New rules for transporting weapons and ammunition in a car for Russians

Carrying a weapon in a car is a serious matter. There are a lot of restrictions and prohibitions. To do everything right and not have problems with law enforcement agencies, you need to follow the law.

The transportation and transportation of weapons is regulated by government decree dated July 21, 1998. No. 814, the last changes to which were made on May 12, 2018. Photo:

Who can transport

Any person who complies with the transportation rules and has the necessary permission can move weapons. These people include:

  • Athletes.
  • Hunters.
  • Any person who has purchased a weapon for self-defense.
  • Legal entities.
  • Special organizations that have state permission to engage in this type of activity and provide services for the transportation of weapons to legal entities.

You can learn about the specifics of obtaining category E licenses in this material.

Here you will find information on how to properly register a trailer.

Required documents for a private person

To transport weapons in a car by a private person, the following documents are required:

  • Passport (license will not work).
  • License to purchase weapons.
  • Hunting license (if the weapon is hunting).
  • Athlete's passport (if the weapon is sporting).
  • Document about the weapon (where the brand and barrel number are indicated).

IMPORTANT! It is not recommended to store documents for weapons and for a car in the same place! If a traffic police officer asks for documents for the car, show it. It is not necessary to advertise that you are transporting weapons.

If the traffic police officer himself saw the weapon and asks for documents for it, then we can get the documents for inspection without any problems.

Transportation of weapons by a private person

An individual may transport no more than five weapons and no more than 1,000 rounds of ammunition per person.
If it is necessary to transport a larger volume, the documents will be issued as if they were a legal entity. Photo: When moving weapons to a private person, the term “transportation” is used; only special carrier companies with legislative permission can “transport” weapons. Transportation is carried out on the basis of a contract and several other important documents.

Citizens have received many administrative penalties for confusion in terminology.

For example, if, in a written explanation, a citizen uses the phrase “I was transporting weapons,” this will immediately be followed by drawing up a protocol. A private person has the right only to transport.

When moving weapons by a private person, the following rules must be observed:

  • Weapons are transported in special cases or original packaging. You can also use car gun safes.
  • The weapon must be unloaded.
  • Weapons can be moved separately from cartridges.
  • It is recommended to transport weapons securely in the trunk of a car.
  • You can also transport weapons inside a car, but this way they attract unwanted attention.
  • The owner is obliged to ensure that the weapon is not accessible to passengers or family members. So, if there are passengers in the car, it will not be possible to transport weapons in the cabin. A weapon in the glove compartment in the presence of a passenger is a direct path to drawing up a protocol and administrative liability.

Transportation of weapons by a legal entity

Legal entities, as a rule, transport weapons in batches.

Special rules have been developed, the violation of which entails various types of liability:

  • The legal entity is obliged to coordinate the transportation route with the Federal Service of National Guard Troops.
  • If the number of weapons exceeds 20 pieces and the number of cartridges is 20,000, then an accompanying person armed with a firearm is needed.
  • If the transportation of weapons occurs in a convoy of vehicles of more than 2 cars, then the security must consist of a group of at least three people armed with firearms in a specially designated vehicle.

A convoy of vehicles transporting weapons should not attract outside attention. The transported cargo should not be visible through the car windows.

  • Weapons are transported in special packaging, which is sealed. The weapon must be unloaded and separate from ammunition.
  • If weapons are transported within the Russian Federation, then the legal entity is obliged to enter into a transportation agreement with an organization that has the legal right to engage in this type of activity. Official carriers move weapons across the territory of the Russian Federation in accordance with the legislation of our state.

Permit to own a weapon

Unauthorized trafficking of any firearms on Russian territory is strictly punishable by law. This also applies to smooth-bore guns, as well as cartridges with buckshot, hunting knives, etc. To store or transport weapons, a permit is required - a license. It is issued by the Ministry of Internal Affairs to citizens of the Russian Federation over 20 years of age who have passed a medical examination. In some cases, by decision of regional authorities, as well as for the military, a license is issued from the age of 18.

Legally on the territory of the Russian Federation you can purchase not only hunting rifles (including rifled ones), but also sports rifles, bladed sabers and checkers, and various self-defense weapons (OOO up to 91 J).

A license is not given to citizens who fall under the following parameters:

  • poor vision, alcoholism, drug addiction;
  • have a criminal record for an intentional offense;
  • are serving a sentence;
  • do not have permanent residence.


Transporting weapons is a dangerous process that requires knowledge of legislation and rules for safe handling of weapons. If there is a need to transport weapons, you must carefully check the availability of all documents before leaving, and also notify the appropriate authorities of your intention. If you follow these simple tips, you can avoid many possible problems with the law, and also remain safe and sound.

Previous entry Federal Law No. 150 “On Weapons” dated December 13, 1996

Next entry Stoeger-2000 or MTs-21-12

What equipment does not require a permit?

There are some types of self-defense equipment that do not require a license. Here are the types we are talking about:

  • a single-shot or gas-cylinder air pistol can be carried, but only with a caliber of 4.5 mm and a power of no more than 7.5 J;
  • gas spray - including pepper spray or nerve agent;
  • a regular stun gun or one that shoots with electrodes - hits the target from a distance of 4 meters;
  • speargun - transportation is permitted only in a special case;
  • sound-light pistol "Wasp", capable of stunning and blinding an attacker;
  • household knife or ax;
  • mechanical aerosol device for dosed spraying “Udar” with capsules - hits the target at a distance of 5 meters;
  • a signal pistol or rocket launcher with a caliber of up to 4.5 mm, without the possibility of conversion into a military weapon;
  • rubber and wooden clubs, sticks, canes, bats.

Any citizen of the Russian Federation who has reached the age of majority can purchase the above equipment and transport it in his car.

When you don't need permission

When going on a trip by car, every citizen who complies with the legislation of the Russian Federation has the right to carry permitted types of weapons in his car. This right is used every day by hunters, athletes, police, military, cash collectors, and security company employees. It is also available to all private individuals who care about their safety.

Civil servants are given greater rights in the matter of transportation. Police officers, military personnel, and athletes can transport weapons without permits even outside their administrative region.

You can carry weapons in a car without permission in the following cases:

  1. If a gun or other weapon is transported within the Russian Federation, and the cartridges supplied with it are registered.
  2. If registered sports and hunting weapons used in sports competitions and hunting are transported, as well as guns and cartridges that are not subject to registration with the Ministry of Internal Affairs.
  3. When transporting weapons purchased for self-defense purposes. You can transport it within the borders of your region without even obtaining the right to carry it. In some cases, if the car is traveling to another region, it is necessary to draw up a corresponding application.

For self-defense, the following weapons are transported across the territory of the Russian Federation without any permission:

  • steel arms;
  • gas cylinders;
  • pneumatic pistols with a shot force of no more than 7.5 J;
  • bats and other objects that can cause a blow.

All of the listed items can be transported from region to region without permission, and anywhere in the car. But in case of a stop by traffic police officers, it is advisable to have a technical passport for self-defense items.

On a note! When stopped by traffic police officers, a driver carrying firearms and ammunition in a car must present a license, a general passport and a driver's license.

Who does not need a permit due to the type of activity

Some persons do not require permission to transport, as this is related to the nature of their activity.

  1. Legal entities transporting equipment by car within a certain province, region, district. This, of course, must be confirmed by relevant documents;
  2. Military, police, special forces. Their actions are determined by army regulations and orders from commanders. Therefore, they have the right to travel in a car with weapons in the territory of their native district and outside its borders;
  3. Athletes. They must have a certificate and all supporting documents with them.

Employees of the following services of the Russian Federation do not need a weapons permit due to their type of activity:

  • MO;
  • Ministry of Internal Affairs;
  • FSB;
  • SVR;
  • FSO.

Also, the hassle-free transportation and carrying of weapons is permitted to drug control officers, collectors, bailiffs, customs officers, prosecutors, employees of private security companies and special facilities under the President of the Russian Federation, and employees of the VGO.

At the same time, only persons who have received special skills have the right to carry and use firearms. In other words, accountants or technical staff are not affected.

General rules and terminology

Transportation of smooth-bore and rifled hunting rifles, sports and defensive weapons is carried out in accordance with the Law “On Weapons” (Article 25). It is also regulated by the rules of Government Decree No. 814 and the administrative regulations on the issuance of transportation permits.

The law distinguishes between two terms associated with the movement of weapons.
Transportation is the name given to moving/transporting from place to place. This includes, for example, delivering small arms to a sports stadium or taking a gun into the forest for hunting. On a note!
Legally, transportation is understood as a service that special companies provide to gun owners. To engage in such a business, you need permission from the Ministry of Internal Affairs.

To avoid misunderstandings and administrative prosecution, two concepts should be distinguished:

  • transportation implies delivery for a specific purpose, for example, for registration, sale, etc.;
  • wearing implies the possibility of using it for its intended purpose, for example, hunting or competitions.

How to properly transport weapons across Russia:

  1. The main condition for transporting hunting or other firearms is having permission to store, carry, and, under certain circumstances, to transport. They take it at the place of registration with the Ministry of Internal Affairs.
  2. To freely transport personal weapons, individuals must have permission to store and carry. And legal entities are required to coordinate the route and provide security, seal containers, and equip transport in accordance with the requirements for the transportation of dangerous goods. A legal entity transporting dangerous goods must take measures to prevent it from being visible to unauthorized persons.
  3. No more than five weapons are allowed to be transported at a time. If the number is larger, individuals must comply with all the rules provided for legal entities. It is necessary to obtain permission for interregional transportation.
  4. The maximum number of cartridges is 1 thousand pieces.

The main advantage for individuals provided for by law is that they do not need to obtain a transportation permit if the car is moved within the region of registration.

Rules for transporting weapons in a car on the territory of the Russian Federation

According to the ZRF, the rules for transporting weapons must include the following mandatory items:

  • the pistol or carbine must be unloaded or disassembled, since when hitting a hole or other obstacle, a spontaneous discharge may occur;
  • weapons must be transported in holsters or safes;
  • hunting rifles must have factory certificates and other related documents;
  • cartridges should be transported in special plastic containers - it is forbidden to transport them open in the trunk or bags with other things;
  • knives must be in sheaths or sheaths.

One person does not have the right to carry more than four hundred rounds of ammunition and five weapons at a time. If the amount of equipment is more than normal, then it must be accompanied by a group of two or more people. Everyone is required to have the appropriate permits. With law enforcement agencies, it is necessary to plan the vehicle’s route in advance.

The nuances of transportation in public transport

Transporting a hunting rifle and other types of weapons is simplified if its owner has a driving license and a car. It is prohibited to carry them on public transport. This is regulated by the internal rules of transport systems. At the same time, there is no rule in the law prohibiting the transportation of guns in the subway, buses, trolleybuses and other types of transport used for public transportation.

According to lawyers, a person has the right to carry a gun on the subway and trains if he has permission to carry it and the weapon itself is disassembled and packed in a case. And its owner has a hunting license with him. If your car breaks down and you need to go hunting, you can use the types of transport mentioned above.

If you are the owner of a hunting, sporting or defensive weapon, make sure in advance that you have the documents necessary for its transportation within the territory of the Russian Federation and abroad. This will allow you to avoid administrative and criminal prosecution.

Transportation of equipment in hunting grounds

Is the transportation of hunting weapons in a car punishable if it occurs on land that is not confirmed by an invitation card? According to the Law of the Russian Federation “On Hunting,” it is stated that the presence of individuals in hunting grounds with guns and rifles is equivalent to hunting. But what if the equipment is sheathed as required and is in the car? There is a lot of controversy about this. How to understand the rights of a hunter who does not intend to hunt in the area of ​​the site, but is only transporting weapons in the hunting grounds to the place of upcoming fishing, but for some reason stopped on the side of the road or near the lake?

First of all, the St. John's wort must have with him a ticket or an invitation to hunt in the area of ​​land to which he is actually heading. If he strays from the route, especially intentionally, this is already a violation of the law. If something happened to a car or a person simply stopped to rest on the shore of a lake, this fact will have to be proven in court or to inspectors. And if there are no arguments, then it’s easy as hell to suspect a hunter with a gun, even a sheathed one, of malicious intent.

Features of wearing and transporting pneumatics

Each user of an air pistol or rifle bears responsibility. It is necessary to follow the general rules of wearing, storage and use. Especially if it is a sports or hunting analogue. Holding an uncovered weapon in your hands may be considered an attempt to break the law. It will not be possible to avoid problems with law enforcement officers.

Transport pneumatics with de.e. 7.5 to 25 Joules to the zeroing point can be carried in a case. What about wearing and transporting in a car, subway and on the street? What does the law say about other types of pneumatics?

In the car

Weapon owners should familiarize themselves with clause 2.1 of Art. 6 Federal Law No. 150 “On Weapons”. It is prohibited to transport loaded pneumatic weapons within a city or town. In addition to sites for training and sports shooting.

It is better that the “air” is not just in a discharged state, but disassembled and put away in a weapon box or bag (case). The bullets should also not be inside the weapon, nor should the magazine. When transporting the air gun, the CO2 cartridge must be removed.

Pneumatics cannot be hidden in a car - they must be in a visible place. If a police officer decides to inspect the car and discovers something hidden, the user of the weapon will be detained.


The metro is a place where large numbers of people gather. It is here, according to statistics, that frequent detentions of aircraft users by station employees occur. The competence of the latter leaves much to be desired, but the owner can always find a police officer and ask for help in explaining the situation.

There are restrictions on luggage carried on metro trains in terms of weight and dimensions. So, the bag cannot be longer than 150 cm (for example, there is no air rifle with such parameters, but this information should be taken into account when choosing a gun case). Allowed luggage weight is up to 50 kg.

The fact that subway employees have unsatisfactory knowledge of Federal Law No. 150 “On Weapons” does not mean that it is impossible to resolve the issue with them without conflicts. The main thing is to maintain balance and try to present the facts why there are no violations in the transportation of weapons. If it is not possible to resolve the dispute peacefully, the metro employees refuse to let you board the train, then you should find a police officer standing nearby. If he is not nearby, then you can complain about the metro worker.

On the street

Transporting a pneumatic sample on foot is not particularly different from transporting it in a car or train. The main thing is that the weapon must be in a special case or case/bag. It must be unloaded, disassembled and fused. The owner must also take the documents for the “trunk” with him.

Rules for the import and export of weapons across the border of the Russian Federation

Crossing the border of a country with a weapon implies two concepts:

  • for non-residents of the Russian Federation - in this case it is allowed to carry only smooth-bore guns or sports pistols;
  • for residents - no more than 5 items, necessarily with accompanying documentation from the Central Internal Affairs Directorate.

Before export, of course, you need to go through customs control. It is recommended to undergo certification in advance. However, this may not be necessary if there is an international agreement with a license or the equipment is being delivered for short-term use in competitions or hunting.

Is it possible to use a pistol or rifle in the city?

The law prohibits the use of an air pistol or rifle, regardless of power, within city limits. Even if it is an “air gun” with a muzzle energy of no more than 3 J, the Civil Code of the Russian Federation is additionally applicable to Federal Law No. 150. Thus, if at the time of the shooting in the city the owner caused physical or material damage to any person, he will be obliged to compensate for it.

Specially designated areas in parks that are practically not visited by people are allowed for shooting. City authorities usually allocate such areas for shooting sports competitions. In other cases, air guns cannot be used.

Responsibility for violation

Failure to comply with the rules for transporting hunting weapons may result in fines or other penalties. If you are lucky, on the spot with a traffic police officer, without drawing up a report, you can resolve the issue with an administrative fine of 1000-1500 rubles. Initiating criminal proceedings may lead to:

  • restriction of freedom for 4 years with or without forced labor;
  • six-month arrest.

It happens that the fine is increased to 80 thousand rubles or the amount of working income for the last 3 months.

Be extremely vigilant when transporting. Prepare all the necessary permits in advance to avoid getting into trouble.

Rules for transporting goods by car

When transporting goods by car, a number of regulatory and technical rules must be observed. So, when transporting cargo on the roof, you need to understand that the maximum load should not exceed the figure indicated in the vehicle’s operating manual (usually 90 kg for foreign cars and up to 70 kg for domestic cars). The load must not make the vehicle unstable on the road or obscure the view of the road.

Oversized cargo can protrude no more than 1 meter from the edge of the rear or front bumper and no more than 40 cm from the side of the vehicle.

In addition, oversized cargo must be accompanied by a “large cargo” sign or, more commonly, red cloth bands on the protruding parts of the transported cargo.

Greetings, friends!

Is it possible to drive with a hunting weapon in a car? Rules for transporting weapons

I decided to surf the Internet and look at legal sites. To be honest, they shocked me because they mislead the owners of civilian weapons.

This article fully complies with the “Law on Weapons” No. 150-FZ of December 13, 1996, Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of July 21, 1998 N 814 (as amended on December 19, 2018), as well as other legal acts regulating the circulation of weapons in the Russian Federation.

Therefore, today we will talk to you about the legality of transporting firearms in a car.

What you can carry with you, and how to correctly transport permitted weapons - that’s what you’ll learn now!

What must a driver show when transporting firearms?

So, the man firmly decided to provide for self-defense and acquire weapons. He carefully studied the relevant requirements, collected all the necessary documents, received the go-ahead from law enforcement agencies for the purchase and purchased the desired item so that he could travel with it all the time. It's time to get ready for the road. Here you need to know exactly what documents you should have with you in case you are stopped by traffic police officers, so that no misunderstandings arise with them.

Of course, a passport, a driving license, along with which you will have to present a permit for the right to carry and transport purchased weapons. Such a document is very serious, because without it, law enforcement officers will immediately face big claims against the driver. The easiest way to obtain such official permission is in one of the departments of the Ministry of Internal Affairs. The deadline for receiving it is one month after the corresponding application with all the necessary documentation is submitted. The rules for issuing such permits are regulated accordingly by a government resolution and an order of the Ministry of Natural Resources.

Who can possess and transport weapons

All restrictions regarding the right to purchase weapons, store them and use them for various purposes also affect the transportation of weapons in the vast majority of situations. Therefore, before considering the procedure for transporting hunting and other firearms, it is necessary to determine the full range of persons who may possess them. In particular, the requirements for hunting weapons are as follows:

  • Age 21 or older. A lower age is allowed if military service has been completed.
  • For smooth-bore weapons, the age may be reduced to 19 years.
  • Smoothbore and pneumatic hunting weapons can be purchased only if you have a state or membership hunting license.
  • Rifled hunting weapons can only be purchased if you have a hunting license. Also, the acquisition of rifled or combined weapons is permitted only for persons whose professional activity is related to hunting or who have successfully owned smooth-bore hunting weapons for at least five years.
  • Bladed hunting weapons do not require separate permits and can be sold and registered with citizens who have the right to carry or store firearms.

Please note:
The above procedure describes exclusively the requirements for obtaining and using hunting weapons and does not affect aspects of the acquisition of sporting or service firearms.

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