Why doesn't the driver's door open on the Lada Priora?

Currently, many car enthusiasts are asking the question: why doesn’t the driver’s door open (despite efforts) on a new or not so Priora? It is worth noting in this regard that all problems mainly arise from the fault of the central locking. The situation is aggravated by the fact that the owners simply do not find the necessary information.

The main signs of a malfunction in the locking system installed by the manufacturer on Priora are as follows:

  • the door does not close;
  • does not open;
  • unlocks on its own.

Moreover, car enthusiasts often complain that it is impossible to open the lock with a key, from a key fob or from the inside.

In reality, in about 90 cases out of a hundred, the culprit of the malfunction is the lock installed directly inside the driver's door.

How the system works

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The central locking system includes the following main blocks and components:

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central electronic unit;

driver's door electronic unit (can be combined with the central unit);

electronic units for driver, passenger and rear doors (may be missing);

push-button switches for driver, passenger and rear doors;

limit switches for closing windows and doors;

control units and window lift drives.

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In most car models, the power window and central locking control units are connected into a single system. When closing the doors, the central locking system must poll the limit switches of all windows so as not to accidentally park the car and guard it with the windows open. Therefore, the failure to close the doors is often associated with a malfunction of the window regulator controls.

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For a 2005 VW Passat, the electrical circuit for the central locking looks like this:

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p, blockquote 15,0,0,0,0 —>

  1. Drive, buttons and limit switches of the passenger door (hereinafter referred to as Dv);
  2. Passenger engine control unit;
  3. Window lifter control unit and rear left drive;
  4. Rear left drive motor, switches;
  5. Driver's switch;
  6. Driver's driver's side switches;
  7. Driver's control unit, internal;
  8. Control unit for rear right door and window lifter;
  9. Multifunctional control unit.
  10. Blocker.
  11. Central locking drive rear right motor
  12. Window lifter switches and buttons.
  13. Fuses serving the central locking system.

This diagram does not show and label all the elements, but it is clear that the circuit is very complex, perhaps the most complex among the main electronic modules of a car.

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At the same time, the central locking control circuit has the longest electrical wiring, which is distributed throughout the vehicle interior and has flexible corrugated hoses at the points of transition to the door space. Among other difficulties, car doors have maximum mobility relative to the interior; their interior space is susceptible to corrosion.

p, blockquote 17,0,0,0,0 —>

Despite the above difficulties, car models after the 2000 release have fairly reliable electronic central locking systems; their main malfunctions are often determined by mechanical breakdowns, faulty contacts, and wear on the door suspension.

p, blockquote 18,0,0,0,0 —>

How to open a Priora if the keys are inside

The key remaining in the ignition and the door slamming shut is the most common occurrence among car owners. Some people rush to study on the Internet how to open a Priora if the keys are inside. Others break glass. This may help with the question of how to open the Priora door without keys, but the price of the issue is too high. There is a high risk of causing irreparable damage to the machine. As a result, the cost of repair and restoration work will be much higher than paying for the services of a specialist from our service for emergency auto opening.

We are the best in our business. The experts of our service have a number of characteristic advantages compared to competing companies:

  • high professionalism in the performance of official tasks;
  • extensive experience in the field of emergency opening of the Lada Priora lock;
  • availability of all the necessary skills and abilities to open a car in the shortest possible time.

The specialists of our company can not only perform an emergency opening of the central lock, but also know how to open the trunk of a Priora without a key. All this is done at a very reasonable cost. Therefore, if you find yourself in an unexpected situation, do not rush to try to open the car yourself using improvised means. Trust the professionals.

Adjustment on Kalina

Typically, it is necessary to adjust the operation of the lock on this model if there is excessive noise that occurs when closing the doors. It rarely gets to the point where the locking device works poorly. To work, you need a Phillips screwdriver, a wrench and a screwdriver with an asterisk. The work is carried out in the following order:

  • Using a screwdriver, loosen the screws securing the clamp. It is secured with two Phillips screws and one sprocket;
  • We make adjustments. The shift here is made up or down;
  • Tighten the screws in the selected position.

To reduce noise, you can put a silicone cap on the clamp. If this procedure does not help, then it makes sense to tighten the screws securing the door hinges.

The door does not open in cold weather

Most often this happens after washing a car or driving in the rain, when dampness gives way to negative temperatures. Usually the larva freezes completely in the lock. Sometimes the lubricant in the drive or rod also hardens.

Knowledgeable car owners advise warming up the constipation (for example, with a hairdryer) and then lubricating it with WD-40. Moreover, the procedure must be repeated after each significant wetness of the car.

In addition, it will also help:

  • turning on autostart with constant heating of the interior;
  • disassembling the door and adjusting the lock components;
  • use any silicone-based lubricant.

Some useful tips

The first dismantling can cause a number of difficulties and wrong decisions. To avoid damaging the door and its upholstery, follow these rules:

  • Do not attempt to remove a Torx bolt with a regular screwdriver. It is shaped like a star and cannot be grasped tightly with the normal end. At best, nothing will come of it. In the worst case, the edges will collapse and it will become difficult to twist even with the original nozzle. The bits are inexpensive, and will save a lot of time and nerves.
  • It is necessary to de-energize the vehicle when performing any wiring work. A sloppy contact can easily short out to ground or to another wire. The consequences are a blown fuse, a short circuit, failure of sensitive units. A few minutes spent disconnecting the battery is not that much time.
  • Each connection block has its own sets of grooves. Don’t be afraid to connect the contact “in the wrong place” - you won’t be able to insert it anywhere else.
  • Do not leave damaged wire sections inside the door. They can cause poor contact or shortness.
  • It’s better to get a new Phillips screwdriver with “fresh” edges. Unscrewing licked screws takes a lot of time and patience.
  • When working with upholstery, try to keep the tool clean. Getting the covering material dirty is a matter of seconds.

Removing doors does not require much qualification. The tips given will help even an inexperienced motorist dismantle the assembly.

How to remove a door on a Priora: rear, front. Photo instructions 5 (100%) 2 votes

How to open a Priora if the keys are inside

The key remaining in the ignition and the door slamming shut is the most common occurrence among car owners. Some people rush to study on the Internet how to open a Priora if the keys are inside. Others break glass. This may help with the question of how to open the Priora door without keys, but the price of the issue is too high. There is a high risk of causing irreparable damage to the machine. As a result, the cost of repair and restoration work will be much higher than paying for the services of a specialist from our service for emergency auto opening.

We are the best in our business. The experts of our service have a number of characteristic advantages compared to competing companies:

  • high professionalism in the performance of official tasks;
  • extensive experience in the field of emergency opening of the Lada Priora lock;
  • availability of all the necessary skills and abilities to open a car in the shortest possible time.

The specialists of our company can not only perform an emergency opening of the central lock, but also know how to open the trunk of a Priora without a key. All this is done at a very reasonable cost.

. Therefore, if you find yourself in an unexpected situation, do not rush to try to open the car yourself using improvised means. Trust the professionals.

All kinds of repair work will cost much more than calling an emergency opening specialist. Believe me, Lada will only thank you for the high-quality and accurate opening of the doors without damage inside and out.

Thanks to our extensive experience in cooperation with lock manufacturing factories, our specialists work with the minimum possible damage to the lock, and we always leave the door intact - this is a guarantee! We save your money!

In our office there are always several telephone operators on duty, and, of course, technicians. The team is friendly, and as soon as the first beep rings, the whole team is ready to help. Contact us!


The weakest point of the Priora locking system is the microswitch. The electrical package itself, used on the model in question, is a rather complex device. It is his responsibility to receive the owner’s command to unlock or lock the door. Having received a certain signal, it activates certain electrical networks that supply the drive. In this case, the electrical package can perceive orders in two ways at once:

  • from the key fob;
  • from microswitch.

In the first case, having sensed the order to close, the immobilizer turns off the alarm and energizes the electric drive of the lock, closing or, conversely, opening the contact groups of the microswitch.

Why is everything arranged this way? Everything is simple, because the command in this situation can be received not only from the key fob, but also from the switch if the car owner used the key. This allows the immobilizer, when the security alarm is activated, after detecting a raised blocker, to immediately begin to act according to the alarm protocol.

So, the biggest problem of the Priora is water getting inside the door. As a result, the contact groups of the microswitch quickly oxidize and become overgrown with verdigris, similar to moss. The volume of the working surface increases significantly and the contacts stick together. In addition, the oxides have fairly good conductivity. As a result, the passing tension is perceived as an order to unlock or lock the doors.

It is possible to get rid of such a malfunction only after replacing the blocker, or the microswitch itself.

Other most common problems and ways to eliminate them are described below.

Necessary tools and detailed instructions

To begin with, you should understand that the car is already locked and do not panic under any circumstances. After all, excessive fuss will not help matters. You need to make a choice about how to open the car - this determines the choice of tool that may be needed when performing various manipulations. How to open a Priora without a key? Easily! All you need to do is have a small hammer, several screwdrivers (flat and Phillips), several meters of strong wire, wooden wedges and adhesive tape on hand.

The Lada Priora car has basic security functions in its arsenal - central locking is part of the standard security system installed by the factory. Therefore, to open your own car you will need a wire that does not have a large cross-section in diameter, but has sufficient rigidity. At the end of this wire you need to make a small hook, and the wire itself should be from 60 to 90 centimeters long. This hook needs to be squeezed between the rubber seal of the side passenger or driver's window and the glass itself.

Next, you need to push the larva so that it rests against the rod

As soon as this happens, you need to pick up the dog as carefully as possible, and then just carefully lift it. If all of the above steps are performed correctly, the door should open.

The next method, which will give a detailed answer to the question “How can you open the Priora door without a key?” If the first method fails or there is an acute shortage of thin wire, it is time to use the next method. For this you will need wooden wedges and adhesive tape. The width of the wedges should be within 30-50 millimeters; before using them, it is advisable to wrap them with a thin rag.

Then the wedges should be carefully driven into the gap, which is located between the body and the door itself. In order to preserve the paintwork of the car, it is strongly recommended to cover the entire work area with adhesive tape in order to avoid accidental scratches or chips. After this, you can insert a wire with a large diameter into the resulting gap and use it as a shoulder in order to reach the central locking button or get to the handle that opens the car door.

The third method involves having a thin and long metal ruler. If you have it at hand, then just squeeze it into the gap between the rubber seal and the glass directly opposite the handle to open the side door. Using vertical movements up and down, as well as small lateral deviations, you need to find the desired lever, which, even with a slight mechanical impact on it, will open the car door.

The fourth method is the simplest of those presented, but also the most expensive. If you don't even have the few minutes it takes to do the above methods, you can use a hammer or heavy stone to break the window. Please note that you should break the side window for the sake of safe driving, because if you break the windshield, visibility will deteriorate, but also in order to save the family budget.

It is also worth noting the fact that breaking the front window of someone else’s car without the owner’s consent can be prosecuted under the laws of the Russian Federation, and even a criminal case can be initiated. Before hitting, it is better to cover the impact area with a small rag or use your own jacket or T-shirt to prevent the glass from scattering randomly. It is also not necessary to break the entire window, just a hole where a hand can fit through is enough, so it is recommended to hit with a sharp end.

Each of the presented methods has the right to exist, because situations can be varied. But if you have time, a small and literally symbolic amount of money, then it is better to use the services of professionals.

In any locality there is a service center for Russian-made cars with a qualified employee who has excellent knowledge of the current issue and can open the front or rear door of the car quickly and without causing damage to the paintwork. How to open a Lada Priora without a key, using a ruler or other methods? It’s quite simple, you just need to read the instructions provided.

How to open a Priora without a key?

If it is not possible to use a spare set of keys, you can open the doors with ordinary wire; it is best that it is sufficiently rigid, but not thick.

How to open a Priora door with regular wire? Very simple!

To do this, you need to lower the glass a little with your hands and insert the wire at the level of the handle between the glass and the sealant layer. Make sure the hook is pointing backwards. Pass it between the handle and the cylinder, and then push it until it rests against the rod. After this, pick up the dog and lift it, opening the door.

How to open a Priora if the keys are inside?

Another option for opening the Priora is a little more complicated than the previous one, but it will definitely help you if you were unable to lower the window by hand.

You need to arm yourself with screwdrivers, wooden wedges about twenty centimeters long, wire, a hammer and strong tape. Insert wedges between the top of the door and the body, and carefully drive them in with a hammer. If you are afraid of the paint, then wrap them with a rag. And to prevent

If the paintwork near the wedges is damaged, cover all vulnerable areas with tape or tape. Then you need to insert a wire into the slot and use it to reach the central locking button or door handle. By pulling the handle with a hook, you can easily get inside the car.

Important: There is an even simpler method, which is to contact a lock opening company in force majeure situations. The masters will quickly come to your call and open your Priora for a minimal fee.

If you decide to call locksmiths, be sure to think about how you can prove to them that the car belongs to you.

Until specialists see documents confirming ownership, no one will open your car. If you simply do not have the opportunity to provide such documents, you can call the local police officer.

Tags: castle

Comments 30

When closed, I personally filmed the back door: it’s an unscrewed door locking pin, plus two bolts (stars) in the handle niche, plus a bolt on the door opening handle, and that’s it, you carefully pull the door card towards you, it sits on the bugs on the sides, they are at the same time Oddly enough, they don’t suffer. The front one is heavier, the bolt is also in the opening handle, two with an asterisk in the niche of the closing handle, two at the bottom along the niche for the mess... two at the bottom edge. Here you will need to carefully bend the door card towards yourself and snap off the lock rods blindly, then the lower bolts. This is all done when the door from the car's interior is jammed. With jammed front ones there will be a lot of swearing, but they can be sorted out in the same way from the interior, just with less effort and more time. The service will charge from 1000 rubles for this, and the main thing is that it’s a Priora, everything is always understood in it, don’t ever rush to drag yourself to the service)) either beer and a careful consideration of the source of the problem, or swearing and effort))

I’ve never taken the door apart, so I can’t help...(

When open, it can be easily disassembled. On the nine and with the door closed, you can remove the upholstery.

I filmed on the nines and filmed on the backs, I’m talking about a person’s problem with opening the door...

who knows, I had something similar, I removed the trim and bent the rods, the trim can be easily removed by the way, without any services

Is it possible to remove the trim on a closed door? And How?

Make your life easier and brighter

Lada Priora driver's door does not open

Well, here are the first jambs from the frost... I came home from work, slept for 3 hours, went out and the driver’s door does not open, that is, the handle moves freely, as if it had not been removed from the central locking, from the inside it’s the same... the tongue reacts to pressing the open button, but it doesn’t rise all the way... I think the worst thing didn’t happen: the holder didn’t come off, or maybe it did! but the most interesting thing is that for some reason I can’t put the key into the cylinder from the outside...anyone have any guesses? or something was stupidly frozen....today the driver's side was in the sun all day...could something have frozen??

Now they wanted to screw me over

by Adminrive · Published 12/28/2015

Guys from Vladivostok, please respond

by Adminrive · Published 04/23/2013

She generally gets into the salon

by Adminrive · Published 04/27/2017


  • Comments 63
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climb through the back door, start it when the interior warms up, it will go away, this happened three times

I had the same crap...the lock defroster helped

Dmitry, it didn’t help me, but what helped was that the next time, to prevent this from happening, I poured silicone grease into the larvae

Nikolay, you can pour brake fluid into the keyhole from time to time to prevent it from freezing

Nikolay, I already went to the shops, but it didn’t help) although here it’s minus 35! I went for a ride, we'll figure it out tomorrow)

Nikolai, how did you open the door? I would also remove the door card, but with the door closed I think it would be very, very hassle

Rishat, my front ones froze, the rear ones opened

Dmitry, did the tongue react to pressure? But if you use pliers to pull the tongue out to the end, nothing will break?

Nikolay, yes, I have a driver’s license and that’s all

Rishat, it should warm up if nothing is broken inside the card

Rishat, twitched a little and that’s all

Dmitry, damn it’s exactly the same... I’ll try it tomorrow... and will the vdshka help?

Rishat, it won't break! Try ts.z. open and close with your fingers, pull, help!

I tried it with a wand, it didn’t help, I pulled the flag with my fingers, also to no avail, I sprayed more defroster into the lock cylinder and slowly worked it out with the key...

Denis, I’ve already pressed it 100 times from the inside, the most important thing is that the key doesn’t fit into the cylinder... that’s strange... the main thing is that the motor holder doesn’t come off the lock! then the tongue wouldn’t move at all...he’s making an effort, just halfway for some reason

Dmitry, that’s it..tomorrow we’re going to look for a defroster)

Rishat, buy it, it will come in handy or wait for the warmth))

Dmitry, I’m thinking of trying to pull it from the inside with pliers

I have the same thing)) while before work the food apparently thaws and everything opens ok!)

Dmitry, ha) heat) I tried to warm the larva with hot water, well, I attached a bottle of hot water... you have to wait a long time, and most likely there will be no point

The problem is with the central locking, I go to the car and disarm it, open the driver’s door and sit down, I don’t close the door and don’t insert the key, and then the central locking starts numerous times closing and opening, followed by arming, and I’m sitting and my door is open.

It turns out that the locks of all doors open and close numerous times only when the driver’s door is open, but pay attention, this does not always happen, but happens “once-every-once” or “once-every-twice” or “twice-every other time”. I also managed to open the driver’s door with the key without the siren going off, the car was on guard, then I opened the rear passenger door, the siren went off. The conclusion is that for some reason the signal from the driver's door switch is jammed, but the light in the cabin comes on and the radio regularly sees the open door.

The car is new, Priora 2, 4000 mileage. Even during my tests, I armed and disarmed it many times, I managed to disarm it once, but the central locking did not work, that is, the doors did not open and the security was turned off.

Answers 71

how did you connect the central lock?

The installer installed it, he says it’s through the LIN module, he says that this is how it should be and that in the grant the locks are closed and opened 6 times when the door is open.

This is nonsense, it shouldn't be like this.

This does not always happen, numerous opening and closing of locks, it feels like the signaling system sees the water door limit switch on the can bus every now and then.

Installer Dmitry says:

«The state of the door limit switches is taken by the alarm system from the car's can bus. If she doesn’t see them, it means there is no signal in can to open the doors. The alarm is not to blame for this - it is a feature of the car.


But I will notice that when the car is running on auto start, I disarm it and open the door, the blue LED starts blinking intensely, it blinks only when the door is open, which means the whitefish sees the limit switches.

«Did Grant pay attention to how the locking and unlocking of the central locking process occurs? First the driver's door closes (opens) - then the rest. If, by the way, the doors are not closed, then this slamming can happen 6 times in a row.


So I came to the car and disarmed the security, opened the door and don’t want to close it yet “for some reason”, then the locks begin to close and open, and they do this several times, it was open -> closes -> opens -> closes —> opens, and closes + sets security, and the driver’s door is open, and then the one I’m waiting for comes, he opens his door and the siren starts screaming.

Causes of malfunctions

There are several types of malfunctions that prevent the VAZ-2109 from opening from the outside or from both sides:

  1. The outer key, made of silumin, broke off. This happens when you try to open the door in severe frost, applying a lot of force. Breakage is not considered a big problem, because the sash can be opened with a handle from the inside.
  2. The silumin pusher, which is activated by the opening key, has broken. The reasons are the same: low temperature outside and strong pressure. In this situation, the door can also be unlocked from inside the car.
  3. The rod that connects the handles with the locking mechanism has disappeared. The door does not unlock from either side.
  4. Wear of parts of the locking device.
  5. The screws securing the lock have come loose and it is hanging freely inside the door card. It is impossible to open the door using the handles.

The latter malfunction sometimes occurs due to the fault of the car owner himself, who has decided to change or repair the door lock. Having put it in place and not fully tightened the screws, the owner of the VAZ-2109 accidentally slams the door, after which it will not be possible to open it with the handle.

Door opening methods

The interior of the car is locked by locking the door mechanisms with the central locking system, or in older cars, with manual buttons located on top of the door panels. Therefore, your task is not to break the locks themselves, but to unlock them, after which the door will open with the outer handle. There are several options for how you can open your car without a key:

  • using a rope loop;
  • steel wire hook;
  • thin metal ruler;
  • keyless entry card (for modern cars).

Key programming instructions for Lada Kalina, Priora, Granta, etc.

  1. Close all doors. Turn on the ignition with the training key and wait in the on state for at least 6 seconds.
  2. Turn off the ignition. The indicator light in the warning lamp unit should flash quickly (at a frequency of 5 times per second) while the learning procedure is being carried out correctly. If the lamp stops flashing quickly, it indicates an incorrect operation, an out-of-time interval, or a malfunction. Remove the training key from the ignition switch.
  3. While the warning lamp is flashing (about 6 seconds), insert the remote control and turn on the ignition. The immobilizer buzzer should emit three beeps. If the buzzer does not sound and the indicator has stopped flashing, this means: - the time interval of 6 seconds has been exceeded and it is necessary to repeat the learning procedure, starting from step 1; -immobilizer is faulty
  4. Wait 6 seconds for the buzzer to emit two more beeps and turn off the ignition.
  5. If it is necessary to train the second remote control, then you should perform steps 3...4 again, using the second learning remote control to turn on the ignition. If not, continue from step 6.
  6. After turning off the ignition for no more than 6 seconds, while the indicator is flashing, remove the remote control, insert the learning key and turn on the ignition. The buzzer should beep three times. Wait 6 seconds until the buzzer beeps two more times.
  7. Turn off the ignition without removing the training key, wait 6 seconds until the buzzer sounds a single sound signal. The indicator should flash twice as fast. If the sound signal does not sound and the flashing indicator stops, you should return to step 1 and repeat the learning procedure. If a repeated failure occurs when performing step 7, this means that the ECM was previously trained with a different key, in which case the controller should be replaced.
  8. After the buzzer gives a single sound signal, no later than 3 seconds, turn on the ignition for 2...3 seconds and then turn it off (after turning on the ignition, the buzzer will sound three times and the indicator will stop flashing). The hazard warning lights should flash and the car horn should beep.
  9. Remove the learning key. Wait with the ignition off for at least 10 seconds. Insert the working key and turn on the ignition. Wait 6 seconds, if the indicator does not flash, test start the engine, the engine should start. If the indicator flashes, turn off the ignition and wait at least 10 seconds. Turn on the ignition. The warning light should not flash and the engine should start. If, after turning on the ignition, after 6 seconds the indicator lights up with a constant light, then the learning procedure must be repeated, starting from step 1.

Functions and purpose of the central lock

The car's central locking is the “heart” of the security system. Responsible for monitoring the locks in the car. That is why it is called central. The signal sent from the key fob symbolizing the central control unit closes or opens the doors, windows, trunk and hatch.

Central locking is one of the car's auxiliary comfort systems. The development of the central locking system does not stand still. New car models are equipped with a system that ensures automatic closing of door locks when driving. Some car models combine central locking and alarm systems under a single control.

How to open a Priora door without a key

Emergency opening of cars of different models is practically no different from each other. Many people think of resorting to various tricks, but this can greatly damage the integrity of the door. This can scratch the door and damage the sealing layer and insulation.

Before you open Priora without a key yourself, weigh all the risks. It is best to entrust emergency opening to a professional. Specialists know how to open a Lada Priora without a key, without damaging the paint, glass and other parts.

The functionality of the doors or electronic system will not be impaired, and the driver will have access to the interior. Call!

Algorithm of actions in case of jamming with central locking

Most often, the driver's door with central locking does not open on frosty days. The following problem is observed: the levers on the key fob open, you can only enter from the passenger side, or all the doors except the driver's open. It happens, on the contrary, all the doors are jammed, the driver's door can be opened with the key. All this could be a sign of a blown fuse: its electrical circuit stops working. In such a situation, there can be a huge number of reasons for this, including faulty wiring, broken wires; a specialist will be able to accurately determine them after diagnosis. It is worth calling a specialist to unlock it. What advice can you give to a car owner?

  1. From time to time it is necessary to open the doors with a key. This will help prevent the cylinder from sticking and will keep the locking mechanism in working order.
  2. There is no need to try to warm the locks using a hairdryer or boiling water.

Front passenger door won't open

Climb into the driver's door. Either the wires running in the corrugation from the door to the counter broke, or the electric lock was damaged.

You open the box with the fuses in the bundle of wires, looking for a cylinder with a diameter of approximately 10mm, a length of up to 10cm, maybe a little less, I’m writing this as a keepsake. it has pink wires! you untwist it, it has a 10A fuse! It was on very often for some reason, I set it to 15A and forgot!

I didn’t find anything similar there, maybe it’s different on the tenth family, on the Prior it’s different.

Still, has anyone encountered something similar? Or does he know how to solve the problem?

I didn’t find anything similar there, maybe it’s different on the tenth family, on the Prior it’s different.

Still, has anyone encountered something similar? Or does he know how to solve the problem?

I didn’t find anything similar there, maybe it’s different on the tenth family, on the Prior it’s different.

Still, has anyone encountered something similar? Or does he know how to solve the problem?

From the key fob, signal this way even if you open it with the key. If you open it from the inside using the button on the driver's door, then everything is fine.

From the key fob, signal this way even if you open it with the key. If you open it from the inside using the button on the driver's door, then everything is fine.

Regarding the stepped opening, I don’t think it should be like this, as described above.



The weakest point of the Priora locking system is the microswitch. The electrical package itself, used on the model in question, is a rather complex device. It is his responsibility to receive the owner’s command to unlock or lock the door. Having received a certain signal, it activates certain electrical networks that supply the drive. In this case, the electrical package can perceive orders in two ways at once:

In the first case, having sensed the order to close, the immobilizer turns off the alarm and energizes the electric drive of the lock, closing or, conversely, opening the contact groups of the microswitch.

Why is everything arranged this way? Everything is simple, because the command in this situation can be received not only from the key fob, but also from the switch if the car owner used the key. This allows the immobilizer, when the security alarm is activated, after detecting a raised blocker, to immediately begin to act according to the alarm protocol.

So, the biggest problem of the Priora is water getting inside the door. As a result, the contact groups of the microswitch quickly oxidize and become overgrown with verdigris, similar to moss. The volume of the working surface increases significantly and the contacts stick together. In addition, the oxides have fairly good conductivity. As a result, the passing tension is perceived as an order to unlock or lock the doors.

It is possible to get rid of such a malfunction only after replacing the blocker, or the microswitch itself.

Other most common problems and ways to eliminate them are described below.

How to prevent such situations?

"Forewarned is forearmed!"

To prevent difficulties, do not forget about timely lubrication of the locking elements. Fasteners and hinges require close attention. Children should not be allowed to hang on the doors or lean on the body themselves: this leads to their deformation. The slightest misalignment can cause the locking device to jam.

Blocking is caused by poor-quality drying during the washing process, or a sharp decrease in air temperature after the heat. We advise you to constantly monitor the condition of the seals, wipe them from condensation in rain or snowstorms. You can prevent condensation from forming by not immediately closing the doors before leaving the “swallow” in the cold: the advice is to keep them open for a while. It is highly not recommended to use a lighter to “freeze” locks. A good alternative option is a keychain-defrost, a special anti-freeze spray.

Rubber gaskets must be lubricated with silicone grease containing water-repellent substances. Thanks to this technique, a film coating is formed that serves as good protection. In winter, it is better not to leave the “steel horse” in the cold; the best solution would be to use a heated parking lot.

Currently, many car enthusiasts are asking the question: why doesn’t the driver’s door open (despite efforts) on a new or not so Priora? It is worth noting in this regard that all problems mainly arise from the fault of the central locking. The situation is aggravated by the fact that the owners simply do not find the necessary information.

The main signs of a malfunction in the locking system installed by the manufacturer on Priora are as follows:

  • the door does not close;
  • does not open;
  • unlocks on its own.

Moreover, car enthusiasts often complain that it is impossible to open the lock with a key, from a key fob or from the inside.

In reality, in about 90 cases out of a hundred, the culprit of the malfunction is the lock installed directly inside the driver's door.

How to Open the Rear Door on a VAZ 2115

How to open and repair a jammed door of a VAZ 2109?

The question of how to open jammed doors of a VAZ-2109 appears among motorists quite periodically. Many of them do not encounter this problem throughout the life of the car. The reason is that the door locking mechanisms of VAZs of the “ninth” family are quite reliable and periodically fail. Oh, and from time to time they break, causing the door to get in the way and can be difficult to open. There are several ways to do this without resorting to the last resort of a crusher to fix the problem later without consequences.

Door opening technique

If the doors of a VAZ-2109 do not open on both sides, it is difficult to find the cause of the malfunction, since the locking mechanism is completely inaccessible.

There is a slightly easier version of failure when the door does not close and does not get stuck in this position. Then there is an opportunity for a sharp object to reach the latch from the outside.

To open a stuck door, you must first do the following:

  1. When the sash is not completely closed, try to reach the locking device using a metal flat ruler. Maybe it will work openly in a similar way to regular latch door locks.
  2. If the door is completely closed, try moving it to a suitable position to gain access to the lock. To do this, try moving the inner and outer handles together or alternately, immediately pressing the door from the inside.
  3. Try to open by joining an assistant who clicks or releases it to get into the desired position as you try to open the lock.

When simple tools fail, the door will need to be opened from inside the cabin, which will need to be removed.

In practice, this is difficult to do, because the housing is tightly closed and removing it without damage is problematic. But there is no other way out: it is better to destroy the inner panel than the door itself.

To remove the trim panel, unscrew the crank handle with a screwdriver and then the storage shelf located below the door card . The button is then released to release the lock at the top. The window lift handle and opening frame are the last to be removed. Now you need to carefully separate the lining from the body using a pair of flathead screwdrivers and another suitable tool. You can remove the case without visible damage.

Open the lock of spells VAZ 2114, 2115, 2113

Stuck lock back

Doors VAZ 2115
. The cause was frozen water in the outer castle. He did it before.



2110, 2111.

When removing the dashboard, the locking mechanism c is accessible, although it is not easy to access. Immediately check the traction from the handle to the lock. This is a fairly common malfunction that eliminates “little blood”. Put the rod in place and open the door.

If there are no visible causes of damage, simply try to open the door from the inside by working on the mechanism with various tools. If necessary, have a helper push or pull the door. Experience shows that such procedures for opening a blocked door can take a long time, so you will have to be patient.

Causes of malfunctions

There are several types of faults that prevent the VAZ-2109 from opening from the outside or from both sides:

  1. The external silumin key is disabled. This happens when you try to open the door in severe frost with great force. Damage is not considered a serious problem, since the sash can be opened with a handle in .
  2. The opening button of the opening button is broken. The reasons are the same: low outside temperature and high pressure. In this situation, the door can also be unlocked from the cab.
  3. There is no rod that connects the handles to the locking mechanism. The door will not unlock on both sides.
  4. Impaired blocking of device parts.
  5. The lock retaining screws have been loosened and it is loose inside the door card . Doors cannot be opened with handles.

The latter malfunction sometimes occurs due to the fault of a motorist who decides to change or repair the door lock. By putting it in place without fully tightening the screws, the owner of the VAZ-2109 accidentally slams the door, after which it will be impossible to open the handle.

Problem solving

If a key or lever is broken by silumin, you should not immediately buy a new block with a handle. On sale you can find special repair kits for VAZ 2108-099 door handles, where these parts are available in 2 copies.

This way, you will save money and easily replace the key yourself by removing the handle using the following procedure:

  1. Remove the decorative panel.
  2. Disconnect the link from the handle of the mechanism connecting it to the locking device.
  3. With the glass fully up, unscrew the 2 fasteners on the door card handle.
  4. Remove the handle, replace the parts and put it back.

If the stem is disconnected, remove the inner liner and adjust it as described above. When removing the security panel, make sure that communication has been disabled so that history does not repeat itself when the door is closed.

Some useful tips

The first dismantling can cause a number of difficulties and wrong decisions. To avoid damaging the door and its upholstery, follow these rules:

  • Do not attempt to remove a Torx bolt with a regular screwdriver. It is shaped like a star and cannot be grasped tightly with the normal end. At best, nothing will come of it. In the worst case, the edges will collapse and it will become difficult to twist even with the original nozzle. The bits are inexpensive, and will save a lot of time and nerves.
  • It is necessary to de-energize the vehicle when performing any wiring work. A sloppy contact can easily short out to ground or to another wire. The consequences are a blown fuse, a short circuit, failure of sensitive units. A few minutes spent disconnecting the battery is not that much time.
  • Each connection block has its own sets of grooves. Don’t be afraid to connect the contact “in the wrong place” - you won’t be able to insert it anywhere else.
  • Do not leave damaged wire sections inside the door. They can cause poor contact or shortness.
  • It’s better to get a new Phillips screwdriver with “fresh” edges. Unscrewing licked screws takes a lot of time and patience.
  • When working with upholstery, try to keep the tool clean. Getting the covering material dirty is a matter of seconds.

Removing doors does not require much qualification. The tips given will help even an inexperienced motorist dismantle the assembly.

Happy renovation!

How to remove a door on a Priora: rear, front. Photo instructions 5 (100%) 2 votes

The door does not open in cold weather

Most often this happens after washing a car or driving in the rain, when dampness gives way to negative temperatures.
Usually the larva freezes completely in the lock. Sometimes the lubricant in the drive or rod also hardens. Knowledgeable car owners advise warming up the constipation (for example, with a hairdryer) and then lubricating it with WD-40. Moreover, the procedure must be repeated after each significant wetness of the car.

In addition, it will also help:

  • turning on autostart with constant heating of the interior;
  • disassembling the door and adjusting the lock components;
  • use any silicone-based lubricant.

Front passenger door won't open

Post by wyurm » Mar 01, 2013, 10:50 am

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Post by MaxXxiMEr » Mar 01, 2013, 12:14 pm

I’ll take a look... although more than a week has passed since the last wash, and even after that the car was warm at the service station (I changed the oil and checked the wheel alignment) and the wheel locks were splashed.

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Post by Icecheat » 01 Mar 2013, 14:29

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Post by Toboliac76 » Mar 01, 2013, 10:50 pm

MaxXxiMEr wrote: I'll take a look... although more than a week has passed since the last wash, and even after that the car was warm at the service station (I changed the oil and checked the wheel alignment) and the wheel locks were splashed.


How to replace a door lock cylinder in a Priora

The lock cylinder is used to replace or repair the door (painting, straightening).

  1. First of all, you will need to perform the following manipulation: remove the door trim.
  2. Then, from the inside, you need to carefully use a Phillips screwdriver to pry off the rod that is directed towards the cylinder. Now the larva is attached only with the help of a single metal bracket, which is pryed and removed with pliers.
  3. After this, you need to get the larva (assembled) from the other side.
  4. It’s time to start installing a new larva. It must be placed in the same place and the door lock rod must be attached to the previous area. It is necessary to take into account that when replacing one cylinder, it is time to use another key. The latter will be able to open the door manually without the help of a key fob.

Most car lock cylinder failures do not happen suddenly. The main factor leading to damage is considered to be prolonged non-use of the lock due to the presence of a remote control. As a result of such downtime, the lock itself begins to rust and oxidize, or, conversely, the car owner uses the lock regularly, and, like every spare part of the car, it is subject to wear and tear. In addition, some parts may break.

It is important to periodically check the lock for functionality, because this is not a long and especially not difficult manipulation. However, such care in a certain situation will help you save both money and precious time.

There are times when a motorist has other plans or does not have the necessary skills, in which case you should not break open the door or break the glass. Then it makes sense to contact specialists who will quickly and efficiently open your car without damage and restore the lock’s operation.

How to open a Priora door without a key

During the operation of technical equipment, and above all this applies to your favorite car, unforeseen situations periodically occur, which in this case there is no particular need to list. Any owner of an iron four-wheeled friend knows well what can happen at an unexpected moment.

The most common cases of the inability to open your locked car is, first of all, the absent-mindedness of the owner himself, due to which the precious key was lost.

There may also be a trivial possibility of its breakdown and an even more annoying reason is when the owner, again absent-mindedly, forgets the left key in the trunk of the car and simply closes the trunk door with the lock in the latching position, requiring the presence of a key to open it again. This can happen during any actions with cargo necessary for transportation. At the same time, the remaining doors of the car are also closed.

Such cases are rare, however, unfortunately they do occur, and most importantly, no one has insurance against this extremely unpleasant event. Knowing about the possibility of such an unpleasant situation arising, the owner of the iron horse should simply know ways to get out of the current situation, using available means that will help eliminate the problem.

To quickly eliminate this situation, an inattentive owner will need the following tools:

1. Hammer; 2. Screwdrivers; 3. Wire; 4. Wooden wedges; 5. Scotch tape.

A well-known fact is that the Priora car is equipped with a central locking system that locks the doors. There are cases when this happens due to the fault of the alarm system. The question arises of how to open Priora without a key. In the event that the car keys are not available to the owner, the doors can be unlocked using ordinary wire, which should not be thick, but rigid.

Further actions should be as follows:

It is necessary to insert a wire with a hook pre-made at its end between the glass seal and the glass itself. The wire must be inserted above the handle. The hook itself, at the end of the wire, should face backwards.

Next, you should insert the hook between the larva and the handle. Then you need to push the larva so that it rests against the rod. As soon as this happens, you need to carefully pick up the dog, and then just carefully lift it. Once you succeed, the door will open.

The second way to answer the question of how to open a Priora door without a key is a somewhat more labor-intensive action. However, if you do not take this into account, then this process is quite doable. To implement it, you will need wooden wedges, the width of which should be 3-5 centimeters. The wedges themselves must be wrapped in a rag - this is important so that the car components are not damaged.

After this, the wedges should be driven into the gap, which is located between the body and the door itself. To protect the paintwork, the very place where the gap has formed should be covered with insulating tape or tape.

Once you have done this, you should insert a wire with a bent hook at the end into the gap and use it to reach the central locking button or handle that opens the door. Once this is achieved, the door will open easily.

How to tighten your grip on a grant

Good day. Probably many owners of the grant were tormented by the backlash of the door handles, so this misfortune befell me, although trouble is a strong word. The first step is to remove the door card, it is held on by 5 bolts.

After we have removed all the bolts, we begin to pull off the door card. I started bending from bottom to top. Don't forget to remove the door lock.

Now you need to find the bolt that holds the place of the handle that is dangling.

The next stage is removing and bending the culprit of this play - the hook!))

We bend the handle and pull it out, take the pliers and squeeze it just a little.

The place where the handle scratches the door can be lubricated with grease or Movml or something else.

Now we insert it back into the handle and screw it through the same hole through which we unscrewed it.

Well, we tighten everything in reverse order).

Maybe my post will help someone

Thank you for your attention))). The door handle on Kalina is loose! How to repair the Kalina door handle, what should I do to prevent it from swaying? Thank you

The door handle on Kalina is loose! How to repair the Kalina door handle, what should I do to prevent it from swaying? Thank you.

Modification of the rear handle on the VAZ 1118 Kalina - 1 answer

The handle begins to wobble due to the fact that the metal petal with the “groove” unbends during operation. This is the peculiarity of the mechanism.

To fix this, to repair Kalina’s door handle, you need to remove the door trim, and then tighten the screw with a Phillips screwdriver and then try to bend the shaped petal.

It happens that the thread on the handle breaks off (if you overtighten the nut). To fix it, you need to remove the handle and grind off the screw head, then drill out the remaining parts from the petal into a cone. Next, you need to select a suitable countersunk screw and solder it.

Car: Lada Kalina. Asks: Vladimir Smirnov. The essence of the question: Why are the rear doors of the Lada Kalina difficult to open?

Good afternoon, please tell me why the rear doors of the Lada Kalina are difficult to open?

Rear doors don't open well

Be it Lada Kalina or Lada Granta - both of these cars are now very popular among Russian car enthusiasts. However, on some models during operation, a malfunction such as rear doors that are difficult to open is observed.

And this happens because the doors or locks were poorly adjusted at the factory. This deficiency can be eliminated by contacting an official dealer, or you can fix everything yourself.

Door adjustment process

While adjusting the door

Before you start work, first inspect all the gaps for the correct geometry of the body, on the sides, top and bottom, and depending on where the inaccuracy is found, you should start working.

Read more: Rules for installing fog lights in Russia

Tools required: Impact screwdriver and socket set

Adjusting the bottom of the door

  1. Open the car window.
  2. Apply light blows with your palm to the bottom of the door.
  3. In order for you to understand more clearly what we are talking about, we bring to your attention a video about how a similar issue is resolved at the Renault plant.

Adjusting a door with a large gap at the top

  1. We lower the window completely. Depending on the configuration, we use either a mechanical handle or a window lifter for this.
  2. We close the door until it clicks.
  3. Pull the top edge of the door away from you or toward you.

How to open a prior door

Morning. As usual, I get the children ready for kindergarten. I went outside to start the car (there was no signal).

Left, head. The spare (training) key is in the glove compartment. My yard is calm, sometimes I don’t lock my car at night. Well, I went home to get the children. My wife and I go out, I open the driver’s door as usual (one child in my arms), press the button to unlock the other doors, click, everything is as usual. I slam the driver's door, try to open the back door, but it's locked.

I look at the driver's side, and IT'S ALSO LOCKED! Usually, when the driver's door is open, if you press the central locking button, the pawls do not go down, but jump back out, i.e., you cannot close the locks if the door is open, but it so happened that I immediately opened all the doors while parking (2 pressed the button once), and then pressed it a third time and everything closed.

(but it shouldn’t have happened like this) In general, it’s raining, the little children are freezing, it’s -1 on the street, the car is running, the headlights are on, and the fuel needle in the tank is at 0, and since yesterday, I wanted to refuel in the morning, i.e. K. My trusted gas station is far from home on the way to work.

In short, it’s not yet 8 o’clock, so I started calling everyone who is somehow connected with the service station. I put my wife in a taxi and ran to the Internet to see who was writing what about this. I came across a forum where a guy described the process (I’ll retell it in my own words): We take a wire that is quite stiff, but not thick, like a bicycle knitting needle. (

60cm) We insert it above the handle, between the glass and the glass seal. In this case, the hook should point towards the butt.

Approximately insert the hook between the handle and the larva. We push the wire towards the rear until it rests against the rod: That's it, we hook it up and lift the dog. I went to work, they quickly made a hook for me, the service station was still closed, I couldn’t call anyone. The driver and I got into the company SUV from work and rushed to the car.

We arrived, stuck the hook in, 5 seconds. Manipulation and the door is open. Good luck.

PS I would like to hold a social.

Poll, what keywords would you use to search for a similar topic, because I found only one on email. Ru in the answers. I will listen to suggestions and change the name so that you can quickly find this topic in search engines.

Prior door lock does not open

What could this be and the price of the issue?

Car 2008 I hardly ever use the rear doors. About two years ago I noticed that the left door stopped coming off. Somehow it opened, I filled it with VD and the hinges and into the lock itself, it seemed to be better. About six months later it was necessary, again no. Well, okay, it seems, it’s not really necessary, there’s also the right rear one). And then the other day I looked and the right one was jammed.

Now both rear doors cannot be opened either from the inside or from the outside.

The car is mine, I’m the only owner, there were no accidents - that’s for sure, it’s summer now and car washes have nothing to do with it either. There are no children either - I didn’t do any child locks, everything was fine with the levers. The buttons on the alarm remote control are responsive, i.e. there is a mode for opening only the front doors - no, I have it set to all 4. Yes, it’s a hatchback body. The storage is in a garage and everything is fine with the body and geometry.

Remove the seat then the trim (there are no bolts there). You pull the rod manually, open the door, fill all the connections of the rods with VD (there is no need to spare the VD, you need to pour it humanly) and after that, work the lock 30-40 times, and then pour everything well with silicone grease.

And let them adjust your rods; they are 100% not adjusted.

In the service, this whole procedure will cost mere trifles. You can do it yourself, but since you are a woman, ask your husband or lover)))

My nephew Priora, the back door behind the driver did not open, we did everything ourselves and quite quickly. Prior has such a disease.

Front passenger door won't open

Hello everyone, here's a problem: the driver's door is stuck, the lock won't open, I took off the trim, tinkered with it and no one can help me with practical advice on what to do.

There was such a thing with the driver's door: you close the door with a signal, you open it back, everything opens but the driver's door doesn't, I struggled with disassembling it, took off the trim, lubricated it, it didn't help for a long time. Then I got angry and took some big pliers and pulled the rod that locks the doors as hard as I could a couple of times and everything works fine now.

I didn’t think of buying a lock and then looking at it, I hoped that the broken one could be brought back to life.

The hardest part was unscrewing the screws on the bottom of the casing. and unscrew the screws securing the lock, even though there was an impact screwdriver.

minimum door opening for door 60 cm

I didn’t think of buying a lock and then looking at it, I hoped that the broken one could be brought back to life.

The hardest part was unscrewing the screws on the bottom of the casing. and unscrew the screws securing the lock, even though there was an impact screwdriver.

Same thing, I thought I’d kill her.

there is a screw in the screwdriver, which upon impact gives a torque, since the angles of rotation are not large (or you have to hit with all your heart), then you need to select the gap. I first turned the screwdriver, then pressed it until the spring was compressed, and only then hit it. that's how it worked out.

Same thing, I thought I’d kill her.

there is a screw in the screwdriver, which upon impact gives a torque, since the angles of rotation are not large (or you have to hit with all your heart), then you need to select the gap. I first turned the screwdriver, then pressed it until the spring was compressed, and only then hit it. that's how it worked out.

By the way, you can also unlock the door with a strong blow to the plastic clip.


How to properly replace door hinges.

The repairs made, of course, depend on the cause of the sagging and the condition of the hinges. If the driver's door is sagging due to worn-out hinges, then you can replace the axle (if the hinges themselves are in good condition), but it is still safer to replace the entire set, since the entire structure is subject to wear.

To replace door hinges you need to do the following:

  • First, remove the driver's door;
  • then the loops are cut off, since they are welded;
  • to remove all the remnants of the loop, you need to drill them out;
  • To install a new hinge, you need to make (drill) a hole on the side for a bolt, which after installation will need to be trimmed with a grinder.

After the replacement has been made, it is very important to make adjustments following the algorithm:

To facilitate adjustment, the mating part of the lock is dismantled; The correct position of the car door along the vertical axis is determined. To do this, it is closed and the offsets are determined. We can eliminate this defect by loosening the door hinges and then raising (or lowering) the doors; The fasteners are tightened well and the location relative to the opening is checked. If the end part is shifted downwards, the lower fastening is released. After this, using thin metal plates, achieve the normal position of the door, placing them under the hinge. If, on the contrary, the edge of the door is raised, the same thing is done only with respect to the top hinge. Horizontal position is adjustable. If the door is too recessed into the interior, the hinges move closer to the edge. Otherwise (when the door protrudes outward), the hinges are moved inside the car

This process needs to be given special attention, since a violation of the horizontal position can cause the door to jam due to improper functioning of the lock. After the doors are correctly aligned, the mechanical lock and its counterpart are adjusted.

After all the manipulations done, the car door should open and close without difficulty with a characteristic bang. The tightness of the bolts should be checked regularly. All locking mechanisms and hinges must be lubricated periodically.

To ensure the durability of your car door hinges, do not do the following:

  • leave doors open for a long time;
  • lean with your full weight and do not hang heavy objects;
  • slam doors hard.
  • Absolutely legal (Article 12.2);
  • Hides from photo and video recording;
  • Suitable for all cars;
  • Works through the cigarette lighter connector;
  • Does not cause interference to radios and cell phones.

Why does the central locking system not work?

Quite often a situation arises when the central lock cannot be opened with a key or key fob. As a rule, the problem here is solely due to a faulty relay or due to damaged wiring.

If the key normally opens the central locking system, but the key fob does not, then most likely the battery in the latter is simply dead or its button needs to be cleaned. Experienced specialists note that in their practice, signal receiver or transmitter failures have occurred extremely rarely. You can check it simply - just use a spare remote control or insert a new power supply into the existing one.

The inability to open with the key is due to incorrect operation of the activator. This device is located directly in the driver's door, and it is responsible for distributing the signal through the locking mechanism. First of all, in this case, check:

To inspect the activator, you will need to remove the trim from the previously mentioned door.

If the door does not open with the key fob

First of all, you should make sure that the button itself is working. The battery often runs out.

Further, if the indication goes off after using the key fob, then most likely the wires leading to the lock installed directly in the door have simply frayed.

This, in particular, is also indicated by non-working window regulators.

In such a situation, you will have to disassemble the door (that is, remove the trim from it) and check the integrity of the chains. It will also be necessary to inspect the fuses - they usually blow out from the slightest overload, and their damage leads to failure of the locking system.

Another common factor is a poorly charged battery, because it is from it that all systems installed on the car are powered. In cold weather, as you know, the battery discharges the most. Moreover, if the battery is disconnected for a while, then the immobilizer often starts to work incorrectly.

Sometimes mechanical problems can interfere with opening, but in this case the door cannot be unlocked with anything.

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