there is no reliable information on the radio (technical characteristics) about what file system the USB port driver supports, in many cases you have to sequentially reformat the flash drive to FAT32, then to NTFS, respectively, write test audio files to it.

p, blockquote 14,0,0,0,0 —>

This can only be done using a computer (laptop, netbook). To do this, right-click on a removable disk (flash drive) connected to the computer, select “formatting” in the context menu

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p, blockquote 16,0,0,0,0 —>

and then the corresponding file system.

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2. Inability to read audio files stored in folders with a complex hierarchy

. Car radios produced before 2000 and inexpensive FM transmitters suffer from this disease.

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If the playlist has subfolders, for example, such as root directory - Russian songs - folk - babkina, then perhaps it will not be possible to enter some folders remote from the root directory.

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Therefore, on radios made before 2000, it is better to record audio files in the root directory, especially since using a computer it is not difficult to create and rewrite any playlist.

p, blockquote 21,0,0,0,0 —>

3. Exceeding flash storage capacity requirements

. Over time, the capacity of USB storage devices is rapidly increasing. Flash drives up to 8 GB, as a rule, are read by all car radios. Regarding the installation of higher-capacity media, you should check how much capacity, inclusive, is supported by the radio installed in your car.

Error 23 on the Pioneer radio with a flash drive reasons

How can I connect a USB flash drive to the radio in a car via aux?

This problem may occur for reasons such as:

  1. Music file format mismatch. This item must be strictly monitored. Since the device will not be able to read songs recorded in a different format. For example, if the Pioneer radio is designed for MP-3 expansion, then only such files need to be downloaded;
  2. Incorrect file names. It is easy to determine this reason. Basically, some files play and others don't. This suggests that some are written in the Cyrillic language that is typical for the radio, while others are not. Perhaps, in general, it works in the Latin alphabet. Then all files will need to be renamed so that their names contain only letters of the Latin alphabet;
  3. Flash drive failure. It is necessary to check the drive for serviceability. Perhaps this is the first thing that follows in a situation of error. The flash drive may have failed. To determine its status, you need to connect it to another device. For example, a computer. If it is not readable on it either, then the reason is a faulty drive. This can happen either due to mechanical damage or for another reason. In some cases, the operation of the drive is quite possible;
  4. The connector into which the flash drive is connected to the radio is faulty. This may happen if the device is used frequently or incorrectly. Its contacts become loose during operation, which disrupts their function. It is possible to correct the situation, but it is not easy. It is better to contact the service center specialists;
  5. The discrepancy between the volume of the flash drive and the car radio. This mainly concerns a large amount of information. Basically, radio tape recorders are designed for flash drives of no more than 4 GB. And if this value is exceeded, the device is unlikely to work. But this does not mean that the flash drive should only be of this size. There are some tricks that are great for solving this problem. So, the drive can be divided into segments that will contain the necessary amount of information;
  6. The file system of the flash drive does not match. Almost all radios are individual and can only work with a certain format. You can find out which one is typical for your radio from the device’s operating instructions. And you just need to format the flash drive.

The radio displays error 23: how to format a flash drive?

Quite often, a flash drive is in NTFS format, but the Pioneer radio requires the FAT16 or FAT32 file system. Such a discrepancy will lead to the fact that musical compositions will not be played, and the radio will display error 23.

But there is no need to be upset. Because there is a solution that can help you. It consists of carrying out the operation of formatting a flash drive. This is not difficult to do and anyone can do it.

You need to insert the drive into your computer. Then, on its icon that appears on the screen, right-click and select the word format. Set this command to be executed. To do this, just click the word start in the new window.

The system will warn you that this procedure will be performed with the deletion of all data that was previously saved on the drive. These are mandatory conditions. Therefore, it is necessary to agree to its implementation.

After the work is completed, a window will appear on the screen. It will say this. What you need to do is click OK and remove the drive from the computer. This procedure is very simple and is shown in the photo. Therefore, difficulties in carrying it out are unlikely to arise.

As practice shows, there are no unsolved problems. Don't be alarmed by errors that may appear on the display of your Pioneer radio. Almost everything can be fixed and the device can resume normal operation.

Any technology, even the best, can fail its owner at some point. The Pioneer radio is no exception in this sense. Even in this device from a well-known manufacturer, annoying errors periodically occur that can confuse even an experienced car enthusiast. What are these errors and why do they occur? Is it possible to eliminate them yourself? We’ll talk further about eliminating typical errors with flash drives of type 23 and 19 on Pioneer.

Possible solutions:

In order to format a USB drive in FAT16 or FAT32, you need to open “Computer”, right-click on the device icon and select “Format...” from the drop-down menu.

In the window that opens, set the parameters as shown in the figure below and click the <Start> .

When the system warns that all data will be deleted from the device, respond with consent.

Formatting is complete. Close the format program window and remove the Flash card.

Information on errors CHECK USB, and ERROR-23 of the Pioneer radio is most likely not complete. If you have more accurate or complete information about this error, we would be grateful if you share it.

How to fix

How to install (connect) and configure the Navitel navigator to a standard car radio

You can fix the problem in different ways, depending on the cause of its occurrence. For example, in the event of a virus infection, the removable drive needs to be connected to the laptop and run an antivirus scan

At the same time, it is important to have updated malicious code databases, since they are periodically modified and outdated detection algorithms may not recognize the threat. In some cases, the infection is so extensive that it is impossible to recover information

There are other causes of failure, and, accordingly, methods for solving them.


Modern media have the NTFS file system, which is not always recognized by car radios. To fix the problem, you need to reformat the device to FAT16 or FAT32. To do this, you need to connect the drive to your PC, wait for it to appear in the task manager under the “Computer” tab and right-click on it to select “Format”.

In the window that opens, you need to change the “File system” parameter to the desired one and, if necessary, change the cluster size. It is better to choose a standard size, after which the system will start the process, warning you about the loss of files. Because of this formatting feature, all tracks must be transferred to the computer and moved back at the end of the procedure.

Wrong name

The specificity of some radio tape recorders has already been mentioned above.

After testing, during which it becomes clear which alphabet the equipment works correctly with, it will be enough to rename all the files.

Wrong format

In this case, everything is extremely simple: you need to convert the files into a suitable format. For this, there are various programs (FSS Audio Converter, etc.) and online services that do not require installation on a computer.

They have intuitive controls and work with many files, so there is no need to provide detailed explanations for their operation.

How to enable/disable printing via phone

Having dealt with the possible options for connecting a printer to an Android phone, we will gradually move on to detailed instructions for each method. Please note that the procedure may differ depending on the model of the printing device. But the general principle will remain the same.

Via Google Cloud Print

The virtual printer is automatically linked to the Google Cloud service, the setup of which was described just above. Now let's move on to installing a smartphone application that allows you to send documents for printing. You can download it through the official Play Market store.


Price: Free

For clarity, we suggest you read the step-by-step instructions:

  1. Open Google Play and enter the name of the application in the search.
  2. Go to the page with the program and click “Install”.
  3. We are waiting for the installation procedure to complete.

But you may encounter one unexpected error - the application simply cannot be installed on modern phones. This is not surprising, because the last update of the utility was in 2022. For more than two years, the developers have not made any changes or optimized the program in any way. Therefore, it cannot be installed on smartphones with Android 9 and 10.

On older phones the application may run. Then to print, open the document or photo, and then click on the three dots icon in the corner of the screen. Select “Share” or “Send”, then o. A settings window will appear where you can specify DPI, sheet orientation, number of copies and text color.

Via USB, Bluetooth, Wi-Fi

As mentioned earlier, you can connect to the printer via a smartphone using various methods. Some people find it more convenient to simply connect their phone via a USB cable, while others prefer to pair wirelessly. Let's assume that you decide to send a document for printing via Wi-Fi. How to do this? And it’s very easy, using step-by-step instructions:

  1. Turn on the printing device.
  2. Open settings on your smartphone.
  3. Go to the “Wi-Fi” section.
  4. Near the corresponding item, move the slider to the right.
  5. We connect to the same local network along with the printer.

After pairing is completed, go into the program and send the document or photo for printing. The highest quality applications will be discussed below. Decided to connect to the printer via Bluetooth? Follow these steps:

  1. Turn on the printing device.
  2. On your phone, open the desired document, photo, or just a page in the browser.
  3. Click on the “Share” button or click on a similar icon.
  4. Among the available options, select “Bluetooth”.
  5. We connect to the printer and print.

Some printers support operation without additional applications, but in almost any case you will need to install a special program on your smartphone. The Play Market contains both official utilities and software from third-party developers.

Via Dropbox, cloud

Cloud storages are special services that allow you to store added files on servers. You can access them at any time by connecting to the Internet and logging into your own account. Similar technology can be used to print documents by sending the necessary files from your phone to your computer. The most popular services are: Dropbox, Google Drive and Yandex Disk. For clarity, let's look at the principle of working with the latest cloud.

The most convenient way is to install the Yandex Disk mobile application on your smartphone, but all actions can also be performed through the web version of the service. So, here are the step-by-step instructions:

By the way, you can read more about working with cloud storage here.

Now you need to use a computer. We connect a printer to it and perform authorization in the Yandex Disk cloud storage. Select the required document or photo, then at the top of the screen click on the “Download” button.

In the computer explorer, find the file and right-click on it. A window will open where you need to select “Print”. Among the connected devices, we find a printer and send the document or photo for processing.

Note! If you use cloud storage as a PC program, then you can send files there for printing even without downloading them first.

Error 19 Pioneer radio

But let's return to modern equipment that reads music files from USB devices (MP3 players, flash drives, etc.). The flash drive on the radio displays error 19. If such a situation arises, the main thing is to find out which flash drive the radio does not accept. One that had already worked on this device before, or a completely new, unfamiliar drive.

If this is your proven flash card, then the problems may be:

  • In the memory card itself. Checking its serviceability is quite simple. To do this, you need to insert it into another device and check its operation. In the same way, but with an absolutely serviceable flash drive, you need to check the autoplayer.
  • The malfunction may be in the connector of the flash drive or radio. A fairly common problem with careless and frequent device changes. A workshop will help you repair or replace the connector, or you can do it yourself.
  • Another reason why “error 19” appears on the screen of a Pioneer car radio may be problems with its firmware.
  • The device will refuse to play music even if the capacity of the flash card exceeds its technical capabilities.
  • The format of the information recorded on the media, according to the playback device, is not adequate to its capabilities (the radio displays error 23).
  • Some radios do not read Cyrillic. In this case, you will have to tinker with renaming the tracks into a Latin font that is easier to read on the device.
  • There is a virus on the USB drive that was introduced during rewriting from another source.

Error ERROR-23

The error indicates that the format of the information on the memory card does not match the one readable by the car device.

In order to transcode files into the required format (FAT16, FAT32), you need:

  1. Insert the flash drive into the computer.
  2. Open the Computer window.
  3. Then, in the “Format” section, set the necessary values ​​for the card. Photo.
  4. And run the program. "Start" button.

After you confirm permission to delete existing data (photos), the computer will reformat the device according to the required parameters.

After you finish using your PC, remove the memory card and you can use it.

Pioneer DEH-1500UB

pionrrr mvh-150ub gives an amplifier error amp error

Answers 1

Try turning off all the speakers, amplifiers, etc., leaving only the power and try turning it on, if it works, then connect one speaker at a time and look for where the short is.

Watch another video:

Sound amplifiers are needed in order to improve the quality of music playback by reducing its distortion when turning on high volumes. Sometimes car owners encounter amplifier errors on the Pioneer radio: the sound disappears in the speakers, and then the equipment starts working again, while the display shows “ERROR” DC." There are several ways to troubleshoot problems; you can choose the right one by determining the cause of the problem.

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Any technology, even the best, can fail its owner at some point. The Pioneer radio is no exception in this sense. Even in this device from a well-known manufacturer, annoying errors periodically occur that can confuse even an experienced car enthusiast. What are these errors and why do they occur? Is it possible to eliminate them yourself? We’ll talk further about eliminating typical errors with flash drives of type 23 and 19 on Pioneer.

List of the most famous Pioneer radio errors and how to fix them

Most often problems arise with USB drives. Let's start with them.


The message CHECK USB appears on the display of the radio when it refuses to read a flash drive or some other storage device (for example, a portable hard drive). This message indicates a power failure in the USB device. A failure may occur either due to the incompatibility of this drive with the radio, or due to a short circuit in the connector itself.

First you should carefully inspect the USB port on the radio

Perhaps dirt or some foreign object got into it, which caused a short circuit; if there is no short circuit, you should pay attention to the amount of current consumed by the USB drive (this figure can be found in the instructions for the device). The fact is that some flash drives require a current slightly higher than 500 mA for normal operation, while the radio is designed for exactly 500 mA, which leads to the CHECK USB error.

There is only one way out: replace the flash drive, having previously specified the amount of current consumed;

ERROR 23 with flash drive

When error 23 occurs, the user sees the message ERROR-23 on the radio display. This happens immediately after installing the flash drive into the USB port of the radio. The error means that the file system in which the flash drive is formatted is incompatible with this radio. That is, if the drive was formatted in the outdated FAT32 (or even FAT16) system, the error is guaranteed to appear.

Solution: format the flash drive in the NTFS system, supported by all Pioneer radios.

  • The flash drive is removed from the radio and inserted into the home computer. When it appears in the list of connected devices, you should right-click on it. A context menu will appear in which you should select “Format”;

In the context menu, select the option to format the drive

Select the NTFS file system from the drop-down menu

Troubleshooting Error 19

This error is shown on the display as ERROR-19. This can occur either due to improper formatting of the drive, or due to storing files on it with extensions other than .mp3 (such as .doc, .exe, .txt, .pdf, .com). MP3 files can also cause an error if they are stored in many folders with a high level of nesting and an abundance of Cyrillic characters in the names.

  • remove all extraneous files from the flash drive, except mp3. If mp3 files are “scattered” across many folders, organize their structure by placing them in 3-4 new folders, and the names of these folders must be written in Latin letters;
  • If this does not help, you should insert the USB flash drive into the computer and check it for viruses. As a rule, viruses do not harm the radio, but often copy executable files onto a flash drive, which the standard Windows file manager does not “see”, but the radio “sees” perfectly;
  • if the anti-virus program for some reason failed to remove the detected viruses, there is only one thing left: completely formatting the drive in the NTFS system, as shown above;


There are two problems that cause ERROR-11 to appear on the display. Either the CD inserted into the radio is seriously scratched or covered with dirt, or there is some kind of mechanical fault in the radio (most often the CD drive of the radio fails).

  • remove the disc and gently wipe it with a piece of soft cloth;
  • clean the drive lens using a special cleaning disk;
  • if it doesn’t help, there is only one way out: contact the nearest Pioneer service center;

Complex car radio malfunctions

In this article we will try to answer the questions:

What is a complex fault?

How can error codes help when repairing car radios?

In the practice of repairing car radios, there are often cases when, in order to restore the operation of the car radio, it is necessary to find and eliminate not one specific malfunction, but several. It’s good if the breakdowns are not related to each other or relate to different electronic components of the car radio (for example: no sound - the amplifier chip is faulty; no disk reading - the laser reader lens is dirty).

What if both faults are in the CD drive? With such malfunctions, the process of diagnosis and repair becomes difficult, since, having eliminated one malfunction, we are immediately faced with the manifestation of another. Such a malfunction with several causes can be called complex .

Let's look at troubleshooting a complex problem using the example of repairing a Pioneer DEH-P3500MP car CD receiver. This is a case from real repair practice and its consideration will be useful for those who are interested in the topic of repairing car radios with their own hands.

The Pioneer car radio came to the repair table due to the lack of reading from the CD.

Upon external inspection, it was noticed that when the disk eject button is pressed, the process of ejecting the disk occurs slowly. The car radio was also heavily soiled with dust.

It is no secret that when heavily soiled, the optics are the first to suffer - the surface of the laser reader lens becomes covered with fine dust and this prevents the laser beam from focusing on the surface of the CD. In this case, there may be failures during playback (the sound “hiccups”), failures during the initial loading of the disc (“NO DISK”, “Error”), a long search for a recording when switching to another song. Do not forget that the cause of such a malfunction can be not only contamination of the optics, but also degradation of the laser diode in the optical unit.

For car radios, if any malfunctions occur, an error code appears on the display. Knowing the decoding of the error code, you can more quickly find the faulty unit and not waste time on diagnostics. So, for example, on the Pioneer DEH-P3500MP car radio in question, when turning on and loading a disc, the message “ERROR-11” appeared on the display. At the same time, spinning of the disk was observed - which means the spindle motor is in order.

What to do

If a malfunction is detected when connecting the amplifier, you need to re-read the instructions for its installation and operation, and then check whether all plugs and wires have been connected correctly. If no inaccuracies are found, it is recommended to seek help from a car repair shop.

If an amplifier error appears while using an audio device, you need to do the following:

  • first measure the voltage at the output connector of the device, use a voltmeter for this;
  • then connect the audio speakers to the car radio without using an amplifier;
  • then check the condition of the wiring to find a bad connection;
  • At the final stage, inspect the fuses.

If defects are found, they must be eliminated. New connections should be made as reliable as possible. If these manipulations do not give a positive result, then it is advisable to turn to professionals to repair the microcircuit. Auto repair shop specialists will quickly and accurately find the cause of the malfunction and perform the necessary repairs. Moreover, their services will cost less than the cost of a new amplifier and additional wiring.

You can deal with the problem yourself, but to do this you will have to thoroughly understand the device and the nuances of connecting the amplifier to the car radio.

It happens that when driving a car, the car radio breaks down, and then it becomes boring in the car, especially when you have to travel alone and on a long journey, for example, to another city. In this article we will try to understand the reasons for the failure of car radios and how to eliminate them.

What if the amplifier doesn't work?

How to fix

The manufacturer's instructions contain information to correct a single failure. Basic actions:

  • stop powering the device by turning off the ignition;
  • when disconnected, disconnect the external USB drive from the Pioneer radio;
  • turn on the ignition, switch the player to radio mode;
  • reconnect the equipment to the reader.

However, most users note that after a short time the player again stops seeing or reading the flash drive, and error 19 appears on the screen. In this case, you need to take a number of steps to solve problems on the drive itself:

  1. You should connect it to your computer and analyze the contents. You must enable viewing hidden files mode and delete all suspicious documents or those with the wrong extension. Considering that the player does not read a flash drive if it contains not only MP3 format, but also others, you should purchase another external media and store different information separately.
  2. Computer viruses can also cause malfunctions. You can identify and get rid of them using special programs. Damaged files do not directly harm the head unit, however, when connecting USB to the Pioneer radio, reading slows down and the system displays error 19.
  3. Some owners use an extension cord, which can cause additional resistance. Therefore, it is recommended to insert the media directly into the slot.
  4. Another way to identify the reason why the error is displayed is to check the parameters of external USB drives in the settings of the head equipment. If it is set to “android”, external devices will not be recognized.
  5. If the radio still does not read the flash drive, this may mean that it needs to be formatted, meeting a number of requirements.

Fault code for sound-reproducing automotive equipment

Starting with models of car radios in which CDs were used as a storage medium for music recordings, and now also USB devices of the latest generations, manufacturing companies have equipped car radios with an additional option - “self-diagnosis”.
The result of the operation of the device without human intervention is to determine the correct actions to put the gadget into operation, as well as to identify possible malfunctions in the operation of both the car player itself and the media installed in it, as well as additional equipment, such as an amplifier, subwoofer, and the like. All possible malfunctions have their own numerical numbering and, when detected, are displayed on the device display in the form of the inscription “error” (with the corresponding number). Despite the fact that manufacturers classify faults at their own discretion, the error codes for many of them are the same. The main fault codes are compatibility errors between the media and the device reading them. Let’s talk about some of them using the example of a car player from the Pioneer brand in a little more detail.

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