Does the DVR suction cup not stick to the glass? Let's glue it tightly!

Unfortunately, the problem when the DVR suction cup does not hold the structure is not uncommon. As a rule, the device is placed on the windshield, because from here the camera gets the best view for shooting. The mounting device in the form of a suction cup, as planned by the manufacturers, should securely hold the gadget at the installation site. However, in reality everything is not so optimistic.

Due to a poor-quality fastening mechanism, the DVR breaks off the glass at the most unexpected moment. If the driver is driving at this time, a strong distraction is created, which is not safe. And the gadget itself may break or be damaged as a result of a fall. In a word, the situation is unimportant.

In this article we will tell you what to do if the DVR does not stick to the glass. Here are simple and effective ways to solve the problem.

Suction cup fastening principle

To begin with, let's figure out how the suction cup works, find out how a small elastic band holds a heavy structure. In fact, everything is simple here, so to speak, according to the law of physics. When the suction cup is pressed against the windshield, almost zero pressure is created under it, creating a vacuum (airless space). At the same time, atmospheric pressure presses on the mount from the outside, as if trying to penetrate the area between the windshield and the rubber band. It flows around the structure on both sides, providing reliable pressing (in other words, it continues to press when the installer has already completed installation). However, if even the smallest hole is formed between the rubber band and the glass, air will instantly leak inside. Without a vacuum, the suction effect will disappear and the DVR will inevitably fall off.

What types of fastenings are there?

  1. According to the material of manufacture, they are rubber and silicone;
  2. By type of design - with a lever or simple, with a rotating mechanism (provide strong pressure);
  3. By size – large and small (designed taking into account the weight of a specific DVR model). There are mounts with 2-3 suction cups;
  4. By accessory – universal (purchased separately from the DVR) and native (included with the gadget).

We cannot say which mount is better, silicone or rubber. Here everyone decides for himself; both materials have pros and cons. In our opinion, their chances are approximately equal, and the choice should be made based on the physical properties of the product and the characteristics of the environment in your region of residence.

Of course, a suction cup with a larger holder area holds the DVR better, but it also looks more bulky. As for third-party mounts, we still recommend choosing a gadget with a native one.

Disadvantages of a DVR built into the mirror

  1. Impossibility of self-installation (only service center employees can do this efficiently and correctly).
  2. Significant financial expenses for a device of this type and its installation.
  3. Lack of mobility (if you change your car, you will need to reinstall the DVR).

This method of mounting the DVR is the highest quality, discreet and aesthetically comfortable, since the wires are disguised and it seems that there is no foreign device in the car interior. But it is worth noting the high cost of the DVR and the process of installing it in the mirror. This type of fastener is suitable for those car owners who are willing to pay a lot of money for the quality of shooting and the safety of the fastening.

When choosing a mount, do not forget to pay attention to the features of your device: dimensions, shooting quality, viewing angles, quality of material, mobility, because based on these parameters and your needs, you can understand which type of recorder mount suits you best

And remember, it’s the little things that matter, so it’s better to attach a high-quality recorder now than to buy another one later

Reasons why the elastic band does not hold

So, based on the above, the suction cup for the DVR does not stick to the glass due to poor sealing. However, this factor does not always cause low-quality equipment. Let's look at the reasons why the mount does not hold the gadget:

  • Poor quality production, defective product from the manufacturer (however, this is possible);
  • Installation does not follow the algorithm given in the instructions;
  • Dirt, grease or dust on the glass prevents tight contact;
  • The rubber band is very hot (for example, under the rays of the sun);
  • The glass is too cold (low temperature inside and outside);

  • Uneven glass surface;
  • A third-party bracket that does not support the weight of a specific DVR.

What should I do to solve the problem?

Based on the reasons given above, let's consider what can be done to prevent the DVR from falling off:

  • If you find a defect on the new suction cup (external defect, cracks, tears, uneven surface, etc.), return the device under warranty. Such a bracket will not hold the DVR properly. Or buy a new one.

  • Of course, installation of the mount is carried out strictly according to the instructions given in the service book. Below we will also give a universal algorithm;
  • The glass or mounting surface must be perfectly clean and dry. It is advisable to wipe the windshield with an alcohol wipe;
  • Strong heat can soften rubber or silicone, and cold, on the contrary, can make it “oaky.” As a result, the elasticity of the material is impaired, so the suction cup of the DVR does not stick to the windshield. Carry out installation at normal temperature (room) of glass and air inside the cabin. In winter, it is better to drive the car into a warm parking lot.

  • If the rubber does not hold the main structure due to the uneven surface of the windshield (for example, it is silk-screened, cracked, chipped, etc.), alas, you will have to look for another place for installation. It will not be possible to create an ideal vacuum on such a surface.
  • When choosing a third-party bracket, make sure that it fits your DVR exactly (weight, area of ​​the suction element, etc. properties).

Traditional methods: working and not

We’ll also tell you what drivers manage to do when their DVR suction cup doesn’t work. We will talk about folk methods, some of which, by the way, are very effective!

  • Heat the gum slightly by bringing it to the stove (a little bit). At the same time, the interior should also be warm so that there is no sharp difference between the temperatures of the glass and the suction cup;
  • Glue the suction cup with double-sided tape. At first it holds the recorder, but over time, under the influence of sunlight, it loses its properties;
  • Lubricate the elastic band from the inside with transparent silicone. Not a bad way, it actually holds the DVR, but as a result, the suction cup will constantly “travel” across the glass;
  • Place a rubber gasket between the window and the suction cup. This design, indeed, holds better, but it is heavier, which means that the risk that the DVR will one day fall increases;
  • The contact area on the glass is rubbed with glycerin, garlic juice, and laundry soap. The method with glycerin is questionable, it doesn’t hold up well. Garlic does a better job, but its aroma will not be overwhelmed by any car fragrance. After drying, the laundry soap firmly sticks the DVR to the surface and holds perfectly. But if you want to move the device slightly, you will have to tinker a lot;

  • Moisten the gum with saliva or water. The liquid really provides a reliable “adhesion”, preventing air from penetrating inside. However, sooner or later the moisture will evaporate.
  • Treat the suction cup on the reverse side with motor oil. This method holds up well, but the composition itself can have a negative impact on the material from which the elastic is made;
  • Some “masters,” when the suction cup of the DVR does not hold, put it on super glue, which is strictly not recommended. Firstly, sooner or later the device will fall off anyway. And secondly, think about how much effort you will have to put into cleaning your windshield from traces of Chinese glue?

Recorder bracket repair

There are often cases when the suction cup itself becomes unusable: the plastic pin holding the “hat” breaks. This happens if you remove the DVR and pull it by the body without being careful.

One way to fix it is to smear the pin with superglue, but the connection will not hold for long, sooner or later the “cap” will fall off. The easiest option is to buy a new mount, but you can still try to restore the suction cup; repairs will cost much less than the purchase. Let's look at how you can repair a suction cup with a lever:

  • disassemble the bracket - use a Phillips screwdriver to unscrew the screw and remove the cap;

  • remove the pin;

  • dismantle the spring and the rod with the broken base;
  • Using a 3.5 mm drill, we drill a small hole in the body of the rod (in the place where the lower part of the suction cup was attached);
  • we clean the area, take two wide washers, coat them with glue and place them on the sides of the rubber diaphragm;

  • take a screw or self-tapping screw 10-12 mm long with a countersunk head, also apply glue to it, screw the fastener into the drilled hole;

  • remove any remaining glue from the outside and let the structure dry;
  • we assemble the bracket - put the spring in place, connect both parts of the device, fix the pin;

  • if the suction cup has a large free movement, it will not press well against the glass, in this case we cut out an additional elastic band for it;

  • We put the cap on top, assemble the holder completely, the work is finished, the mount can be used again.

How to attach a video clip to a suction cup: instructions

In conclusion, we present a universal algorithm for mounting the DVR bracket, which ensures reliable fastening. If everything is done correctly, the suction cup will hold the gadget without causing any trouble to the driver:

  • Step one. Treat the inside of the suction cup and the contact area on the glass with a degreasing agent (you can use an alcohol wipe);
  • Wait for both surfaces to dry;
  • Press the rubber band tightly and sharply against the window, do not let go immediately;
  • If the design is equipped with a lever, press and release it;

  • Hold for about a minute;
  • Check the reliability of the suction by slightly pulling the structure towards you (do not force it);
  • Done, you can attach the DVR.

That's all, now you know how to secure the DVR so that it does not fall, and the suction cup holds the device securely. As you can see, dancing with a tambourine is not needed - just a little patience and effort.

If you did everything correctly, clearly according to the instructions and without any “gags”, but the suction cup still does not hold the DVR on the glass, look for damage on the windshield or on the elastic band itself, and also assess the likelihood that this mount does not fit your device. And yes, don’t expect “super abilities” from cheap Chinese brackets. Better buy a new one, a little more expensive, but reliable!

Laundry soap

If the “suction cup” falls off on the way, and there are no special products at hand, then you can use regular soap. You need to moisten it a little with water, rub the rubber generously and wait until it dries. When the soap acquires viscosity, you can attach the membrane to the glass and tighten the console clamp. The soap will set and prevent air penetration, like a thick sealant.

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