The gearshift lever of the VAZ 2110 dangles and plays - we eliminate the reasons

Even ardent supporters of the Russian automobile industry cannot help but be annoyed when the gearshift lever on a VAZ 2110 dangles; moreover, it also produces the most unpleasant rattling sound. Those with stronger nerves put up with it as an inevitable “side effect”; some even got used to constantly holding the gear shift knob with their own hand.

Gear lever

However, this cannot continue forever, especially if the vibration gets to the point that the lever begins to miss when shifting gears, confusing second with fourth and third with fifth. But in order not to take the situation to an extreme, let's talk about what to do to avoid rattling the gearbox handle.

↑ Disassembly procedure

  • Loosen the clamp on the gearshift drive rod using 13mm wrenches, and remove the hinge from the rod.
  • Then we remove or bend the corner of the boot, and using a 10mm wrench, unscrew the locking bolt on the cardan and knock it off the shaft with gentle blows of a hammer.

This bolt is very reluctant to turn off, since it is mounted on a thread lock to avoid spontaneous unscrewing due to vibration.

At this stage, you can also replace the gear selector shaft oil seal if oil leaks are noticed from under the old one.

Determining the cause

So, while accelerating or idling, your gear lever is shaking like crazy, making an annoying rattling noise. But no other faults related to the gearbox were found. What could be causing this?

Causes of chatter:

  1. An engineering miscalculation by the creators of the VAZ 2110. They simply forgot to think about the fact that the metal bushing for connecting the lever to the rod “clings” to the edge of the rod while driving, which is why rattling occurs;
  2. You have tuned the lever using a Lada Kalina. This replacement brought you several positive aspects, and one that was not very pleasing. When the car is in motion, vibration occurs in the driveshaft from Kalina, which transmits rattling through the traction of the entire mechanism. Many who have carried out such tuning claim that even if the lever is removed altogether, it still does not eliminate rattling;
  3. The retaining spring could have broken, or it might not have been there at all. In this case, rattling is inevitable;
  4. Often the VAZ 2110 gearshift knob rattles due to wear on the engine and gearbox mounts. It is also possible that other parts responsible for eliminating chatter (damping vibrations) have worn out.

If the gearshift lever dangles, and difficulties of various kinds arise when shifting gears, then a little tuning will not help here; repair and adjustment is needed not only of the handle, but also of the gearbox itself.

↑ Installation of a new part

When the old part is dismantled, you can begin installing the new one.

  • Having first put on the boot, we place the cardan on the gear selection rod (the one that comes from the box). In this case, the fixing bolt must, when screwed in, fall into a special recess under it on the rod.
  • Then tighten the bolt and pull the boot onto the cardan. It is highly advisable to coat the bolt thread with thread locker so that it does not unscrew due to vibration.
  • Then we put the gearbox shift drive rod on the cardan rod, but do not tighten the clamp yet.

Someone may have to shorten the Kalinovsky cardan shaft by about 1.5 cm, since it is longer than the standard one.

Is it worth fixing the problem?

Many people don’t even try to fix the gearshift lever of a VAZ 2114, but this task is completely solvable, it doesn’t require skills, and the undeniable advantages are worth an hour of time. The difference is so noticeable that if a breakdown has been present in your life for a long time, you will constantly remember that there is not enough noise.

The main thing to remember is that a machine is like a person, what “cured” one is not the fact that it will help the other, and don’t get upset. The repair will take very little time, you can get away with a small sum, and in return you will receive a number of huge advantages, such as:

  • the unpleasant sounds accompanying the increase in speed will disappear;
  • the gearshift lever will be fixed;
  • switching will become smooth;
  • At idle, the lever will stop “dancing the lambada” under your hand.


↑ Adjusting the gearshift lever VAZ-2110

Now you need to adjust the position of the lever. To do this, we involve an assistant who sits in the driver’s seat and moves the gearshift knob to the optimal position for adjustment. Typically the lever is centered and moved slightly to the right. In this position of the lever, we tighten the clamp while the assistant holds the lever in this position.

Now all that remains is to check the correct operation of the gear shift lever, and if something is not satisfactory, you need to make the adjustment again.

What to do if the gearshift lever on a VAZ 2109 and 2110 is loose? Everything can be corrected

Owners of domestic cars are interested in what to do if the gearbox lever of a VAZ 2109 and VAZ-2110 is loose.
This problem is known to almost everyone who has been the proud owner of such machines. Moreover, the reasons why this malfunction occurs are the same in both models. After all, their gearbox is identical. It manifests itself as follows. First, play appears when changing gears. A little later it intensifies, and a ringing sound is added to it when moving. Over time, the backlash turns out to be so large that it becomes almost impossible to get into the desired gear. Therefore, it eliminates the breakdown in advance, before the backlash becomes huge. Main reasons

What to do if the gearshift lever on a VAZ 2109 and 2110 is loose?

To answer this question, it is necessary to determine the reason for this behavior of the lever. There may be several reasons. Some of them are caused by the design of the car and are practically unavoidable. The problem with a dangling lever and rattling occurs for the following reasons:

  • Designer error. The metal bushing clings to the rod when moving. The result is a rattling sound. There is no way to solve this problem;
  • Bushing failure;
  • Lever from Lada Kalina;
  • Malfunction of the backstage cardan;
  • Wear of the box or its fastenings.

Each of these reasons leads to play in the lever. The first reason only gets on the nerves with a rattling sound, but there are no problems with controlling the box. To determine the reasons, you will have to carefully inspect the car in the pit. In some cases, you will have to make repairs or modify parts.

Bushing failure

. The bushing holds the lever in a certain position. It receives almost all the effort when changing gears. Over time it may burst. In this case, the lever will move much more freely, but at the same time, gear shifting will occur, as a rule, without any problems. To fix it, simply replace the bushing.

Lever from Lada Kalina

. On Kalina the box has been slightly modified. When installing a lever from it on a regular box, the driver receives several positive bonuses. The disadvantage of this tuning is the appearance of play in the lever and constant rattling noise when moving. The problem arises from the lack of a softening spring on this arm. To fix the problem, you need to take a standard spring from the nine and attach it to its usual place. To secure one end of the spring to the levers, you will have to make fastenings. For this you will need welding.

Malfunction of the yoke cardan

This is one of the most common problems. At the same time, eliminating it is quite strange. Backlash occurs as a result of wear of the cardan parts. This happens regularly. Therefore, in order to save time, it is better to buy and install a sports version or from Kalina. Such cardans last much longer. When installing a “original” part, be prepared that you will soon have to change it again.

The part needs to be changed in an inspection pit or overpass. First you need to loosen the clamp on the drive rod. You will have to use an open-end wrench size 13. Next, the hinge is removed from the rod. The boot is turned away and we get access to the cardan.

It is secured with a locking bolt. To remove it you will need a 10 mm wrench. It is advisable to use a clamp used for brake pipes. Otherwise, there is a risk of crushing the edges. The fact is that domestic engineers came up with an ingenious way to avoid unscrewing the screw during vibration; they put it on glue. After struggling with the bolt and unscrewing it, remove the cardan. After which a new part is installed and reassembled. The correct assembly is indicated by the position of the latch; its head should be completely in a special recess.

Wear of the box and fastenings

Often lever play occurs due to a faulty box. Most often this is due to the fastening of the scenes. When the mechanical part wears out, the free play of the rocker and, accordingly, the lever increases. Often this problem first appears in some gears, but over time it spreads to all speeds. Therefore, if play appears, make sure that the gearbox is in good condition. If repairs are required.

If the lever does not dangle, but at the same time during movement it vibrates, making a rather unpleasant sound. The reason is most likely in the mountings of the pillow. If they are damaged, the gearbox begins to vibrate. Which in turn is transmitted through the scenes to the lever. This can be treated by replacing the box mounts.


. There are not many reasons for lever play. Some of them are created by the drivers themselves. For example, replacing the original lever with a part from another model. There are several answers to the question of what to do if the gearshift lever on a VAZ 2109 and 2110 is loose. How to eliminate a problem in a particular case directly depends on the reasons that caused it.

How to repair a gear shift lever?

In any case, no matter what happens, repairing the gear shift lever involves replacing failed parts, and without completely removing it it will be impossible to do this. For this purpose, the plastic protective plate is dismantled and the hinge cage is released. After which it is necessary to move the jet rod to the side and remove the entire lever. But in order to free up access to all the plastic bushings and axles, it is necessary to remove the cover for the gear shift lever.

Check how the axle moves. If it is loose, then you need to change all the bushings, and do not forget to lubricate the new spare parts with special lubricant before installing them.

To replace the spring, it must be pulled out, and for this you need to dismantle the retaining ring and the hinge with the lever. If you cannot do without replacing the ball joint, you should carefully push the spherical washer apart with your fingers and remove the worn part. At the same time, when installing a new one, lubricate it.

The thrusts change as follows. There is a clamp at the bottom of the car; you should loosen it. Next you need to disconnect it from the hinges and, by unscrewing the fastening nut, you can freely pull out the rod. Installation of the new one is carried out in the reverse order. Thus, having replaced all damaged elements with new ones, you can drive safely. At the same time, do not forget that periodically it is necessary to adjust the gear shift lever.


First, we need to understand why this happens, where the vibration comes from, and why it’s actually not that bad on this particular car. To do this, we need to remember which drive is here and how the engine and gearbox are located. The car is front-wheel drive, so the gearbox is located perpendicular to the direction of travel, that is, the lever in the cabin does not fit directly into the box; a rocker is used. In the classic series with rear-wheel drive, the lever is directly inserted into the box, and if it starts to rattle there, then this is a sure sign of problems with it.

The VAZ 2114 gear knob works differently and has a special rod system so that the driver can change gears comfortably. The reasons for the rattling of the gearshift knob lie in the banal little shortcomings of the engineers who developed this mechanism:

  • Incorrect connection sleeve size;
  • Lack of gasket;
  • The parts simply didn't fit together.

All these problems are revealed by the very small metal bushing that connects the rods to each other directly under the lever. In one case, vibration of the gearshift lever begins due to the fact that it was inserted incorrectly, leaving a gap. Or maybe the bushing was initially chosen a little smaller than what was needed, and it was not inserted tightly. In addition, then it was decided to simply wrap the bushing with a rubber gasket to avoid the appearance of a gap.

It is precisely because of the constant impacts of metal on metal that that same unpleasant iron grinding and rattling of the lever appears.

Restoring the functionality of the VAZ 2110 gear shift lever

How to remove rattling gear lever on a VAZ 2110? It seems possible to eliminate this manifestation yourself. If the problem lies in the spring, there is no need to disassemble the box or take other complex actions. In some cases, the problem can be eliminated by purchasing a repair kit for the rocker, including bushings, washers, etc.

The main purpose of the bushing is to hold the lever in a certain position. This element experiences heavy loads. Given this, it may burst over time. The result of this is excessively free movement of the lever. The bushing must be replaced.

When installing the spring, it is recommended to wrap the handle with a tourniquet to ensure a tight fit.

To install new plastic or rubber washers from tools, you need a set of keys, files, and a screwdriver. You also need a plastic cover, from which a washer is cut out using scissors.

  1. Removing the casing from the gearshift lever.
  2. The nuts and screw are unscrewed.
  3. The bushing, washer and bolt are removed.
  4. The washer is cut to fit the sleeve.
  5. All dismantled elements are installed back.
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