The principle of operation of a resistor, what a resistor is and how it works

Connection diagram for the VAZ 2108 stove resistor

The electric motor of the heater fan (“stove”) on VAZ 2108, 2109, 21099 cars and their modifications is a commutator, DC motor with excitation from permanent magnets. Has three rotation speeds. The speed is selected by a four-position switch on the instrument panel. Below are the electrical diagrams for connecting it. Wiring diagram for the electric motor fan (“stove”) of VAZ 2108, 2109, 21099 cars with a “low” instrument panel and mounting block 17.3722

Wiring diagram for the electric motor fan (“stove”) of VAZ 2108, 2109, 21099 cars with a “high” instrument panel and mounting block 2114

Notes and additions

— The fan electric motor can be connected to the on-board network either directly (highest speed) or through an additional resistor having two resistance spirals (0.23 Ohm and 0.82 Ohm). If both spirals are included in the chain, the speed is low, if one is 0.23, the speed is average.

More articles on electrical equipment of VAZ 2108, 2109, 21099 cars

The stove on the VAZ 2121, 2131 has a number of advantages and disadvantages. One of them is associated with an electric fan, which not only blows weakly, but also makes a lot of noise and whistles during operation. Replacing it with a new type fan will solve only part of the problems. As practice shows, it is better to install an additional fan from the figure eight “snail” type.

The point of the modernization is to install on the Niva an additional electric fan from the VAZ 2108, which will be located in the engine compartment inside the air intake, where it is normally positioned at figure eight. Let us remind you that the standard Niva 4x4 fan is located inside a plastic box in the cabin.

You will need: a figure-eight stove fan with a casing (catalog number: 2108-8101091).

The fan control can be left as standard, then there will be the least amount of modifications. Or use additional parts from the VAZ 2108:

  • an additional heater resistor (article: 2108-8101081), which will need to be placed in the air intake next to the fan;
  • fan speed switch (2108-3709608), which is mounted on a panel in the SUV interior.

Linear or logarithmic potentiometers

The most popular type of variable resistor and potentiometer is the linear type or linear taper, whose resistance value at pin 2 changes linearly with adjustment, creating a characteristic curve that is a straight line. That is, the resistive track has the same change in resistance per rotation angle along the entire length of the track.

Thus, if the wiper rotates at 20% of its total stroke, then its resistance is 20% of its maximum or minimum. This is mainly because their resistive traces are made of carbon composites, cermets or materials such as conductive plastics, which have a linear characteristic along their entire length.

But the resistive element of the potentiometer may not always produce a straight-line response or have a linear change in resistance over the entire range of travel when adjusting the wiper, but may instead cause what is called a logarithmic change in resistance.

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Logarithmic potentiometers are basically very popular non-linear or non-proportional types of potentiometers whose resistance varies logarithmically. Logarithmic potentiometers are commonly used as volume and gain controls in audio applications where the attenuation varies as a logarithmic ratio in decibels. This is because the sound level sensitivity of the human ear has a logarithmic response and is therefore non-linear.

Revision instructions

Remove the air intake box (popularly called “boot”):

  1. In the interior, unscrew 4 nuts using a 10mm wrench;
  2. In the engine compartment, an assistant holds the bolts with the same key;
  3. Remove the air intake.

Remake the “boot” and install a fan in it:

  1. Cut off part of the plastic a little from the side so that the fan housing does not interfere with the hood lock;
  2. We cut off all the protruding parts of the fan mount and place it inside the “boot”;
  3. Secure the fan, securing its housing with sealant.
  1. We close the space around the fan nozzle with suitable material to prevent air outflow;
  2. We install the casing with the fan in place, laying the wires;
  3. We check that the hood closes without problems.

The result should be a design as shown in the video:

The damper can be left in place, but if it is removed, there will be no additional obstruction to the air flow into the cabin.


Recently, resistors have begun to be used in conjunction with LED lamps. This type of lamps has increasingly begun to be used on cars.

But not all cars yet come from the factory equipped with LED lighting devices, but it is quite possible to buy them separately and install them instead of standard incandescent lamps for the same turn signals or brake lights, and many do so.

But here a problem arises that requires the use of resistors.

The fact is that the electricity consumption of these lamps is very small, which is why the electronic unit regards the operation of the LEDs as a malfunction of the standard lamp.

To correct the situation, resistors are used to create a load on the wiring lines that power those lighting fixtures in which LED lamps are installed.

As a result, the ECU perceives the resistance of the element as the work of an incandescent lamp, so no error code occurs.

It is interesting that when using such decoys, the main advantage of LED lamps - low energy consumption - is reduced to zero, and they have only one advantage over conventional incandescent lamps - a long service life.

What did you improve?

The modernized stove has a number of advantages:

  1. Quiet, and at 1st speed silent.
  2. Productive, at speed 1 it blows at the level of speed 2 of the old fan. At maximum speed, dust will fly out of the air ducts.

Such tuning of the heating system is mandatory for drivers of northern cities. Have you improved the Niva 4x4 stove in this way? Write reviews and additions on this modernization, take part in the survey. Let us remind you that other modifications to the SUV are published in this category.

Photo: Flea in-flight magazine

Keywords: Niva stove | Niva air ducts

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An additional resistor is used to select the operating mode of the heater fan. The additional heater fan resistor has two spirals with a resistance of 0.23 and 0.82 Ohms. When you turn the knob on the heater control panel, you can turn on either both spirals (1st speed), or a spiral with a resistance of 0.23 Ohm (2nd speed), or turn on the heater electric motor directly without a resistor (3rd speed) in the power supply circuit of the electric motor. .

1. To replace the additional heater fan resistor, unscrew the resistor mounting screw.

2. Remove the resistor from the heater housing. If the heater fan resistor coils are burnt out, replace it.

Cooling system

So, the load resistor is used in the car’s cooling system, or more precisely, in the radiator fan power circuit.

It is worth noting that previously this electrical element was not used in this circuit, and everything worked very simply - when a certain coolant temperature was reached, the temperature sensor closed the contacts of the fan power circuit, and it started working.

The use of a resistor made it possible to make the fan motor operate in two or even three modes.

The process of supplying power to the fan has changed somewhat. Relays have also been added to the system, and in modern cars the electronic control unit is already responsible for turning on the fan.

That is, the electronic unit analyzes the temperature readings of the sensor and sends a signal to the relay.

Depending on the temperature, the relay directs electricity through a specific circuit. If the coolant temperature is slightly exceeded, but it is already required to be reduced, and a signal from the ECU is received, the relay directs electricity through a load resistor, which creates resistance, and the fan begins to rotate at low speed.

If the temperature continues to rise and reaches a critical point, the relay will redirect the electricity through another circuit - bypassing the resistor, directly to the fan, which will ensure its operation at full power, with a high rotation speed.

This is a dual-mode fan operation circuit, which is ensured by the presence of a load resistor in the circuit. Moreover, it is simplified to make it more understandable.

In a car with three-mode fan operation, the principle remains the same, but it already uses two resistors - one is responsible for low fan speeds, the second for medium ones.

The third mode is emergency, in which the fan rotates at maximum speed, and is ensured by supplying power directly to it.

Heater resistor connection diagram

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