Air conditioning on Lada Granta: installation, repair and maintenance

Schematic diagram of the movement of refrigerant in the Lada Granta air conditioning system:

1 - combined pressure sensor; 2 - high pressure pipeline section; 3 — receiver-dryer; 4 — service valve of the high pressure line; 5 — condenser (air conditioner radiator); 6 — fan of the condenser and radiator of the cooling system; 7 — air conditioning compressor; 8 - low pressure pipeline section; 9 — service valve of the low pressure line; 10 — heater (stove) fan; 11 - evaporator; 12 - thermostatic valve

The Lada Granta air conditioning compressor is installed on the engine cylinder block and is driven by a serpentine belt. It circulates refrigerant in the system. The compressor shaft is installed in the front housing cover on bearings and sealed on the drive pulley side with an oil seal. The compressor drive pulley is mounted on a double-row ball bearing and rotates constantly when the engine is running. When the air conditioner is turned on, torque is transmitted from the pulley to the compressor shaft through a friction clutch with an electromagnetic drive. High pressure steam High pressure liquid Low pressure steam Low pressure liquid

Principle of operation

The function of this unit is to compress, convert the refrigerant into a liquid state, and then circulate it in the system. Mostly in modern cars, piston compressors are used, where several pistons, driven by a “pumping washer” fixed to the supercharger shaft, moving in the axial direction, compress freon to the desired state and facilitate its further passage through the system.

Lubrication of the moving working parts of the compressor is provided by a special oil added to the refrigerant. For different brands of freon, the appropriate oil is added, mineral oil is added to the R12 brand, polyalkylene-glycol oil is added to R134a (PAG).

Signs of serviceability and malfunction of the Lada Granta air conditioning system

If the system is working properly, then when the air conditioner is turned on, a click is heard - this is the clutch pressure plate, under the action of an electromagnet, engages with the drive pulley, and the compressor rotor begins to rotate. But during operation of the air conditioner, the following compressor malfunctions may occur. 1. If, when the air conditioner is turned off, the clutch makes extraneous sounds during rotation, gets hot, or has a burning smell, then its bearing has probably started to jam and slow down the system. 2. If you don’t hear a click after turning on the air conditioner, then the following problems are possible: - a refrigerant leak has occurred, and the control system blocks the compressor from turning on; — the pressure sensor in the system has failed; — malfunctions in the electrical circuits of the control system; — the coil winding of the clutch electromagnet burned out; — the engine control unit for some reason (high engine coolant temperature, high engine speed) blocked the compressor from turning on. 3. If the clutch rotates easily and freely, but when you turn on the air conditioner you can clearly hear extraneous noise or even the engine stalls at idle, then the compressor is most likely jammed. The internal pumping part of the compressor cannot be repaired. In this case, the compressor assembly will have to be replaced. 4. Another option. A click is heard, the clutch easily rotates the compressor shaft, but the air in the cabin is not cooled. In this case, the compressor runs idle, pumping nothing. Only an experienced specialist with special monitoring and diagnostic equipment can determine this malfunction. The cause of the malfunction can be most accurately determined after a complete diagnosis at a specialized service center for the repair of automobile air conditioners. Most likely there is no refrigerant in your system, but, as we have already said, only a mechanic at a specialized station can accurately summarize the malfunction. Next, we will look at the components of the air conditioning system.

Types of climate control and their features

Climate control systems are divided according to different criteria - the presence of separate work zones, power, ease of control, and the presence of additional functions. First, let's talk about single- and multi-zone systems.

Operation of a multi-zone QC system

Today, single-zone, dual-zone, three-zone and four-zone climate controls . What is it and how are they different? Single-zone climate control is the simplest of the systems presented. It is designed according to the principle described above and controls the air parameters in the driver and front passenger area. Dual-zone climate control divides the air space between the driver and front passenger, respectively, into two parts, for which different climate parameters can be set. This provides additional convenience. Three- and four-zone systems also allow you to set individual climate parameters for rear passengers. The last option is considered the most advanced and comfortable.

Now a few words about the differences between climate control systems and the car air conditioning that is familiar today. Let's start with the last one. It performs two functions - it cools the air and dehumidifies it. That is, this device has no feedback. The driver must independently regulate the temperature supplied by the air conditioner in real time. And this is not always convenient. The main difference between climate control is precisely the presence of feedback, which is needed to maintain user-specified parameters on an ongoing basis.

This is interesting: Cleaning the throttle valve of Lada Granta

Condenser (air conditioner radiator) Lada Granta

The multi-flow type condenser is located in front of the radiator of the engine cooling system in the engine compartment. It is attached using brackets to the radiator frame. The condenser honeycomb is made of flat, thin-walled aluminum tubes with internal longitudinal baffles for rigidity and external fins to improve heat transfer. Aluminum tanks, with flanges for connection to pipelines. The height of the tanks is divided into sections, therefore, passing through the condenser, the flow of refrigerant changes direction several times. In the condenser, the vapors of the refrigerant compressed by the compressor are condensed and the heat released is removed into the surrounding air. When the air conditioner is turned on, the engine control unit turns on the power supply circuit for the electric radiator fan, which improves heat transfer in the condenser and reduces the pressure in the air conditioning system.

Tips for the care and operation of the Lada Granta air conditioner condenser

At least once a year, preferably before the start of summer operation, wash the fins A and B of the condenser to remove dirt on their surface. This will improve heat transfer, reduce pressure in the system and increase the service life of system elements.

Do not use high-pressure water jets to clean the condenser. This may cause damage to the B thin-walled fin plates. Even with regular cleaning, the need to replace the condenser arises much more often than we would like. The fact is that it is the first to absorb the flow of deicing agents, dirt and pebbles from the road. And the walls of the tubes are thin. In most cases, the condenser is damaged by corrosion in the third or fourth year of operation. If the seal of the condenser is compromised as a result of corrosion, it will be more expensive to repair it. Even if an argon welder manages to patch the hole, a leak may soon appear in another place. By the way, the pressure in the system on hot days can reach 25-28 bar. In addition, the complex structure of the condenser tube should be taken into account: along it it is divided by partitions into channels, so there is a high probability that after welding some of the channels will be blocked. Accordingly, the dissipated power will drop and the performance of the air conditioner will deteriorate, especially in traffic jams and in hot weather. After each experiment with patching the condenser, you will need to pay for removal, installation, welding of the condenser and refilling the system with refrigerant. So it is better to immediately install a new condenser.

What did customers rate positively?

Many people like the appearance of this car. The Lada Granta norm with air conditioning has mostly earned positive reviews. Owners of this car claim that the Granta with air conditioning is a modern and beautiful Russian car. Buyers especially note the successful body design. In some ways it is similar to the Lada Kalina car, and in some ways it is similar to Logan. This unusual combination turned out to be more than interesting.

Buyers praise Grant's car and the air conditioner with its excellent performance characteristics. The operation of the stove does not cause any complaints from buyers. The car has good running lights, excellent visibility, and a pleasant interior design. A simple and clear dashboard is noted as a plus. Drivers with any driving experience can drive this car. Even beginners will be able to figure out what and where is located on the dashboard. Buyers also note the huge trunk of 440 liters. Good soft suspension, smooth ride even on a bad road - these are very pleasant bonuses from the car manufacturer.

Another advantage is the low price. The handling of the car, although not at its best, is still not bad. Buyers note the decent dynamics of this Lada.

And for a low price, buyers get a car with demi-season alloy tires. And this is great luck.

Air conditioner evaporator Lada Granta

The evaporator (cabin air conditioning radiator) is located in the air conditioning unit in the passenger compartment, under the instrument panel. The evaporator is made of aluminum tubes with external fins to improve heat transfer. As the boiling refrigerant passes through the evaporator tubes, it actively absorbs heat from the air in the cabin. When the fan in the cabin is turned on, the air flow blows on the outer developed surface of the evaporator tubes. The air is cooled and supplied to the vehicle interior. At the bottom of the evaporator there is a tray and a drainage hole that removes excess moisture (condensation) from the passenger compartment. The drainage hole should always be free, which will save you from stagnant processes in the evaporator area and from unpleasant odors in the cabin.

About recycling

Recirculation is turned on using handle No. 3 (Granta, Kalina) or by pressing the arrow button in a circle No. 19 (Vesta, XRAY).

  • To speed up the heating or cooling of the interior after parking the car, you can turn on the recirculation mode for a short time; after reaching a comfortable temperature or when the windows fog up, you must turn on the supply of fresh air.
  • Prolonged use of the recirculation mode may cause the driver to become drowsy or drowsy and result in loss of control. Use recirculation mode only when necessary. It is recommended to preferentially use the supply air mode.
  • You cannot sleep in a car with recirculation mode on. This could result in serious injury or death due to reduced oxygen levels in the vehicle interior.

Receiver-dryer air conditioner Lada Granta

The receiver is made of aluminum alloy. Inside the housing there is a filter element filled with desiccant granules (silica gel). The liquefied refrigerant passing through the receiver is cleaned of possible impurities, dirt and moisture. In case of repair or replacement of elements of the air conditioning system, if it was in an open state (any components were removed, pipelines were destroyed, etc.), the receiver-dryer must be replaced. Otherwise, after charging the system, the refrigerant will not be dried and acids may form inside the system, which will destroy the air conditioner parts from the inside.

Useful tips to increase compressor life

To avoid serious damage, it is enough to periodically perform diagnostics and everything will be fine. Here are the simplest recommendations that will extend the performance of your air conditioner:

  • if the air conditioner is running, then the windows in the car must be closed;
  • before turning on the air conditioner, the interior must be ventilated so that the air is not stale, since stale air has a bad effect on the operation of the air conditioner;
  • every day it is advisable to look at the condition of the window at the receiver-dryer;
  • It is advisable to periodically clean the interior from dust.

The compressor in a car air conditioner is considered the most expensive part, so if timely preventative maintenance is carried out and any breakdowns are corrected, the air conditioner will last a long time.

The following is a video on how to repair a car air conditioning compressor:

Many modern cars are equipped with such a useful option as air conditioning, which becomes a salvation with the arrival of the summer heat. Having become accustomed to the comfort of the car interior, it will be sad to discover, one day when you press the air conditioning button, that the long-awaited coolness does not come. The reason is obvious - the air conditioning system is faulty, the most common source of trouble, in this case the air conditioning compressor breaks down.

Considering the price of a new unit and the cost of car service services, a logical question arises: is it possible to repair a car’s air conditioning compressor yourself? The answer is simple, yes! But before you begin repairs, it is worth understanding its design and what signs indicate compressor failure.

What determines the price of coolness?

The price of an air conditioner depends largely on the car it is installed on, and there are good reasons for this. It is much more difficult to install a system on a car that had no air conditioning during design than on a car with ready-made seats and design data. Thus, installing the system on a VAZ 2110 will cost 16,000 rubles, plus equipment - 35,000 rubles. The prices are the same when installing air conditioning on a Priora. This is the case if they are equipped with a 16-valve engine without power steering. With an amplifier, installation will require an additional two thousand. Branded service stations will charge even more, citing “branded” components. Although their sources of supply are most likely the same.

We deliberately started talking about inexpensive cars, since cars that cost well over half a million have air conditioning as standard. Such cars may already have climate control installed as an option. This is the same air conditioner, only with automatic temperature control, sometimes taking into account the zones of the cabin. Such a system does not care about the weather outside the window.

What needs to be done to install air conditioning on a VAZ?

First, you should change the power supply system a little. The default generator will now be too weak. It needs to produce 10 Amps more. That's the minimum. Otherwise, the battery will not have enough charge, and the engine operation will be unstable. Secondly, the generator drive should also be changed. The most suitable option would be to use a VAZ-2110 generator on nines and classics. Accordingly, the belt drive is also from this car. You just need to use a belt with a slightly longer length.

And it is advisable to use a special tension roller. In VAZ-2108, as well as VAZ-2114, there will be no problems installing a radiator in the cabin. The beard (middle part of the panel) allows you to install a radiator and fans under the tape recorder panel. Classics don't have much space, so the best place to install the radiator is the shelf under the glove compartment. During operation, however, the passenger in the front seat will be very cold. But do not forget about condensation, which can cause the body to rot. It is imperative to drain it.

Good day, dear visitors of the “Trudyagi” Log Magazine. In this entry, I will tell you about how the AIR CONDITIONER from Priora appeared in my 10 car.

The idea to install a Conder came to me after another 10-hour work day in 40-degree heat, and then it was stuffy in the car due to traffic jams on the way home. That day I barely crawled home and thought that it was better to die than to live in such conditions. Having come to my senses a little, I went online and found an office in Tolyatti selling and installing air conditioners in VAZs. The price tag for the complete set was 27,000. This suited me. After calling the manager of this office and discussing the equipment (for an 8-valve engine), I went to the office of the transport company. I ordered delivery from Tolyatti to Rostov (only 700 rubles) and a week later the box with Conder arrived.

I decided to install it myself. The installation took 2 days completely from dawn to dusk. But I don’t mind either money or time for myself.

The ever-increasing demands and comfort requirements of capricious motorists will never leave car services and manufacturers of optional equipment without work. Who would have thought of installing an air conditioner on a VAZ 2108 back in 1990... They would have looked at him like he was crazy, but no one at the service center would have even said anything about it. But already at that time in Mitsubishi Sigma, for example, you could choose between air conditioning and climate control. Climate control was an option and the car cost $860 more. Now let's go back to our time and see how installing an air conditioner on a car has become easier, cheaper and more accessible.

The photo shows a '90 Mitsubishi Sigma, which already had air conditioning.

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