How much oil is in the VAZ 2114 box - the volume of oil in the gearbox

The gearbox in any car is no less important and responsible unit than the engine. As in the case of internal combustion engines, the box uses a special lubricating fluid - transmission oil.

Moreover, during operation, as well as in the case of gearbox repairs, such oil needs to be completely or partially replaced. Next, we will look at when to change the gearbox oil, what needs to be taken into account when selecting transmission oil, and also which oil is best to fill in the VAZ 2114 gearbox.

Changing the engine oil

To find out exactly how much engine oil your VAZ 2114 needs, do one of the following:

  • Check your user manual. Dig the owner's manual out of your glove box and look up the information in the index. Eventually you will find her.
  • Check out the Product Guide. You can skip the hassle and use our Product Guide instead. Simply enter your vehicle information and below the motor oil recommendations you will find the motor oil capacity (circled in red).

Which lubricant to choose?

Before refilling consumables, you need to decide on the choice of oil for the VAZ 2114 gearbox; the quality of the unit’s operation will depend on this. The manufacturing plant advises consumers to choose one of three categories of lubricants.

The KOSSS102 channel talked about the choice of consumables for transmissions of VAZ 2114 cars.

Allowed use of oils:

  • mineral based;
  • with a synthetic base;
  • based on semi-synthetics.

In principle, any fluid can be used, but it is important that it meets the specifications recommended by the manufacturer:

  1. 75W-90. Synthetic consumables are characterized by good lubricating properties. Their influence makes it possible to ensure optimal operation of the machine’s transmission under operating conditions in severe frost. The main disadvantage of synthetic oils is the loud noise that the gearbox begins to make after filling compared to semi-synthetics. If you choose a lubricant with a viscosity grade of 75W-90, it is important that it meets the GL-4 specification.
  2. 85W-90. The semi-synthetic consumable has good performance characteristics. The use of such oils is more advisable in vehicles with high mileage. The cost of such lubricants is less compared to synthetic substances. According to the API standard, the product must be at least GL-4.
  3. It is allowed to use mineral lubricant with viscosity type 80W90. The main disadvantage of this oil is its susceptibility to low temperatures. In severe frost, the mineral lubricant becomes thicker and loses its characteristics.

In addition to these points, when choosing a lubricant, it is important to consider the following nuances:

  • design features of the vehicle’s gearbox, as well as the vehicle’s drive;
  • climatic conditions in which the vehicle is used, in particular if the region is characterized by frequent and sudden temperature changes;
  • the time of year during which the vehicle is used more intensively;
  • the volume of loads that fall on the gearbox under different operating modes, as well as their nature;
  • the impact of additives in the liquid on individual components of the unit.

The Multi Dads channel spoke in detail about the choice of transmission lubricant for gearboxes.

What to do if the oil level is too low?

This could be due to a couple of issues, including not enough oil added during the last oil change or oil consumption. There are several reasons to consume oil (in fact, you can read about 40 of them here). But here are a couple of the more common ones.

Leaking Seals or Gaskets – Your engine uses seals in different places to keep oil inside the engine and contaminants outside. A striking example is the crankshaft, where it sticks out of the VAZ 2114 engine and connects to the gearbox. Gaskets seal uneven metal surfaces between parts to partially ensure that oil stays inside the engine. The cylinder head seal is a prime example.

If seals and gaskets become worn, brittle, or deformed over time, they can cause oil to leak. The level will drop depending on the severity of the leak. If your engine is leaking oil, take it to a mechanic and have it fixed.

Volatility – Oil can evaporate when exposed to heat. The less stable the oil, the more easily it evaporates. When the engine is running, a thin layer coats the cylinder wall and piston skirt. Given its proximity to the fire pit inside the combustion chamber, the oil in this area of ​​the engine can easily evaporate or evaporate. By-products may exit the tailpipe as emissions. But they can also form harmful carbon deposits inside the engine, which reduce efficiency and ultimately lead to engine failure.

Synthetic motor oil is more resistant to volatility than conventional oil, so use a good synthetic oil in your VAZ 2114 to reduce oil consumption due to volatility and help keep your engine clean.

Checking the lubricant level in gearboxes

It has already been said about which oil to choose for the VAZ 2114 gearbox, now you need to remember how its level is checked in the boxes. This is one of the simplest maintenance operations, but it cannot be postponed. It is much more profitable and easier to look and check the level about once a month than to then deal with expensive gearbox repairs. This operation can be performed in two ways, with and without a measuring probe. Let's look at them separately. With any testing method, it is necessary to let the car stand on a level surface for 15-20 minutes so that the lubricant flows into the crankcase pan of the box being tested.

To check the level with a dipstick:

  1. Open the hood and take out the gearbox dipstick. You should look for it under the air filter on the driver's side;
  2. Next, the driver needs to wipe the dipstick with a rag;
  3. Insert the dipstick back into place;
  4. Take out the dipstick a second time and inspect the traces of lubricant on it. If the trace left is below the max mark, it should be topped up.

Checking the level without a dipstick is carried out as follows:

  1. Place the car over an inspection hole or on a lift, remove the engine protection;
  2. The next step is to unscrew the transmission lube drain plug on the box;
  3. Place your finger in the hole to check where the level is. It should be on the bottom edge of the drain plug.

You can add lubricant to the level into the hole of the dipstick in any convenient way. For example, using a large-capacity medical syringe.

Device for adding oil to the gearbox

When you reach the desired level, everything is put in place, and you can hit the road.

What if the oil level is too high?

This is likely due to operator error, someone simply added too much the last time the oil was changed or topped up.

Too much oil is bad. The rotating crankshaft and churning engine parts force air into the oil, which can cause foam to form. Tiny bubbles travel between moving parts where they burst. When they do this, there is nothing left to protect the metal surfaces from wear and tear. Foam also increases heat, which causes the oil to chemically break down faster.

If the crankcase is full, drain excess oil until the correct level is reached.

Increased lubrication levels may also be due to fuel dilution. This is when fuel enters the crankcase and contaminates the oil. In severe cases, enough fuel may enter the Lada engine crankcase to noticeably increase the oil level. This is bad. Very bad. Diluting the fuel causes wear on the sludge, varnish and engine.

The presence of coolant in the oil can also increase the oil level. Again, this is bad. Any time there is something in your motor oil that shouldn't be there, wear protection suffers. Coolant in the oil is likely due to a bad head gasket, which is an expensive repair.

One final tip: check your oil at least once a month to make sure it's at the correct level. Make sure the car is parked on a level surface to get an accurate reading. Finding out if the oil is too low or too high before something goes wrong can save you a lot of grief.

Don't be judgmental about too much oil in 2114 or too much engine oil in your car. Sometimes the user doesn't pay attention to this small detail (or perhaps ignores it). If this condition occurs for a long time, the gasket gap will be larger, resulting in increased leakage. The performance of the 2114 engine will be affected by oil leaks, engine parts that are not sufficiently lubricated, rubbed in for a long time, will be broken, the consequences of this are extremely bad. We will talk in more detail about this situation and the reasons that cause too much oil in the car.


Specialists who repair and maintain cars, as well as manufacturers of lubricating fluids, consider its viscosity to be the main parameter of a transmission lubricant. Next in the characteristics is the composition of additives, which are designed to ensure a long service life of transmission parts.

The same experts claim that lubricants that are made entirely from a synthetic base have the best characteristics. They are more resistant to oxidative processes, which means that they will have a longer service life. This property of the lubricant is especially important for units with heavy loads and high speeds.

What are the consequences of adding a large amount of mixture to the VAZ 2114?

  1. Sometimes you check and see too much oil in your car or engine, and sometimes you accidentally put too much oil in during engine maintenance?
  2. You think that more oil will help the engine run smoother. But actually it is not.

Let's find out the problem.

Pressure on the crankshaft head and shanks

Couplings and crankshaft ends are used to prevent lubricant from leaking out of the engine, mainly in the parts adjacent to the pulley (crankshaft) or flywheel side (tailshaft). The more oil is poured, the fewer cacti contain less air. When the engine is running, the piston moves up and down, creating thrust pressure.

Therefore, cactus oil puts higher pressure on the cactus and is more dangerous than on the ends and ends of the crankshaft. These gaskets are quite fragile and easily release oil from the engine. Especially on the flywheel side, and this can lead to oil spillage on the clutch.

Motor overload

As explained above, too much oil will cause the pressure in the cacti to increase, which can cause oil to overflow through the exhaust pipe. The role of this exhaust pipe is to help remove oil vapors and reduce the pressure created by the up and down piston process. Instead of releasing polluting oil, it removes oil vapor back into the combustion chamber through an air intake. In case there is too much oil in the cactus, it can be returned through the pipe, entering the combustion chamber through the inlet pipe. As a result, the suction hose becomes blocked by oil soot.

Crankshaft and wrist are curved

Excess oil in a vehicle causes more friction on the crankshaft and valve body when exposed to oil. Excessive resistance caused by engine oil causes them to bend and break.

Catalytic converter

Recirculating oil back into the combustion chamber, as mentioned above, causes black smoke, thick and greasy, after a period of time, which can destroy the catalytic converter as well as the diesel fuel particle filter (FAP). As a result, turbo rupture is even possible.

Tools and materials

When preparing materials and tools, it is important to consider what type of gearbox is installed on your vehicle. There are two types of gearboxes provided on the fifteenth model from AvtoVAZ

These are old and new style boxes. They are not very different from each other from the perspective of an ordinary car owner. There is no need to go into any minor design or technical differences. The main thing is to understand that on old boxes there is no dipstick and the filler hole is located lower. New transmissions are filled with lubricant using a funnel, but for older transmissions you will need a large syringe and a hose to reach the filler neck. Otherwise, the procedure for changing the working fluid on the two types of gearboxes is identical.

To work you will need the following tools:

  • key to 17;
  • empty waste container;
  • syringe;
  • hose (about 0.5 meters long);
  • funnel;
  • canister with transmission oil;
  • hexagons;
  • rags;
  • protective clothing.

Be sure to take the empty canister and key with you under the car, otherwise without them you will not be able to drain the waste. If your VAZ-2115 is equipped with crankcase protection, then take appropriately sized keys under it to remove it. As additional repairs or maintenance are performed on the machine, an additional set of tools may be required.

Filled volume

An important point is the amount of lubricant poured into the transmission installed on VAZ-2115 cars. It is about 3.3 liters. You already know which fluid is best to pour into the VAZ-2115 and its gearbox. To accurately understand the amount of oil, you can rely on the results of draining the old grease. As much oil comes out, you will pour the same amount back into the crankcase, only with a fresh composition. In the case of the VAZ-2115, the volume of oil in the gearbox is relatively small, which will not require large financial expenses from you to purchase it. Take a 4 liter canister.

In practice, it holds slightly less if the box has not been completely drained, which is almost impossible to achieve in garage conditions.

It is extremely important how much oil you manage to pour in so that each gear in the box is covered with a lubricant. You know the problem of the VAZ-2115, so you cannot ignore the rule of maintaining a high level of lubrication

Experienced car owners advise not to buy fluid with a large supply. You will not need it in the near future after changing the transmission composition, and over time the oil may lose its properties and quality. It is better to purchase fresh lubricant later.

Is there too much oil in the VAZ 2114?

You should never take the engine oil overflow situation by accident. This can cause a lot of equipment breakdowns and can even cost you thousands of dollars. When the crankshaft is overfilled, the oil is vented due to the high rotation of the crankshaft.

Foamed oil cannot lubricate the vehicle and may even stop the oil from being distributed to other parts. As a result, the engine will begin to lock up due to receiving enough oil for combustion. In addition, overheating also causes a loss of air pressure. Therefore, what happens if you put too much oil in your car? This can lead to bad consequences.

Video on the topic of choice:

Among the 75w90 group oils, the following options are especially popular:

  • Shell Getribeoil EP
  • Eneos

  • Castrol Syntrans Transaxle

These lubricants are somewhat more expensive than other oils, but their composition is significantly superior to their analogues.


When choosing synthetic gearbox oil, the motorist needs to pay attention to the temperature conditions for which the purchased product is designed. These are the last two digits in the encoding.

The main advantages of synthetic oil are that it prevents the formation of toxins, reduces power loss when the engine warms up, and ensures efficient operation of the car in the long term. Buy synthetic lubricants only from trusted sellers, since by saving a few hundred rubles you can run into a fake and spend much more money on eliminating the damage caused. The best synthetic oil for the VAZ-2114 is Castrol Edge Titanium FST.

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