Gazelle business twitches during acceleration - 4216 jerks when hot - Domestic auto industry GAZ, UAZ

If there was no gas, I would start by supplying fuel. Fuel rail pressure, filter condition, etc.

Agree. Here I am in a stupor

Look also at the thin vacuum hoses, it happens that they fly off and a similar thing begins and air leaks in the IAC pipes, sometimes cracks appear there and air is sucked in through them, then try changing the throttle position sensor, fortunately, it’s inexpensive, but the last one is probably the saddest — Watch the mass air flow sensor. Although, once there was a case - in the winter on the highway it stalled, I also rechecked all the sensors, spent the night in the car, and in the morning it turned out that the fuse that was cracked for the engine control system was cracked, and not burned out, as a result, the multimeter showed voltage everywhere, but power There wasn’t enough current for everything to work, although it was in Gazelka, but a lesson for life

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