Opening the trunk from the inside without a key or remote control

Priora trunk release button does not work

Merry Christmas to everyone.
The following problem has come to light - the button for opening the trunk from the passenger compartment does not work; when pressed, something clicks somewhere, but does not open, blah! Tell me what could be and where to go, to pi. I don’t want to go to the service, and the problem is not the same, there is no signal yet, it opens normally with the key! I had such a problem, the reason for it was a large tension in the lock mechanism when closing, the power of the gearmotor was not enough to open it the first time. First, look at the rubber cushions on the trunk lid when closing, they rest against the bumper, screw them all the way. It won’t help, adjust the lock, lower it lower, it also makes sense to adjust the bottom bracket; it wasn’t level, when I pressed it, I felt that the bracket was touching the lock.

Thanks for the advice, I’ll climb and see what’s what. But maybe there’s something else, maybe something burned out or there’s no contact because it worked fine before and now bam, it doesn’t work?

Remove the plastic shield from the lock and look, I think if it clicks, then the electrics are working, there may be a problem in the lock.

Thanks for the advice, I’ll climb and see what’s what. But maybe there’s something else, maybe something burned out or there’s no contact because it worked fine before and now bam, it doesn’t work?

in any case, if there is a click from the lock, then the electrics are faulty - disassemble and look at the mechanism itself (maybe the rod has come off, it’s stuck somewhere)

There is a similar problem - this winter the trunk lock on my hatch began to work as follows - you press a button in the cabin (or 2 presses on the key), the trunk opens and immediately latches back. Now you need to stand behind and catch the moment the lock opens in order to get inside.

Tell me where to look for the reason or how to fix it?

There is a similar problem - this winter the trunk lock on my hatch began to work as follows - you press a button in the cabin (or 2 presses on the key), the trunk opens and immediately latches back. Now you need to stand behind and catch the moment the lock opens in order to get inside.

Tell me where to look for the reason or how to fix it? :shok: the relay is most likely buggy.

There is a similar problem - this winter the trunk lock on my hatch began to work as follows - you press a button in the cabin (or 2 presses on the key), the trunk opens and immediately latches back. Now you need to stand behind and catch the moment the lock opens in order to get inside.

As they said above: adjust the hinge, the latch itself on the body (+ lubrication), and if it clicks right away, it is likely that the gas stops are not holding well (which is natural for winter), maybe they are out of order, i.e. don't hold at all. Another option: moisture got into the spring, which in the lock itself and its elasticity decreased.

There is a similar problem - this winter the trunk lock on my hatch began to work as follows - you press a button in the cabin (or 2 presses on the key), the trunk opens and immediately latches back. Now you need to stand behind and catch the moment the lock opens in order to get inside.

Tell me where to look for the reason or how to fix it? Start by disassembling the lock, I removed the casing, sprayed it with WD, lubricate the moving parts with lithol or some kind of lubricant, and adjust the bracket and rubber bands. This is purely mechanical, when you press the button it should rise with rubber bands, that is, the lock is closed not by a drive, but mechanically.

Start by disassembling the lock, I removed the casing, sprayed it with WD, lubricate the moving parts with lithol or some kind of lubricant, and adjust the bracket and rubber bands. This is purely mechanical, when you press the button it should rise with rubber bands, that is, the lock is closed not by a drive, but mechanically.

I've already spilled it all over with my baby. I'll see why it doesn't rise. thank you for the advice..

I had something similar, I took the bumpers on the door and tightened them a little, now the door opens and closes perfectly, you can close the door and from the side you can see how much to unscrew or tighten the bumpers, it turns out that the door is under pressure from the bumpers and therefore the lock does not work and jams .

but it doesn’t respond to the key at all.

There you need to hold the button for some time, it does not respond to one press.

then I’ll make it a rule to press it before opening it

This won’t work, you need to make sure that the door opens on its own, and if you spray the door lock with WD-40 it will be even better.

This won’t work, you need to make sure that the door opens on its own, and if you spray the door lock with WD-40 it will be even better.

Well, now the door jumps a little when it opens, then I lift it with my hands. She also jumped before, only a little stronger. The lock is lubricated with silicone grease

On the button from the key? Press several times in a row. If you activated the alarm, of course No, I meant a regular key that is inserted into the lock. Now I figured it out: you need to press hard on the trunk door from above at the same time as turning the key - then it opens.

And from the interior it opens with a button the second or third time: at first it just clicks, but does not open, and then it still clicks.


First of all, it is necessary to secure the electric drive to the trunk lid and provide it with a mechanical connection to the lock itself. To do this, you will have to make two cuts on the lock, and bend the resulting free “tongue”. Thus, we gained access directly to that part of the lock, by pulling which the trunk lid will open. Now we attach the long metal stick from the kit so that the lock can close when the system is operating. It is quite possible that you will have to cut off extra centimeters of this pin.

Now our device is installed properly and all that remains is to connect the electrics. To do this, we will use the diagram below.

Important! When working with electrical equipment, remove the battery!

In most cars, electrics operate on 12V positive voltage. However, if you doubt that everything is the same for you, it is better to check with the car dealer and not use this diagram for connection. It is very important to make the correct connection of the wires, since the proper operation of your car as a whole depends on it. At best, some options will simply not work correctly; at worst, a short circuit will occur. And it is not always possible to restore the electrics and electronics of the car after it. And this work will cost a lot of money. In addition to the above, lay wires where standard wiring is already laid. In difficult places, for example, when you have to pull the wire from the passenger compartment to the trunk, it is necessary to use protective corrugated tubes.

Electrical work

To begin with, according to the diagram, we connect all the elements located in the trunk. Now you need to tighten the wires to the driver's door. It all depends on the car model. For some it will be convenient to pull the electrics through the door sills from below, for others the option of protective strips from above is suitable. Immediately secure the wires with cable ties. If the length is not enough, take an additional wire, solder the joint with a soldering iron and rewind it with tape. Let's continue connecting. We connect the negative wire to the electric drive, and then connect the second negative wire to the main control relay. The third, also known as the last wire, needs to be connected to the alarm. To do this, you need to find the control unit; most likely, it is located under the dashboard. In it you will find free contacts for connection.

We check, find the negative one and connect. These are the last steps we need to complete. After this, we return the battery to its place and check the functionality of the system. There are cases when the lock does not have enough traction to close. In this option, it is enough to install an additional spring for the lock and the problem should be eliminated. There is one more point that we have not covered - the remote control button. Installation is very simple, and the connection method is described in the same diagram above. You can use absolutely any analogue for the button, even from power windows. And the location also depends solely on your preferences.

The trunk release button does not work - what to do, how to repair it

The trunk lid of many modern cars (Volkswagen Passat, Chevrolet Cruze, etc.) is equipped with a special button, which can be pressed to open the trunk lid.

During active use of the car and frequent transportation of things in the luggage compartment, this function turns out to be very useful, since there is no need to constantly stick the key into the lock or open the driver's door in order to reach a similar button in the cabin.

However, like any other electrical devices that operate in conditions of constant exposure to changes in temperature and humidity, the button may work intermittently or even break down.

As a rule, everything happens precisely because water gets inside the mechanism due to its insufficient tightness.

If your trunk release button is broken , do not rush to contact an auto electrician - this problem can be fixed with your own hands without difficulty and large financial costs.

First you need to understand how the button itself works and what the principle of its operation is. And here everything is extremely simple: when you press the button, the activator is activated, which removes the latch, opening the trunk. The button itself is a regular switch in a plastic-silicone housing.

Electric trunk lid: do-it-yourself installation

Have a nice day everyone! Now we will talk about such a device as an electric drive for the trunk lid or simply the rear door. Here you can call it whatever is comfortable for you. The essence remains alone.

Almost all modern cars have a function that allows you to open the luggage compartment remotely and automatically. Everyone imagines what it is when you don’t have to lift the lid manually. Therefore, almost everyone decides to install a similar element on a sedan, hatchback or other car body with a similar device.

The presence of an electric drive will greatly simplify closing and opening the trunk. At the moment, there is a real opportunity to purchase a universal set, connect it to the car and use it with pleasure and amazing comfort. I propose to study this issue most carefully and decide whether an electric drive is needed specifically for you.

Repairing the trunk release button - using the example of a Chevrolet Cruze

To determine the cause of the breakdown of the Chevrolet Cruze trunk release button, you need to remove it, inspect it and ring it.

  1. To remove the panel (saber) with the button and license plate lights, you will have to remove the trim on the inside of the trunk lid.
  2. Under it there will be 4 10mm nuts and 2 yellow plastic clips.
  3. The nuts are unscrewed, and the clips are carefully pressed inward and snapped off.
  4. After this, it is enough to disconnect the connector connecting the wires going to the button and the backlight to completely remove the saber.

When visually inspecting the button from the inside, traces of moisture will usually be visible under the transparent silicone sealant filler.

It gets there during rain through small gaps between the button key and the body, or at the place where the wires are connected (there is also a small gap there). Trying to dry the button with a hairdryer without disassembling it will lead to nothing.

In this case, there are only two possible solutions to the problem:

  • Buying a new button and replacing it completely.
  • Complete disassembly of the button body and cleaning/drying and sealing it.

The first option is the simplest, but there is one “but”: the trunk opening button is not sold separately, but only in a group with two license plate illumination lamps.

The original part costs about 2000 rubles. The Chinese analogue from Aliexpress will cost three times less, but there are doubts about the quality of production. Therefore, before going to the car market for a new button, you can try to repair the “native” one.

For repairs you will need a minimum of tools and materials:

  • multimeter (tester);
  • screwdriver;
  • sharp knife;
  • hair dryer;
  • sealant or hot glue gun;
  • sandpaper-zero.

An electric multimeter is needed to check (“ring”) the button. To do this, just join the contacts button and click on it.

If the multimeter shows resistance, then the button circuit is intact. The absence of resistance indicates a violation of the integrity of the circuit.

The procedure for carrying out restoration repairs:

  1. Remove the button from its seat. To do this, you will have to remove the hot melt adhesive on which it is attached. This can be done using a knife;
  2. Remove the rubber cover from the button body and disassemble the button itself;;
  3. We clean the contacts (if necessary, you can use fine sandpaper), dry the insides with a hairdryer;
  4. We assemble everything in the reverse order, glue and seal all joints with sealant or hot glue;
  5. We coat the seat with sealant around the entire perimeter;
  6. Install the button, let the sealant dry;
  7. We return the saber to its place.

If the above repair method does not produce results, you will have to buy and replace the entire set (button + license plate backlight).

Soldering a separate trunk button

Replacement occurs according to the following scheme:

  1. Using a Phillips screwdriver, unscrew the fastenings of the license plate lights (4 self-tapping screws);
  2. We remove the button from its regular place by removing the hot-melt adhesive;
  3. We install a new kit: we recommend placing the backlights and the new button on silicone sealant to protect them from moisture and dust.

Priora trunk release button does not work

Good evening! The trunk release button does not work. Has anyone encountered this problem and can you tell me how to fix it!?

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  • Comments 18
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Pull out the button and connect it directly; if it opens, it means the button; if not, then check the fuse or motor

Rashad, the working motor opens from the key fob, but I tried to close the button and it does not respond. Is there a fuse for the button?

Vladislav, if you opened it with the key, then it’s okay to change the button and that’s it


Comments 18

I don't know what it's called: the motor that pulls the thrust. Connect directly to the battery and check if it clicks one hundred percent

The actuator closes faster than ever

What is an acutator?)

90% of the fact that the loop is too low or the rubber selectors are too twisted, or maybe both. I, and almost everyone, have such symptoms (Symptom from Greek - case, coincidence, sign - one separate sign, frequent manifestation of a disease, pathological condition or disorder of any vital process)

like yours, when the bump stops are turned out or the loop is placed too low. The lid is pulled very tightly in the lock

No, I don’t have it on my blog, I got it from bumboxx

Look at the voltage on board, I drove like this for 3 years, changed the lock, adjusted it - it was useless. The voltage was 13.5-13.7. At the moment, after the voltage became 13.9 - 14.1, it worked on its own, I was already drunk with pleasure. What to create, see the on-board magazine. You need to measure specifically in the cabin and not on the battery.

How to check the voltage on board? How to increase it? And can you send me the link, I’m looking and looking, but I can’t find it

It’s easier to check with a multimeter, if you have one, or purchase a BC, for example, it indicates the state. Measure it with a multimeter in the cigarette lighter. Or go to an electrician in the latter case, I would be better off buying a BC.

Look at the voltage on board, I drove like this for 3 years, changed the lock, adjusted it - it was useless. The voltage was 13.5-13.7. At the moment, after the voltage became 13.9 - 14.1, it worked on its own, I was already drunk with pleasure. What to create, see the on-board magazine. You need to measure specifically in the cabin and not on the battery.

I beg your pardon, but from what X do you have this voltage? For me the button works both on the battery and on the running engine. A good battery should have at least 12.4 on its terminals. The normal voltage is 12.5 - 13.

Priora 2008 Hatch, when you press to open the trunk, there is just a click and the trunk does not open, when you press it 3-4 times it will open and it doesn’t matter, even from the interior or from the key. Please tell me how to fix this problem.


Comentários • 38

Excellent video But I still had the problem with the button. I pulled it out as you showed in the video, shook it, knocked it and it worked))

Hello. The problem has not been resolved. I don't have those red things. The wires are dry, without signs of rotting

The only good advice on the entire Internet! I struggled for a long time looking for the cause, but I found this video and immediately easily fixed the problem

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