How much oil is in the VAZ 2109 gearbox, injector 8 valves

How much oil is in a VAZ-2109 five-speed gearbox

As follows from the manufacturer’s recommendations, the oil change in the gearbox of the mentioned model must be done at least once every five years or after 75 thousand kilometers if the car has an injector.
As a rule, the amount of oil remains unchanged for quite a long time, and in the VAZ-2109 five-speed gearbox it is approximately 3.3 liters. However, the oil still needs to be changed regularly over time. For example, if you notice suspicious sounds during operation, you should not immediately rush to go to a service station, because you can check the presence of the required amount of oil in the gearbox, and, if necessary, replace it yourself. The serviced gearbox is supplied complete with a dipstick that fits easily into the filler hole. It is with them that you can check the oil level, making sure that its quantity is sufficient.

It is best to change the oil in a garage equipped with a pit, or if it is possible to use a lift. The set of tools required for the procedure includes the following:

  • socket wrench 17;
  • a funnel through which you will pour oil;
  • container for draining;
  • a special syringe (if the box is maintenance-free and pouring through a funnel will not work);
  • a rag for wiping the dipstick.

To drain the oil, you should go down into the pit, taking a pre-prepared key, tear the filler plug, place a container under it, and unscrew the bolt with your hands.
The draining process can take up to fifteen minutes. After this, you need to tighten the bolt, go up and, if the box is being serviced, pull the dipstick out of the filler hole, into which new oil is to be poured using a funnel.

If the gearbox is maintenance-free, the filling process will be difficult, and instead of a funnel, you can use a special syringe or a small diameter hose. It is also possible to pour oil through the speedometer drive hole. To do this, the car owner will need a large volume enema, which speeds up the process.

To summarize, it can be noted that the process of changing the oil in a VAZ-2109 gearbox is not a difficult task, especially for experienced car enthusiasts, and does not require the involvement of car service specialists. You just need to know some of the features of how to do this and have the necessary tools on hand, as well as new oil. The main thing is to carry out this procedure on time, without waiting for your iron horse to start reminding you of this with characteristic sounds and malfunctions.


The VAZ 2109 was produced from 1987 to 2011 and therefore these cars have some differences in the design of the gearbox, namely: a manual gearbox can be with or without a dipstick. In this regard, replacing a lubricant has its own characteristics. The replacement should be made on a warm car, that is, after a trip. This will help it drain quickly.

For the basis of the operation itself, the transport must be placed on a lift or inspection pit. If the car is on a flat, horizontal surface, this will help you find out the exact degree of the substance poured into the transmission. A special feature is that in boxes with a dipstick (many new models), the filler hole or the dipstick itself is located on top. You can get to the points where you pour the substance through the open hood.

And many early models do not have a dipstick, but instead there is a filler hole covered with a filler plug. It is accessed from the lower part of the car. Using a syringe, filling in lubricant in both cases is quite simple. So, let's begin the process of replacing the lubricant in the VAZ 2109 car.

Indication of the drain hole Indication of the breather Indication of the drain hole if there is a dipstick Oil on the dipstick marks Drain and fill hole Funnel in the fill hole Filling oil with a syringe

Step 1 - Test the oil level

Without a dipstick, the lubricant level can be checked by supporting your finger or visually. To do this we do the following:

  1. Under the car, in the front lobe, unscrew the transmission filler plug.
  2. If the liquid begins to flow out, then the liquid level is sufficient. If not, check with your finger. The optimal amount of liquid should reach the level of the edge of the filler hole.
  3. You can also check the current degree of lubrication after pouring it into a container. This will show how much substance was in the aggregate.

In many modern models, a dipstick is installed instead of a filler plug. Using it, checking the lubricant number is relatively simple:

  1. Unscrew the dipstick plug.
  2. Wipe off any remaining oil. This is done because previously the substance could have reached above the current level while the car was moving.
  3. We place the clean probe in a “quiet” box.
  4. We take it out and determine how much lubricant is at this moment. In the case when the liquid touches the lower mark (MIN) - the minimum allowed level. The optimal oil level is if it has colored the dipstick to the upper rating (MAX).

Step 2 - Drain the oil

  1. First of all, remove the rubber plug from the breather, then clean the breather while supporting the wire and close it with the plug again. With this action you equalize the internal pressure in the gearbox.
  2. Further, unscrew the bolted drain plug. In both cases, it can be found at the bottom of the gearbox.
  3. Drain the liquid into a previously prepared container. On a “hot” car, the liquid drains faster, but in general it will take several minutes.
  4. After the liquid is drained, the drain hole closes.

Step 3 - Oil Change

In VAZ 2109 cars, the filler hole, like the drain hole, is located at the bottom. To replace we do the following:

  1. We unscrew the drain plug.
  2. Using a syringe, fill the gearbox with lubricant. We stop the procedure when the liquid reaches the edge of the hole.
  3. Close the filler plug.

It is worth noting that for 5-speed transmissions it is worth pouring 300–350 ml more lubricant than normal. Otherwise, when the box is operating in 5th gear, it may “cry” about the lack of fluid, even if it is filled to the brim.

To do this you need:

  1. Raise the side of the car opposite the filler hole with a jack (or any other accessible or convenient way). This will prevent additional fluid from leaking out.
  2. While raised, add additional lubricant.
  3. Close the filler hole with a plug and return the car to a horizontal position.

In order to change the oil in a VAZ 2109 through the dipstick hole, we perform the following procedures:

  1. We find the hood.
  2. We take out the dipstick plug.
  3. Using a funnel or syringe, pour lubricating fluid into the cold hole.
  4. When pouring the substance, you should check the current level while supporting the dipstick. When the level reaches the MAX mark, we stop the filling process.
  5. Close the dipstick plug.

The oil change in the VAZ 2109 gearbox has been completed. Now the gearbox in your car will last longer and will not bother you with faulty operation.

Replacement frequency

Consumables in the VAZ-2109 manual transmission, according to established regulations, are replaced every 75 thousand kilometers. Deviation from this norm to a greater extent can negatively affect the service life of the transmission, and at the same time the entire vehicle. Some experienced owners prefer to change the transmission fluid even after 40-50 thousand kilometers. Often this concerns unfavorable operating conditions, as in Russia, for example. Let us note several factors due to which the gearbox oil will have to be changed two or three times more often:

  • Frequent driving at high speeds
  • Engine overheating due to constantly high speeds
  • Driving on bad roads, including off-road with mud or muddy ground
  • Constant temperature changes, the weather quickly changes to frost and warming, dirt and slush on the roads, as well as chemical reagents

Any of the above factors, as well as similar ones, can negatively affect the quality of the oil. In the worst case, the substance will become unusable ahead of schedule, after which problems with overheating of the gearbox, unpredictable breakdowns and, ultimately, major repairs of the gearbox will begin. This is why it is important to change the oil on time, and even better - not to wait for the regulations, and check the volume and condition of the oil in advance.

Semi-synthetics and synthetics

Gearbox oil for VAZ 2109 Liqui Moly

With these types of oils for the VAZ 2109 gearbox, everything is somewhat different, and the main disadvantage is associated with the high price. In general, this is the only disadvantage, but such oils have many advantages:

  1. This type of VAZ 2109 gearbox oil is more technologically advanced and contains multiple additives that reduce wear on transmission parts and extend its service life.
  2. The freezing point of the oil is lower, so even in cold weather you can start the engine and release the clutch after a few seconds.
  3. The oil quickly warms up and becomes fluid, unlike mineral water.
  4. The version that synthetic oil squeezes out oil seals and flows through all connections is a myth.

Checking the volume and condition of the oil

Checking the consumables in the automatic transmission is carried out using a dipstick, which controls the fluid level - it can be recognized by the Max and Min marks. For example, if the fluid is below the Min level, then take new oil and add it. Overfilling the oil is extremely undesirable, otherwise the excess volume will have to be drained. The oil level is considered optimal if it is between the two above marks.

With high mileage, adding oil alone will most likely not work. It is better not to mix spoiled oil with new oil, otherwise the latter will not be of much benefit. You can identify spoiled oil using generally accepted signs:

  • The oil has become cloudy and darkened
  • The oil emits a specific odor
  • Oil contains sediment

So, if these signs are detected, we can conclude that adding oil alone will not be enough, and you will have to perform a complete replacement.

Choosing oil for manual transmission VAZ-2109

Before replacing the transmission fluid, you first need to decide on a suitable product. So, for the VAZ-2109, oil with viscosity parameters 80W-85 or 80W-90 is suitable. The API quality standard must be at least GL-4. Based on this information, we select the most compatible oil. For example, among the available brands we can highlight Rexol-T, Omskoil Trans P, and Volnez TM4. In addition, products from Lukoil, Rosneft, G-Energy, Valvoline, Mobil and others have proven themselves well on the Russian market.

There are three types of oil - synthetic, semi-synthetic and mineral. For the car in question, semi-synthetics will be sufficient. If finances allow, you may prefer more expensive synthetic oil. Mineral water is usually used for high mileage.

What kind of oil to fill

The most interesting thing is that according to the regulations, it is allowed to fill the VAZ 2109, 2108 and 21099 manual transmissions with motor oil, but with the proviso that the replacement will be carried out as in the engine - once every 10 - 15 thousand kilometers. But such measures were resorted to earlier, when gear oils were practically impossible to find. Now the range of these fluids is so wide that many, even avid car enthusiasts with extensive driving experience, get lost and take a long time to choose the appropriate transmission fluid. To avoid confusion and ensure you get exactly what you need, follow these instructions:

The basic rule is that expensive does not mean quality (when choosing, do not rely on price; usually, the more expensive the oil, the higher the likelihood of counterfeiting) First of all, pay attention to the markings, the viscosity should be 80W-85 or 80W-90 The oil class should be GL- 4 or GL-5, which corresponds to the domestic markings TM-3 and TM-4. For cars of the VAZ family, there are transmission fluids specially designed for them, for example, “Rexol T”, “Omskoil Trans P” and “Volonez TM4”

If you come across these brands, purchase one of them without hesitation. Purchase any oils only in specialized stores and from official dealers! This is very important to avoid counterfeits.

How much to fill

Oil volume is one of the most important parameters that you need to know before changing the oil. So, for the VAZ-2109 manual transmission, the recommended oil volume is 3.3 liters for a 5-speed gearbox, and 3.0 liters for a 4-speed gearbox.

The specified volume of fluid can only be introduced after a comprehensive flushing of the gearbox to remove any remaining old fluid. After making sure that the gearbox is completely clean, you can fill in new oil. The flushing procedure for the VAZ-2109 manual transmission is quite simple - first you need to drain as much of the old fluid as possible, then introduce flushing and run it through the entire gearbox.

The engine must be turned on. After a few minutes, you can introduce a new composition. When the oil begins to flow out, stop filling. To make a final check of the level, use a dipstick.

When should TM be changed?

Different experts have different opinions on this matter, but the majority is inclined to believe that the oil fluids inside the car for the VAZ 2109 gearbox should be changed every 30,000 kilometers, or once a year. But, of course, everything depends on the operating conditions and the roads on which the vehicle travels, so in a gentle mode, gear oil can serve well for 50,000 kilometers.

Every motorist should constantly check the quality of the working oil fluid, preferably at least every 10,000 kilometers. If the oil has acquired an unpleasant dark color, abrasive particles are visible in its structure, or foreign sediment is visible, then it is better to replace the oil composition. This way you will not only prevent car damage, but also protect your travel on the road.

Specialists oblige all motorists to replace the working oil fluids inside the VAZ 2109 gearbox every time the gearbox is repaired. This way you can prevent contamination and erosion of new parts, and most importantly, you will know that gear shifting is done efficiently.

How often should you change the oil?

According to technical regulations, the oil in the VAZ 2109 gearbox must be changed every 75 thousand kilometers or once every 5 years. The parameter that occurs first is taken into account.

Mineral gear oil is poured into the gearbox from the factory. This means that its service life is relatively short . And excessive loads on the manual transmission and other negative factors can significantly reduce the scheduled operating period.

Let's consider several situations when the lubricant needs to be changed, regardless of how much time or mileage is left before the next replacement:

  1. The gear shift lever becomes stiff or slurred. Often the cause of this is degraded lubricant. The switching mechanism on a VAZ 2109 car is located in the box itself and is washed with transmission oil.

  2. In winter, when starting the engine in neutral, the car jerks a little. Mineral oil, in addition to its natural tendency to thicken in winter, after a certain period of time becomes even more sensitive to low temperatures.
  3. The appearance of extraneous sounds from the manual transmission. This factor indicates that the process of destruction of manual transmission parts has already begun. But often a prompt oil change eliminates noise and extends the life of gears and bearings for quite a long time.
  4. Oil leak. There could be many reasons for this. Faulty manual transmission ventilation system, damage after hitting an obstacle, poorly tightened drain or control plug, axle flange seals, etc. If there is not much time left before the replacement period, it is better to change the transmission lubricant completely instead of topping up.

Oil change process

Changing the oil in a VAZ 2109 gearbox itself is not very difficult, so you can do it on your own and without contacting specialists at a car service center.

Replacement tool

To change the oil in gearbox 2109 or 2108 you will need the following tool:

  • The keys you will need are ring or rack keys for 17 and 12;
  • drain empty container or container;
  • for a gearbox without a dipstick - a syringe for filling, and for a gearbox with a dipstick - a filler funnel;
  • Having a rag or rag to wipe away oil drips will not hurt.

Having prepared this equipment, you can now change the used oil fluid. Its replacement in the VAZ 2109 gearbox is carried out in several stages.

Drain the oil

Before replacing, you need to go to the pit. This will make it more convenient to drain the old motor oil from the gearbox. The whole process takes no more than 20 minutes.

Wipe the drain plug and unscrew the drain bolt. Place a bucket for used oil. Next, you need to drain the waste from the car’s gearbox. After all the waste fluid has drained, screw the bolt back in.

Filling with oil

Depending on the type of VAZ 2109 gearbox, the procedure for replacing used fluid differs.

  • For a VAZ 2109 with a gearbox with a dipstick, oil must be poured directly through the dipstick itself. It is necessary to place a funnel and pour clean product to the required level. We check the level using the dipstick. Fill it into the gearbox up to the maximum mark on the dipstick.
  • For a VAZ 2109 with a gearbox without a dipstick, the filling hole is on the right. You need to unscrew the plug and use a syringe to fill in new liquid. Because There is no level here, then for the required volume you need to navigate along the lower edge of the hole. It is necessary to add oil until it reaches the required level.

The automatic transmission is also replaced. After the working fluids have been replaced, you can continue to operate the vehicle. Please note that it is best to make a replacement at a car service center, but in any case you will have to purchase the TM yourself. Let's look at what types of it are suitable for nine.

Replacement steps

The entire process of replacing the lubricant in the gearbox can be divided into three main stages:

  • Checking the lubricant level;
  • Draining old oil;
  • Pouring new lubricant into the box.

Let's go through each stage separately.

Level check

Checking the current oil level in the gearbox is not difficult, regardless of whether you have a dipstick or not.

If the dipstick is missing, we will check with our finger. This is done as follows:

  • Under the car, unscrew the filler plug from the gearbox;
  • If after this the liquid begins to flow out, the level is sufficient. If not, insert your finger into the hole. Having felt the liquid at the level of the edge of the filler hole, we can talk about the optimal amount of lubricant;
  • You can visually drain all the lubricant and, by its quantity in the container, determine how much liquid was in the system.

If you have a probe, everything is simple:

  • Unscrew the plug on which the measuring probe is attached;
  • Wipe it with a dry cloth;
  • Place back into box. In this case, the machine must be on a flat surface and at rest;
  • Take out the dipstick and see what the meter shows. It has Min and Max marks. It is optimal if the oil stains the dipstick up to the maximum mark, but not above it.

In order for the new lubricant in the gearbox to work effectively, the first step is to get rid of the old one. The transmission oil is drained quite easily.


To drain the lubricant from the gearbox you need:

  1. Remove the rubber plug from the breather, clean the breather with wire and close it with the plug. This will help equalize the pressure inside the gearbox.
  2. Unscrew the drain plug. In old and updated versions of the VAZ 2109, this plug is located the same way - at the bottom of the box.
  3. Drain the oil into a container of about 5 liters prepared in advance.
  4. After draining all the lubricant, screw the drain plug back securely.

When the engine is warm, the fluid from the gearbox will drain faster and more efficiently. But at the same time, follow safety precautions. After all, you are working with hot oil.


Now we have reached the point where we need to fill in new lubricant. We have already determined which one.

  • Unscrew the filler plug located at the bottom;
  • Using a syringe, gradually fill the gearbox housing with fresh oil;
  • Add until the liquid is level with the edge of the filler hole;
  • Close the plug.

An important difference is the gearboxes on the VAZ 2109 with 5 speeds. They require approximately 300-350 milliliters more lubricant.

Otherwise, when operating in 5th gear mode, the gearbox will experience oil starvation.

To add the required additional amount of lubricant to the five-speed gearbox, do the following.

  1. Use a jack to raise the rear of the car. This way the additional amount of lubricant will not spill out.
  2. While the machine is raised, add the required amount of oil.
  3. Close the plug and only then return the car to a horizontal position.

Filling through the engine compartment

Replacement via dipstick

Many people rightly believe that it is most convenient to change the oil in the box through the dipstick. The instructions for this case are as follows.

  • Raise the hood;
  • Unscrew the plug with the built-in dipstick;
  • Pour liquid into the hole through a funnel or using a syringe;
  • As you fill, check with a dipstick to see what level you have reached;
  • When you get the oil at the MAX mark, there is no need to add more lubricant;
  • Screw the dipstick into place.

Whether or not to flush the gearbox before replacing it is up to you to decide. Focus on the current state of the old grease being drained. Periodic washing will not be superfluous.

What to put in the box?

Today, car stores offer a wide range of transmission oils, and often an ordinary motorist cannot choose the right option for his car if he does not know which lubricant to fill in specifically for his vehicle.

Let's look at the three most popular and current types of oil fluids that should be poured into a VAZ 2109 box:

  1. Synthetic TM is considered the most expensive and most effective among competitors, but they are often purchased for foreign cars and expensive car models;
  2. Semi-synthetic TM is considered an excellent option for use in a VAZ 2109 box; it is relatively inexpensive and perfectly performs its functions;
  3. Mineral TM is the worst suited for gearboxes; it is rarely used, despite its cheapness, since such a mixture can damage the gears;

Oil liquids also differ in color, density, frost resistance and other characteristics. It is best to use only those working fluids that are recommended in the operating instructions for your specific car model.

Important: Synthetic oils are best suited in severe frosts, semi-synthetics perform worse at sub-zero temperatures, and mineral oils are not able to withstand cold at all.

Experts recommend using the following types of oil for the VAZ 2109 gearbox: GL-4, GL-4/5, GL-5. Domestic manufacturing companies produce TM-4 and TM-5, which are also great for nines. TM5-9M performed best in the VAZ 2109; it can last your gearbox up to 80 thousand kilometers, which is considered a huge value; this type of oil composition has no competitors. In this case, the viscosity of the oil fluid should be either 75w-40 or 80w-90. Temperature ranges are selected according to your climate zone.

It is best to use oils from trusted manufacturers and it is advisable that either you or your acquaintances, friends, or relatives are familiar with the brand. This way, you will avoid problems and will not stumble upon a low-quality product that, over time, can render your gearbox completely unusable.

Consequences of untimely replacement

If you do not observe the frequency of changing the lubricant in the VAZ 2109 gearbox, the following problems may arise:

  1. When “oil starvation” occurs in the unit, the wear of gears, synchronizers and bearings in the box accelerates.
  2. Exceeding the period of use of the lubricant leads to a deterioration in its technical characteristics.
  3. Changes occur in the chemical composition of the oil, which inevitably affects the quality of lubrication of the rubbing elements.
  4. As a result, the failure of parts accelerates; their wear products in the form of metal shavings can lead to jamming of the gearbox.
  5. A low oil level impairs the cooling of the gearbox mechanism while the vehicle is moving.

How much oil to fill in the box of a VAZ 2109

Before you pour oil into the VAZ 2109 box, you need to purchase it, but you need to know how much oil before going to the store, because every liter poured into the car costs a lot of money.

Often, motorists independently determine how much oil is required when changing it for the first time, since there is a special dipstick to measure its level in the gearbox. But in cars of early years of production, there is no such device, so the car enthusiast has to somehow navigate on his own.

In accordance with the technical characteristics of the nine, its gearbox usually contains exactly three liters of gear oil. But there are some peculiarities of this characteristic.

  • in a four-speed gearbox, the gearbox volume is 3,100 liters;
  • while for a five-speed the amount of lubrication required is 3,300 liters.

The best way to help you understand this issue is your car's service book.

In any case, when changing the oil in the gearbox of a VAZ 2109, it is best to use a dipstick for measurements. It will help determine not only the level of the remaining lubricant, but will also allow you not to overdo it with the composition poured inside.

Level control and required volume

Experts recommend monitoring the transmission fluid level in the gearbox at least every 10 thousand kilometers.

As for how many liters are poured into the gearbox, the volume of the device depends on the number of stages:

  • the volume of five-speed units is 1.6 liters;
  • Four-speed gearboxes need 1.35 liters.

If you need to add lubricant, you should first check its level in the system. This should be done after the engine and gearbox of the car have cooled down, so that all the oil has time to drain from the inner walls of the transmission.

The stages of work will be as follows:

  1. The vehicle is driven into a pit or overpass.
  2. Using a rag or wire brush, clean the drain and filler caps from dirt. You also need to clean the surface of the crankcase around the plugs.
  3. Using a 17mm wrench, unscrew the filler cap located on the unit body.
  4. There is no dipstick for checking the level in the VAZ 2107 gearbox. Therefore, a screwdriver can be used to measure the amount of lubricant in the transmission system. If the oil volume is normal, then the fluid level should be at the lower edge of the filler hole.
  5. If the diagnostics showed that the amount of lubricant is less than required, then the liquid should be topped up and the cap should be screwed on tightly. If the oil level is critically low, you need to diagnose the condition of the gearbox shaft seals. If there are drops of transmission fluid on the gearbox housing, it is necessary to check the integrity of the unit. Check the quality of fixation of the transmission housing covers, tighten the nuts if necessary. If the seals or gaskets on the gearbox are worn out, they need to be replaced.

User Sergey Redko in his video talked about how much oil can go into the transmission of a VAZ 2107 car.

Gearbox oil for VAZ 2109

You can refill the transmission fluid yourself or at a service station, where the procedure will be carried out by car service specialists. The cost depends on the volume, type of lubricant, category of service center. Changing the oil in the VAZ 2109 gearbox in a timely manner must be mandatory, otherwise the following unpleasant consequences are likely:

  • gearbox oil deficiency (starvation) and accelerated wear of parts;
  • change in characteristics and composition of the lubricant;
  • deterioration in the quality of lubrication of working parts;
  • gearbox jamming;
  • poor cooling of the box while driving.

Video: replacing the gearbox on a VAZ 21099

Manual transmissions of domestic cars, unlike some other components and mechanisms, turned out to be quite reliable. In particular, on a VAZ 2109 car, the gearbox has a large margin of safety, and if you do not violate the operating mode and maintain it in a timely manner, it can easily cover runs amounting to hundreds of thousands of kilometers.

You can read more about what kind of oil to pour into the gearbox here.

One of the important points in servicing a manual transmission on the car in question is changing the transmission oil. It is worth paying tribute to the AvtoVAZ designers: they designed the gearbox in such a way that changing the oil in it with your own hands is quite possible.

This does not require any special devices or specific knowledge. Read about how to fill new oil into a VAZ 2109 gearbox in our material.

Gearbox oil for VAZ 2108

In the box of the VAZ 2108 model, transmission fluid is important, as in the 2109. Its timely replacement will prevent serious damage and unnecessary costs in the future. Changing the VAZ 2108 gearbox oil can be done yourself or at a technical service center. The following procedure will help you complete the work yourself and for free.

When do you need to change the oil in a VAZ 2108 gearbox?

After 65 thousand kilometers or more, the transmission fluid needs to be changed. If you have to drive on old broken roads, it is recommended to repeat the procedure more often. When the car sits idle for a long time, the filling is repeated every few years. Those who have doubts about the quantity and condition of the liquid can be advised to regularly test the level indicator.

What kind of oil to pour into the box of a VAZ 2108

Transmission fluid for the VAZ 2108 is selected based on the manufacturer’s recommendations. Import is more expensive, but it is not always justified to take it. The following fluids are optimal for 2108:

  • Omskoil P;

  • Raxol T;

  • Wellness class=”aligncenter” width=”597″ height=”480″[/img]

Requirements for labeling standards – 80W-85, 80W-90, GL-4, GL-4/5. It is important to choose the right quality class. It’s better not to make purchases from your own hands, and also to take oil on tap - there is a high chance of buying a fake, counterfeit or low-quality product.

How much oil is in the VAZ 2108 gearbox

The oil volume in the VAZ 2108 gearbox is 3 or 3.5 liters, taking into account the type of gearbox. For a four-speed gearbox, 3 liters is enough, for a five-speed gearbox you will need 3.5 liters. These numbers are approximate; during maintenance and checking the level, it will become clear whether additional transmission fluid is needed or not. Overfilling should be avoided as it leads to leaks. It is advisable to monitor the fluid level regularly.

How to drain oil from a VAZ 2108 box

You can easily drain the oil from the VAZ 2108 box yourself. An experienced and novice motorist can handle the task; the main thing is to act according to the instructions. Work order:

  1. Remove the rubber cap that covers the breather hole.
  2. Thoroughly clean the drain and rinse the cap.
  3. Put the parts back and unscrew the drain plug.
  4. Prepare a container for draining the used VAZ 2108 transmission and place it.
  5. Unscrew the plug.
  6. Get out from under the car and wait for the drain to complete.

The process takes from 10 to 15 minutes; there is no need to wait longer for cleaning for 2108. All that remains is to tighten the drain plug and remove the dipstick.

How to fill oil into a VAZ 2108 box

Insert a funnel into the open hole that was prepared after draining and begin pouring in new liquid. To make sure there is enough oil, you need to test the level by first wiping the dipstick and removing oil spills.

Then the dipstick should be lowered into the box for a couple of minutes, removed, and the location of the oil traces assessed. If everything is in order, tighten the plug. At this point the filling process can be considered complete. All that remains is to start the engine, drive the car a little, and check the oil again. It is not difficult to service the VAZ 2108 gearbox on your own, and it will save a lot of money. Most motorists change the oil themselves.

How to check the oil in a VAZ 2108 box

The oil test in the box should be carried out regularly, always immediately after choosing a used car from hand, and not in the showroom. You still need to check the owner’s words, even when he says that there has only been maintenance and everything is in order.

During operation, the fluid level in the VAZ 2108 should be checked every few weeks or when alarming symptoms appear - creaks, knocks, drips. You cannot drive with old used transmission fluids, as it is unsafe for the gearbox, the car as a whole, and the safety of the driver and passengers. Even a slight lack of lubricant is already the reason for the failure of the VAZ 2108 gearbox.

Procedure for testing the oil level (you need to follow the instructions to get accurate values ​​and not damage anything):

  1. Place the car in a place where it will always be in a horizontal position.
  2. Start work immediately if the car is stationary, and wait 10 minutes if the engine has just been turned off (the engine must cool down and the oil must drain from the gears).
  3. Look at the battery, next to which the test probe is located.
  4. Estimate the amount of oil liquid.

The optimal level is the one that is between o and “max”. Below “min” you can’t allow it to fall; above “max” you shouldn’t let it fall either.

If you fill the VAZ 2108 with oil in a hurry, without using a dipstick, its level may ultimately be insufficient. Therefore, work should be carried out carefully, everything should be checked several times, and corrected if necessary.

gearbox oil vaz 2109 volume

The volume of oil in the box of a VAZ 2109 - all about Lada VAZ cars. Changing the oil in the gearbox on VAZ 2108, 2109, 21099 is not a difficult job, anyone can do it with their own hands, the first time will take longer than all the subsequent ones, so there is simply no point in going to a service center for such a trifle The main difficulty of the whole work is to pour oil into the gearbox, since the design does not allow you to get close to the hole of any container with new oil. We will talk about changing the oil with and without a dipstick, on carburetor and injection models, but everything will be explained in order in this article. This is what it looks like oil level dipstick in the VAZ 2109, 21099 gearbox changing the oil in the VAZ 2108 gearbox without a dipstick The design of the VAZ 2108 gearbox is slightly different, so you have to use a syringe to fill the oil; the rest of the process is identical to that described above. How many liters of oil are needed for a VAZ gearbox - 2109 Oil volume one of the most important parameters that you need to know before changing the oil, so, for a manual transmission VAZ - 2109, the recommended oil volume is 3.3 liters for a 5-speed gearbox, and 3.0 liters for a 4-speed gearbox; the specified volume of fluid can only be introduced after a comprehensive flushing the gearbox from the remains of the old fluid, having made sure that the gearbox is completely cleaned, you can fill in new oil. The flushing procedure for manual transmission VAZ - 2109 is quite simple, first you need to drain as much of the old fluid as possible, then introduce flushing, and run it through the entire gearbox, while the engine should be included Replacing the lubricant in a VAZ 2109 gearbox, how much oil is needed in the gearbox? How to choose the right oil to replace in a VAZ 2109 gearbox? How much is it needed and how to replace it yourself? You will find the answers to these questions here if you allow the lubricant level to decrease in the manual gearbox of a VAZ car. 2109 and its modifications, there may be an oil starvation of the gearbox components and, as a result, breakdown of the unit, so the car owner needs to know how much oil is in the box of the VAZ 2109, the frequency of replacement, the operating instructions for the VAZ 2109 and its modifications recommend changing the lubricant in the gearbox of the car. Table volume of transmission oil in the gearbox vaz lada 2109 vaz 2109 vaz 2109 engine hp year of manufacture beginning-end volume of oil in the gearbox, l manual transmission automatic transmission - transmission oil in the box vaz - 2109 sae 80w-85, 75w-90 api gl-4 source manual for the maintenance and repair of a VAZ car tags popular materials themselves changing the engine oil avtocarsu 2008-2019 Changing the oil in the VAZ - 2109 gearbox, checking the volume and condition of the oil Changing the transmission oil in the VAZ - 2109 gearbox how to carry out the procedure for a gearbox without a dipstick frequency of servicing the gearbox nine how much lubricant is required to fill in recommended oils for VAZ - 2109 instructions for changing transmission oil in a VAZ - 2109 gearbox changing the oil in the gearbox is an important part of caring for any car over time, the lubricant ages and ceases to perform its functions, thereby causing wear of the device parts The VAZ Nine gearbox is reliable and durable, but it cannot be done without maintenance; the replacement procedure is not difficult; a motorist can handle this task on his own; before pouring oil into the VAZ-2109 gearbox, it is important to familiarize yourself with the recommendations of the automaker

oil in gearbox VAZ 2109 volume. Changing the oil in the VAZ 2109 gearbox, checking the volume and condition of the oil

Trysiha volume of oil in the gearbox on a vaz. How many liters of oil are needed for a VAZ gearbox - 2109

oil in gearbox VAZ 2109 volume. Oil volume in a VAZ 2109 box - all about Lada VAZ cars

Changing the oil in the gearbox of the VAZ 2108, 2109, 21099. Changing the oil in the VAZ 2109 gearbox, repairing the VAZ 2108 2109 21099. Oil volume in the VAZ 2109 gearbox - all about Lada VAZ cars

oil in gearbox VAZ 2109 volume. Oil volume in a VAZ 2109 box - all about Lada VAZ cars

oil in gearbox VAZ 2109 volume. Changing the oil in the VAZ 2109 gearbox, checking the volume and condition of the oil

Changing the oil in the VAZ 2109 gearbox, repairing the VAZ 2108 2109 21099. Changing the oil in the VAZ 2109 gearbox, checking the volume and condition of the oil

oil in gearbox VAZ 2109 volume. Changing the oil in the VAZ 2109 gearbox, checking the volume and condition of the oil

oil in gearbox VAZ 2109 volume. Changing the lubricant in a VAZ 2109 gearbox, how much oil is needed in a gearbox, oil in a VAZ 2109 gearbox volume. Oil volume in a VAZ 2109 box - all about Lada VAZ cars

Answers from mailru how to check the oil level of a VAZ 21083 gearbox. Changing the oil in a VAZ 2109 gearbox, checking the volume and condition of the oil

oil in gearbox VAZ 2109 volume. Changing the oil in the VAZ 2109 gearbox, checking the volume and condition of the oil

oil in gearbox VAZ 2109 volume. How many liters of oil are needed for a VAZ gearbox - 2109

oil in gearbox VAZ 2109 volume. How many liters of oil are needed for a VAZ gearbox - 2109

oil in gearbox VAZ 2109 volume.
How many liters of oil are needed for a VAZ gearbox - 2109 A spring and a ball fell out of the gearbox. Is it possible to drive a VAZ with front-wheel drive?
Oil volume in the VAZ 2109 gearbox - all about Lada VAZ cars oil volume in the VAZ 2109 gearbox.

oil in gearbox VAZ 2109 volume. Changing the lubricant in the box of a VAZ 2109 how much oil is needed in the gearbox

oil in gearbox VAZ 2109 volume.

Changing the oil in the VAZ 2109 gearbox, checking the volume and condition of the oil

oil in gearbox VAZ 2109 volume. Changing the oil in a VAZ-2109 gearbox, checking the volume and condition of the oil How to change the oil in a Mercedes w204 gearbox - car oil. Oil volume in a VAZ 2109 box - all about Lada VAZ cars

oil in gearbox VAZ 2109 volume. Changing the oil in the VAZ 2109 gearbox, checking the volume and condition of the oil

oil in gearbox VAZ 2109 volume. Oil volume in a VAZ 2109 box - all about Lada VAZ cars

How much oil is needed in the box of a VAZ 2109 - auto mechanic. Oil volume in a VAZ 2109 box - all about Lada VAZ cars

How to change the oil in an automatic transmission. How many liters of oil are needed for a VAZ gearbox - 2109 oil in a VAZ 2109 gearbox volume. How many liters of oil are needed for a VAZ gearbox - 2109

oil in gearbox VAZ 2109 volume.

Changing the oil in gearbox 1 for car enthusiasts.

oil in gearbox VAZ 2109 volume.

oil in gearbox VAZ 2109 volume. How many liters of oil are needed for a VAZ gearbox - 2109

oil in gearbox VAZ 2109 volume. Oil volume in a VAZ 2109 box - all about Lada VAZ cars

Oil leaking from Niva 4×4 gearbox, auto repair of passenger cars, ordering spare parts. Changing the lubricant in the box of a VAZ 2109 how much oil is needed in the gearbox

Oil selection

The first copies of the VAZ 2109 had a carburetor in the power system and came with a four-speed gearbox. The recommended motor lubricant was poured into its crankcase, which ensured the operation of the unit both in summer and winter. After replacing the main hypoid gear with helical gear parts, an improved oil was required. Lubricants TM-1 and TM-2 have proven themselves well in this capacity. In addition, Lukoil TM-5 transmission fluid was developed and introduced into production.

Recommended oil for VAZ 2109

Experts advise using lubricants that meet API GL-4 standards in VAZ 2109 transmissions and their modifications. If the owner does not know what kind of lubricant is in the box of his Nine, it is best to use API GL-4 class lubricant. TM-4 or TM-5-9P oils also meet the relevant requirements. Unfortunately, the latter type of lubricant is difficult to find on sale, so it can be successfully replaced with TM-4-12 oil. It is allowed to use liquids that correspond to classes 75W-90, 80W-85, 80W-90 from any manufacturer, but provided that they have high quality indicators.

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