Athermal windshield: rules for selection and care


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Issues discussed in the material:

  • What is an athermal windshield?
  • How to choose the right athermal windshield
  • How to install a thermal windshield
  • How to properly maintain a thermal windshield

Today, more than half of the cars produced come from the car factory with a athermal windshield. This type of glazing is a kind of know-how in the car market. Its advantage is that this type of glass, due to its technical characteristics, has a thermoregulation function (in hot weather it protects the interior from heating, and in winter it better retains heat inside the car) and an anti-reflective effect.

What is athermal windshield

The first athermal windshield appeared in the second half of the 20th century (1959), when silver ions were applied in a thin layer to an ordinary glass surface. It is completely unrealistic to perform such a high-tech manipulation in “handicraft” conditions. Initially, to improve heat capacity, a thin silver film was applied to the most ordinary glasses.

The “silvered” windshield practically does not allow ultraviolet radiation from the sun to enter the car interior, thereby preventing overheating of the latter. At the same time, the entire other spectrum of rays will pass through the window without hindrance, without distorting the driver’s view. This “filtration” is due to the physicochemical properties of silver.

A nice addition is the presence of an anti-reflective effect. Sputtering of silver ions gently disperses bright sunlight without dazzling drivers of other vehicles moving in the oncoming lane. One could compare the silver coating with tinting, but, unlike the latter, the athermal coating does not reduce the light transmission function of the windshield and is permitted by traffic regulations.

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Installing this type of glazing has a huge number of advantages, one of which is the ability to reduce the load on the air conditioner (up to 40%), and therefore save fuel.

An athermal windshield has quite a wide range of functionality, so if you decide to buy, you should be very careful in choosing it so as not to become the owner of a fake. Of course, visually distinguishing ordinary glass from athermal glass is quite simple. The first is absolutely transparent, while the second has a purple or greenish tint. Difficulty in identification during visual inspection may arise when comparing athermal and tinted coatings.

The light transmittance of ordinary glass exceeds 90%, while that of “silvered” glass ranges from 80 to 90%. The athermal windshield boasts another feature, namely, the “invisibility” function for many devices - radars, navigators, and so on. The thing is that the metal coating interferes with the normal signal transmission of the mentioned devices.

Many car enthusiasts are of the opinion that athermal glazing is much stronger and more durable than classic glazing, but the cost of the former is 1.5 - 2 times more.

A few years ago, not many people knew about athermal coating. Basically, it was used only by fans of car tuning. But today, many companies produce cars from factories in which such glass is already included in the basic configuration of the models. In connection with the introduction of know-how into mass car glazing, the interest of car enthusiasts in this topic has increased significantly. One of the main questions is what does the term “athermal windshield” mean? In this article we will talk in detail about all the nuances that will help you when choosing a product for your vehicle.

The interior of a vehicle is a fairly compact space that instantly reacts to any changes in the environment. First of all, we are talking about an increase in air temperature outside. Under its influence, both the external and internal surfaces of the car “heat” very quickly. This makes staying inside the vehicle very uncomfortable, even painful, for both the driver and passengers.

Spectral composition of sunlight

Light energy is conventionally divided into three ranges:

  • visible light;
  • infrared (IR) radiation;
  • ultraviolet (UV) radiation.

All these are ordinary electromagnetic waves, differing only in frequency or wavelength. These two characteristics are inversely proportional and are uniquely related to each other through the speed of light. Only the narrow region between the IR and UV ranges, to which his organ of vision reacts, is useful for a car driver. It is advisable to cut off everything else, preventing unwanted energy from penetrating into the car interior.

As for the UV range, high-frequency light is well absorbed in the atmosphere. At sea level, only 3 percent of total energy comes from this shortwave portion of the spectrum. And after passing through ordinary car glass, almost nothing remains from ultraviolet radiation. Moreover, the danger of UV decreases with decreasing frequency, and only the lowest frequency light waves penetrate. Therefore, UV protection can be neglected.

The situation is much worse with infrared, otherwise called thermal radiation. Its share in total energy exceeds 50% . Traditional glass practically does not block IR rays. When they enter the cabin, they cause the interior to heat up, which is why even the most powerful car air conditioner is difficult to save in the summer. And in the parking lot it comes to irreversible destruction of interior materials.

How is athermal windshield marked?

Large manufacturers label their products. Pay attention to the inscription in the corner of the athermal windshield, which reads - Tinted or Overtinted. The difference between them lies in the light transmission coefficient.

  • Tinted – moderate heat absorption. The windshield transmits 85-90% of light, and the side glass - about 80%.
  • Overtinted – enhanced heat absorption. Provides maximum thermal comfort. The light transmission coefficient of the frontal light is 78.5%, and the side light transmission coefficient is 72%.

On some products you can also see the “Solar” marker. This means that in the manufacturing process of this product a film was used that protects the car interior from overheating.

In order not to make a mistake with your choice, we recommend seeking help from a specialist who can advise you on the spot about all the characteristics of the chosen type of glazing, as well as tell you about the pros and cons of the product.

How is it produced?

Athermal glass for cars is produced at large glass factories.

It is impossible to obtain glass with such an effect using a homemade method.

Complex technological processes and expensive equipment are used to produce athermal auto glass. A thin layer of silver ions is applied to the glass. The result is glass with special properties. After special treatment, car glass becomes resistant to heat.

Athermal windshield

Until recently, “clean” athermal windshields were not produced. The term “athermal windshield” meant a method where a special athermal film was glued to the glass, which in its principle of operation was similar to the factory one.

Video of applying athermal film to the windshield

Athermal windshield: pros and cons

Athermal windshield has the unique property of absorbing ultraviolet radiation from the sun by “absorbing” thermal energy. At the same time, this type of glazing does not interfere with the penetration of other light spectra accessible to the human eye.

The main properties of athermal glazing include the following:

  • Blocking a certain proportion of infrared and ultraviolet radiation from entering the vehicle interior . A special glass surface retains some of the rays directly within its thickness, and the rest are simply reflected from it due to a special component of the composition.
  • It has a fairly high level of heat absorption, which allows you to protect the dashboard and seats from excessive heating even on the hottest days, when the car sits in the sun for a long time.
  • The glass is not only slightly darkened, but also has an anti-glare function . A special coating prevents the unfavorable refraction of sunlight, which eliminates the possibility of temporary blinding of the driver.
  • Creating a comfortable temperature regime in the vehicle interior . Temperatures will remain relatively stable throughout the trip, even on a very hot day.
  • Athermal glass is stronger than regular glass . Therefore, there is a high probability that on the first one, due to a small stone falling from under the wheel, a crack or other damage will not form.
  • The color intensity of the glass surface changes depending on the lighting power along the roadway. This feature helps reduce driver eye fatigue, which is very important during long trips.
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  • In the cold season, the window does not fog up and practically does not freeze . In Russian winter conditions, this ability is very useful, since the driver does not lose the quality and degree of visibility. Thermal windshield eliminates the possibility of condensation forming on the surface due to the temperature difference between inside and outside the car.
  • A comfortable atmosphere is consistently maintained inside the car and the temperature is maintained . The type of glazing under consideration can significantly reduce the frequency of use of the air conditioner (or even completely abandon its operation) and, accordingly, fuel consumption.
  • The interior is protected from heat, since athermal glazing prevents direct sunlight from entering the vehicle interior and thereby reduces the temperature of the “torpedo” by several degrees.
  • Athermal coating does not fade in the sun . The color of the surface does not change under the influence of environmental factors for a long time, which significantly extends the service life of the product.

All of the above means that an athermal windshield not only creates a cozy atmosphere inside the car, but also ensures the safety of the driver and passengers. That is why most foreign companies have included this type of glazing in the basic equipment of their vehicles. It is good to know that some domestic car factories have also begun to use new technology in their production.

Many car enthusiasts are wondering whether the use of an athermal windshield is allowed or not. A little later we will consider in detail the permissible standards for the light transmittance of glass. But now we can say with confidence that most companies produce products that comply with the regulations established by law. If you are not sure that the windshield allows enough light to pass through, you should contact an expert for advice before purchasing.

The disadvantages of the glazing in question include:

  • High cost of the product (1.5-2 times higher than the price of conventional glazing).
  • It is not universal, that is, it does not fit a number of car models and brands. Despite the fact that the product is included in the basic package, it is not installed on all cars
  • Has a negative effect on radars, navigators and other devices. Due to a special coating component, athermal windshields can cause interruptions in the operation of some devices inside the vehicle (failures in mobile communications, Internet connection, GPS signals, and so on).

Advantages and disadvantages of athermal glass for cars

When you see a car with an unusual shade of glass, the question arises - what is it? Greenish or blue shades indicate athermal glazing of the car.

Athermal glass is ordinary glass, to which special impurities are added during manufacturing. Additives to the composition give the glass the ability to reflect the excess heat of the sun from it in summer, which reduces the heating of parts of the interior. And in winter, athermal glass does not allow heat to escape from the car, does not become covered with an icy crust that cannot be scraped off, and does not fog up.

The technology for manufacturing athermal glass is quite labor-intensive and expensive. Only companies of a certain status and capabilities can engage in such a process. But, despite the difficulties, large foreign and well-known Russian car factories have already mastered this procedure and offer consumers to purchase a car with athermal glazing or replace existing ordinary glass with it.

The content of the article

How is athermal glass made?

Automotive athermal glass

During the production process, a composition is added to the glass mass in a certain way and in proportions, which includes silver ions and iron oxides. Due to the use of noble metals, athermal glass acquires a variety of shades from greenish, blue and violet to brown or even chameleon shade.

Adding unusual impurities to the glass composition does not impair the safety of athermal glass. It is also multi-layered in structure and when deformed, all small particles of glass do not fly out of it, but remain in the plane of the glass, which meets safety requirements.

What does athermal glazing on a car mean?

Frontal and front-side glazing can be athermal. By and large, it is from these glasses that the greatest heating of the car interior comes from. Rarely, athermal glass is installed on the rear side doors and on the rear window. The production of such unusual glasses is specific, so the price for athermal glazing of the entire car will be quite significant. Athermal glass has all the properties of ordinary glass, but many useful and pleasant aspects are added to them.

Athermal glazing is:

  • increased protection of glass from heat. Thanks to this, the upholstery, steering wheel and front panel will not overheat excessively;
  • Significant reduction in light glare. This improves the quality of driving, since road visibility becomes better and you don’t have to constantly squint, your eyes get less tired;
  • an unusual type of car with glass of a greenish-blue or purple tint. This is due to the nature of the reagents mixed into the composition. Due to this intervention, during the long operation of athermal glass, it is highly durable and more durable, the surface of the glass does not fade in the sun;
  • clear, contrasting image behind glass with true color rendition;
  • frosting and fogging of glass brought to a minimum in the winter months;
  • saving money. Due to low heat transfer in summer, the air conditioning system does not work at full capacity, and in frosty times the stove requires less power to heat and maintain a warm atmosphere. Fuel consumption is reduced by reducing or completely turning off the stove and air conditioning, and the money saved can be spent on more useful needs. In addition, the engine components will last much longer.

How not to be deceived when choosing athermal glass?

Athermal windshield

Entrepreneurs, whose main goal is to extract material benefits rather than satisfy the buyer's needs, counterfeit athermal glass or simply offer tinted glass instead of real glass.

Methods for checking the quality of athermality on glass:

  • The main feature of real athermal glass is the application of Tined or Overtined stamps in the lower corner. Such marks must be clearly written, not blurred, and easily readable. Tined claims 81% light transmittance and has a light green tint. If the stamp is Overtined, it means the light transmittance is 78.5% and the glass is green.

    Thus, if in front of you is glass with a blurry and unreadable stamp or this mark is missing altogether, this is 100% fake.

  • Due to complex production using high-quality equipment, all edges and sides of athermal glass are clear, smooth, and without nicks. Otherwise, at the slightest defect in the edge, you have a fake;
  • Comparing the shadow of the glass with itself. If you place athermal glass on the ground, its shadow will be darker than the glass itself.

Advantages of athermal car glazing

Thermal glazing of the windshield will highlight your car and increase the comfort of movement. Athermal glass of unusual shades will add expressiveness and complete the image of the car.

In the summer, with such glazing, you won’t have to sit in the car as if it were a “stove”, due to the reflection of UV rays. And in cold weather you won’t have to freeze, scrubbing and sweating the glass, since athermal glass will retain heat in the cabin, reducing the operating time of the stove and air conditioner.

When you decide to purchase a windshield, remember that it really costs money and it is impossible to buy high-quality athermal glass cheaply. In addition to the high cost, you may encounter only one more small problem. Since mixtures of noble metals are added to athermal glass, while it is multi-layered and strong, the glass filter transmits the anti-radar signal very poorly.

Athermal windshield manufacturing technology

Most car enthusiasts do not know what the fundamental difference is between athermal glazing and other coating technologies - tinting, pasting with a special film and others. But the method of making an athermal windshield is completely different from those known to most of the population.

The process of producing athermal glass is very complex and labor-intensive. Manipulations can only be carried out at the factory using high-tech specialized equipment, which is created exclusively for the production of this product. This is the reason why today only a few enterprises are engaged in the production of athermal glass. Small factories do not have sufficient funding to purchase the necessary expensive equipment to produce the product in question.

This type of glass is obtained by adding a certain amount of impurities to the molten mass. In order for the product to acquire the necessary properties, iron oxides and silver ions are used. It is thanks to these components that the final product acquires a blue or, more often, green tint. By the way, to make sure that the product is original, you can look at it through polarized glasses - if through them the color of the glass surface turns purple, then it is most likely not a fake.

The composition of the glass mass includes pure sand and a number of additional impurities. The substance melts at a temperature of 1600 degrees Celsius.

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To give the product additional resistance to ultraviolet radiation, various metal oxides are added to the mass. The result is visible after the first hardening - silver ions give the glass blue, green and violet shades.

At the stage of giving the product its primary shape (molding), the mass is placed on tin layers. The material was not chosen by chance - tin does not react with the elements of the composition. The resulting glass is re-tempered, but with a gradual decrease in temperature to 200°C.

The melted glass is cut, and then re-melted and cooled sharply. This is done in order to give the product the required shape. In addition, sharp temperature fluctuations provide additional hardening to the windshield - making it stronger and more resistant to mechanical stress.

The final stage consists of processing the edges of the product.

The production of athermal windshield is a completely new direction. Before the advent of advanced technology, most companies produced only so-called “athermal film”. It also has high energy-saving properties, but its manufacturing technology is completely different. This film is a multilayer product (up to 200 “plates”).

Each layer prevents the penetration of a small percentage of ultraviolet radiation, therefore, after passing through 200 “levels”, only a small part of it reaches the very surface of the glass. Thus, the use of film does not involve tinting, but is aimed at protecting the car interior from overheating by blocking incoming thermal energy.

Athermal films

If additives are added to the glass mass during its production, then athermal films are glued to the finished glass. This is a multilayer polyester film with a dielectric coating and metallized coating (particles of gold and silver), which plays the role of a selective mirror.

Such films are self-adhesive and are intended for gluing to glass from the inside (from the side of the room or car interior).

They transmit a significant part of the visible spectrum radiation (except for tinted ones), while reflecting up to 100% of ultraviolet radiation and absorbing a significant part (41-92%) of infrared radiation. Such films can have different shades.

  • AIR 75 Solartek transmits 75% of visible light, while absorbing 90% of thermal energy and reflecting 99% of ultraviolet radiation.
  • JOHNSON IR 70 is a film with a smoky tint, transmits 73% of visible light, absorbs 47% of IR radiation, reflects 100% of UV radiation.
  • Sun Control ICE COOL 70 is a bluish and greenish film that transmits 72% of visible light, absorbs 92% of IR radiation, and reflects 100% of UV radiation.
  • Sun Control ICE COOL 80 is a bluish and greenish film that transmits 78% of visible light, absorbs 78% of IR radiation, and reflects 100% of UV radiation.
  • Armolan Spectrum 80 is a bluish film that transmits 80% of visible light, absorbs 41% of IR radiation, and reflects 97% of UV radiation.
  • USB Nano Blue 60 is a bluish film that transmits 46% of visible light, absorbs 64% of IR radiation, and reflects 90% of UV radiation.
  • ULTRA VISION “Chameleon” is a film with a base purple color and a wide range of shades to choose from, transmits 73-83% of visible light, absorbs 69% of IR radiation, and reflects 100% of UV radiation.

Athermal windshield: GOST and traffic police requirements

Many drivers wonder whether installing a thermal windshield is allowed? There are rules established by law that define the standards for light transmittance and the width of the solar control strip of automobile glass (compliance with the regulations is established during the technical inspection of the vehicle) GOST 5727 - 88 “Safe glass for land transport” clause 2.2.4., according to which the light transmittance of glass providing the driver with visibility should be:

  • not less than 75% for wind ones;
  • 70% - for the rest (not wind), included in the regulated field of view P, which determines forward visibility. This category includes front door windows and front side windows (if available).
  • The light transmittance of the remaining windows is not standardized.

If the light transmittance of the glazing is below 70%, then a “V” marker is placed on the surface of the product. The windshield, whether painted or tinted, must not alter the correct perception of white, yellow, red, green and blue. Mirror tinted glass is prohibited from being installed according to the law (“Appendix to the basic provisions for the admission of vehicles to operation and the responsibilities of officials to ensure road safety”).

Athermal glasses marked TINTED and OVERTINTED comply with GOST 5727. Therefore, if such an inscription is present, then no problems are expected with passing the technical inspection regarding the glazing.

Type of glass Light transmission of windshields, % Light transmission of front side windows, %
Acceptable according to GOST-5727 At least 75 Not less than 70
TINTED 81 80

Of course, as with most measurements, there is an error here. The maximum permissible inaccuracy in determining light transmittance should not exceed 2%. According to traffic police statistics, more than half (about 60%) of the worst traffic accidents occur at night. That is why very strict requirements are imposed on indicators such as transparency and absence of distortion of the windshield.

Thus, the answer to the question “is the use of an athermal windshield allowed or not?” obvious - yes, allowed. It is only important to adhere to the established standards, because this is, first of all, your safety and concern for the safety of the life and health of other people.

How to choose a thermal windshield

Before purchasing an athermal windshield, pay attention to its shading indicators. If they exceed the norms established by law, the driver of the vehicle may be immediately deprived of his driver’s license. If the glazing fully complies with the regulated indicators, then you can safely purchase the product.

Despite the high cost of the product, many drivers choose athermal glazing. This popularity is due to the fact that this type of glazing creates the most comfortable conditions in the car interior - in summer it maintains a pleasant temperature regime, protecting against overheating, and in winter, on the contrary, it retains heat inside the car. These functions make it possible to reduce the frequency of use of climate control and thus significantly save on fuel. In addition, athermal glass is very durable, which, combined with all the mentioned functionality, makes them an excellent investment tool.

Disadvantages of speakers

The main disadvantage is that the production of such products is too expensive. As a result, such automobile glass costs almost 2 times more than usual. Although, if we take into account its long service life and the fact that the driver does not have to burn more gasoline in the summer or change faded upholstery, then such glass will eventually be able to be “beaten off”.

The second disadvantage applies only to those who like to use gadgets such as radar detectors and navigators. Unfortunately, due to the components that make up such glass, it can literally jam the signal. Therefore, problems may arise.

The third disadvantage is that such products are difficult to find for any car. Of course, there are fakes on the Internet for every taste and color, but there is no point in buying a fake. It’s better to wait until the factory model goes on sale.

By the way, counterfeit models that have flooded the market due to the growing popularity of speakers are another drawback. But, it can be excluded if you pay attention to several nuances.

How to distinguish an athermal windshield from an ordinary one

Unfortunately, it is almost impossible to be 100% sure of the originality of a product using only a visual inspection. We previously mentioned several ways to identify a genuine product. Firstly, the presence of the factory marking “Tinted” or “Overtinted” on the windshield. If there are inscriptions, then with almost 90% probability it is not a fake.

According to the law of the market, demand generates supply. But, as previously noted, the process of creating athermal glasses is extremely complex, so not many companies are involved in their production. The demand for these products is currently huge, and the supply is relatively limited. As a result, countless counterfeit products have appeared on the market that do not even have a fraction of the functionality declared by the original. It happens that sellers offer amateurs (in the automotive industry) ordinary windshields with a sun strip, passing them off as athermal. In order not to become a victim of scammers and not to become the owner of a counterfeit product, and even at an inflated price, you need to understand how to distinguish one type of product from another. Let's figure it out step by step:

First, carefully inspect the windshield from all sides. Pay special attention to inspecting the edge of the product - it should be completely smooth, even and neatly sanded. If there are chips on the edge or a film is visible, then with 100% probability we can say that this is a fake.

Secondly, look for the marking in the corner of the product. All major manufacturers that produce athermal glass mark TINTED or OVERTINTED (the difference is in the light transmittance and surface shade: TINTED (has a greenish tint) - 81%, OVERTINTED (distinguished by a pronounced green color) - 78.5%).

The production of athermal windshields is carried out using high-quality and very expensive equipment, and therefore there are not many companies that produce this type of glazing. Small businesses cannot afford to purchase the necessary equipment, and therefore, when choosing a product, find out the name of the manufacturing company. By purchasing products from a well-known brand, you can be sure of their authenticity.

Typical shades for a particular type of glazing (green and purple) do not always indicate the quality of the product. To make sure that this is not a fake, look at its shadow. If this glass is made according to the rules of the original technology, then the shadow from it will be many times darker than from tinted or regular glass.

There are a few more tricks that will help you identify a fake:

  • During your inspection, try on polarized glasses . Through them, rainbow stains (similar to spilled gasoline stains when sunlight falls on them) will become noticeable on the glass surface. This illusion occurs as a result of the refraction of solar rays when they collide with the components of the glass mass.
  • Compare the product and its shadow . The latter, in theory, should be noticeably darker. Although, on its own, as a single check, this method is not so effective. You can achieve darkening of the shadow in other ways. Experts still recommend paying attention to the first point and trying polarized glasses when inspecting the product.

If you comprehensively apply all the tips mentioned, then identifying a fake will not be difficult even for a beginner. And this will allow you to significantly reduce the time spent searching for the right product and not throw money away.

What you need to know about installing a thermal windshield

The installation of athermal glazing is no different from the installation of conventional or tinted glazing. However, an athermal windshield is a very expensive purchase, therefore, for its installation, it is recommended to contact proven services from professional craftsmen. The quality of installation and the service life of the product directly depend on the skill of the installer.

The quality of glass is directly proportional to its cost. Therefore, if you decide to save on car glazing, then it is very likely that the product will not meet your expectations. In addition, poor quality of the product can have a detrimental effect on the condition of the entire car.

If you do not have the opportunity to install athermal glass on your vehicle (due to the high cost of the product or in the case when it is impossible to install this type of glazing on your car model), then you can resort to an alternative option - athermal film. The properties of both products are very similar. The film sizing process is similar to regular tinting. If we compare such manipulations as replacing glass and sizing film, the latter is obviously much faster and cheaper. But if you prefer this option, you sacrifice glazing characteristics such as quality and strength.

The functionality and comfort of using athermal windshields have been tested by many drivers. As we have already seen, this type of glazing is an excellent way to reduce the load on a car’s heating system in winter, as well as protect the driver and passengers from the sweltering heat in summer. There is no point in trying to challenge the already proven effectiveness of a product. It’s not for nothing that large car factories have included it in the basic equipment of many manufactured models.

What kind of glass is called original?

Vehicle glazing is a visible replacement part and is labeled by vehicle manufacturers with branded logos or wordmarks (such as “TOYOTA”) that are protected by intellectual property rules, the use and distribution of which are restricted.

(!) There are exceptions - if the car has a twin, made on the same platform, but under a different brand, the original glass may not be marked with the name of the factory. Example: Porsche Cayenne - VW Touareg, MMC ASX - Peugeot 3008. A “native” part refers to an OEM (Original Equipment Manufacturer) - this means that the product sold to retail customers is released under the original brand.

According to standards, automakers require dealers and services to use OEM spare parts for warranty repairs. But at the same time, automakers do not limit their partners from selling spare parts under the brand to independent service companies.

How to care for your athermal windshield

The rules for car glass care are very simple. Below we have prepared for you a small list of tips, using which you can easily cope with washing the windows of your vehicle. The frequency of washing directly depends on the climate and weather conditions, but on average it is recommended to carry out the procedure once every few days: in the summer - to remove dust, in the winter - to remove snow and ice. It is important to constantly maintain transparency of the windows, especially the windshield, as a clear view increases your level of safety.

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In order not to scratch the glass surface during the cleaning process, it is recommended to carefully select detergents and devices:

  • We recommend purchasing a special sponge (a prerequisite is that the sponge must be soft and clean to avoid damage). If you don’t want to spend money on a purchase, you can use an ordinary clean rag made of soft material to wash windows.
  • If contamination is minimal, then you can use homemade soapy water instead of chemicals.
  • If the windows are very dirty, then in a specialized store you can purchase a special solution for washing glass surfaces (spray, foam, concentrate, etc.). An auto glass cleaner would also be an excellent solution.
  • If the level of contamination is critical (stains of resin, paint, etc.), then ordinary car cleaners will not help. In such a situation, you should purchase special concentrated products containing surfactants, solvents and other chemical impurities.

Attention! When using concentrated or other strong chemicals, avoid getting the solution on other surfaces (paint, rubber, metal)!

  • Windshield wipers on a car are designed to clean the glass surface from dust, dirt and condensation, but often, they themselves can become a means of causing damage (scratches) to the glass surface. To avoid this, be sure to periodically clean your windshield wiper blades to remove dust, dirt, snow and ice. Never use wipers dry. Brushes perform their function only in combination with windshield cleaning fluid.
  • If you notice that a crack or chip has formed on the windshield, then you should operate the car with extreme caution: do not press on the glass surface, do not slam doors, do not exceed the speed limit, and generally drive the vehicle with the utmost care. As soon as possible, contact a service center to replace the glazing.

Caring for athermal windshields in winter

Caring for car windows in winter requires a special approach. If you do not follow the established rules when cleaning, you can damage the glazing and render it unusable.

Russian winter is famous for its severity and severe frosts, so during this season you must always have a special defrosting product in your car. Without it, you will not be able to remove ice from the windshield glass surface, or open a frozen lock.


Never use brushes or scrapers to remove ice from the glass surface! It is impossible to do this without damaging the coating - scratches will form on the glass. In addition, scraping ice in this way is a very thankless task - after spending a lot of time and effort, you will not achieve a positive result.

If using an ice scraper was absolutely necessary, try polishing the glass surface at the end of winter to remove or at least smooth out the scratches. Although the best solution would be to simply avoid this situation.

The best way to clean an icy windshield is to turn on the heater in the cabin; warm air will easily melt the ice crust. If necessary, you can also use the defrost mentioned earlier.

Don't forget about caring for your wipers. In winter, due to exposure to low temperatures, they wear out faster and therefore require special attention. It is recommended to clean the windshield blades at least 2 times a day. It is best to carry out the manipulation using warm soapy water. On particularly frosty nights, it is recommended to remove and take the wipers with you.

Ordinary wipers are not adapted to harsh winter conditions, and therefore an excellent solution would be to purchase special “seasonal” winter brushes. Thus, you will extend the life of your windshield, increase your level of safety and save your nerve cells.

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