Why doesn't the injection gazelle 405 start? main reasons

Ignition system

Spark plugs and high-voltage wires directly affect engine starting. Accordingly, breakdowns in the elements will cause a failure of the entire system. To check spark plugs, a special stand is used, although you can check it the old fashioned way:

  1. We unscrew the candle from the well.
  2. We connect the armored wire.
  3. Connect the spark plug body to ground.
  4. We try to start the engine.

If everything is in order with the spark plugs, then there will be a spark between the contacts. If the part is faulty, then there will be no spark, and accordingly, the element must be replaced. Checking armored wires is quite simple. All elements are removed from the car and measured by a tester. The resistance on each high voltage wire should be 5 ohms.

Starts up poorly (takes a long time), the ZMZ 406 injector fails

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0 times. Thanked:

0 times.

Good afternoon. The engine took a long time to start when cold, but started the second time. When hot, it starts with half a push, if you just turn it off and start it right away, if you wait for a minute or more, it turns for a long time again.

Fuel cells

Why won't my scooter start?
causes and possible breakdowns It is worth understanding that almost all elements affect the start of the motor. For example, since the Gazelle was produced both with carburetor and injection, the injection elements will be different. This means that the reasons for possible breakdowns will not be the same.

The Gazelle-406 engine is an injection version of the vehicle. It has injectors installed, which can be the source of the problem. If cleaning has not been carried out, then most likely the injectors are dirty. To fix this, you need to remove the parts from the machine and send them for cleaning. If, during the process of restoring the functionality of the injectors, it turns out that the product cannot be repaired, then it must be replaced.

A fuel pump malfunction may be due to a breakdown inside the module. To check whether the pump is pumping, you need to get behind the wheel of the car and turn the ignition key to the second position. In this case, a characteristic noise should begin from behind, which will mean that the pump is in working condition.

Particular attention should be paid to the condition of the fuel filter. According to the service manuals and recommendations of the manufacturer, the fuel filter element must be changed every 40,000 km.

If this is not done, the filter becomes clogged and does not allow fuel to pass through properly, which results in a lean mixture in the cylinders, or gasoline does not get in for ignition at all.

Read more: Exiting the acceleration lane, who is inferior?

Carburetor malfunctions

What to do if the carburetor Gazelle begins to consume fuel significantly more than normal?

This is what a Solex 21073 carburetor looks like for a Gazelle

The following malfunctions occurred:

Clogged jets

Moreover (you should pay attention), it was not the fuel jets of the main metering system that became clogged in the first place, as everyone usually assumed, but the idle channels under the adjusting screws. It’s interesting - the XX becomes clogged, but the engine does not work normally at medium speeds, and at the same time there is a high fuel consumption; The accelerator pump diaphragm breaks or the accelerator nozzle becomes clogged

The accelerator pump stops working. As a result, under hard throttle a dip occurs;

Accelerator pump diaphragm for Solex carburetor

There are still all sorts of problems with the carb, but the above-mentioned “sores” are more common. By the way, any malfunction of the carburetor invariably leads to an increase in fuel consumption, which is why this device causes a lot of headaches for Gazelle car owners.


Why the Lada Priora does not start, causes of malfunctions

Why does the Gazelle 405 injection not start? Main reasons

Unfortunately, the difficulties with cars are different, do not start the injector Gazelle 405

for some reason most of the time. Drivers start scratching their heads, but from time to time it is impossible to find a solution to the problem.

At the moment, several more possible breakdowns will be considered in time, what kind of car don’t let go

When this happens, the first thing our client notices is. these are wires, spark plugs, pressure ramps and nozzles

In most cases, the Gazelle 405 injector does not start specifically through the spark plugs, so just change them. Unfortunately, the tasks seem more serious than candles.

Some, when the Gazelle 405 does not start, immediately change the temperature sensor to cool the water. The fact is that the engine may overheat precisely because of this, you do not want to start.

Try replacing the sensor and the cooling will return to normal. In any case, the safest option. take it to a car service center. There, real professionals will quickly deal with breakdowns and say that there weren’t that many cars. You will know in the future what exactly will be repaired.

Common reasons

Do not start the Gazelle 405 injector for any reason. There are hundreds you'll love, and it's not easy to save since there are endless parts. However, in most cases they break nozzles and spark plugs

. If the latter can be bought at any auto parts store, and even an inexperienced driver can replace them, then the former may have problems.

Problems with WMD 405 Euro 3

We are looking for the cause of the malfunction of the ZMZ 405 euro 3

We clean the throttle body while eliminating minor problems.

Grow up Gazelle. Troubleshooting (ZMZ 405 E3) by troubleshooting.

I'm looking for some, it starts

great, this will take seconds3

-5 at 2500-3000 rpm and
the booths
are hot. Now let's get started!

The fact is that in the Gazelle 405 it is very difficult to determine the situation, the snot has broken

Car service to help

If you decide to contact a service center, first perform engine diagnostics. Little experienced drivers understand the cause of the breakdown. At the same time, Gazelle 405 may not start for various reasons, and some of them can be resolved locally.

When you finally take your car to the dealership, at least check with your staff, most likely they will tell you what the problem is.

It is very important to know absolutely everything about your car

to protect yourself on the road and get extra work done. Sooner or later, any part can break, but it will be better if you are prepared for this.

Special cases

In addition to all of the above, there are other adventures with the Gazelle 405. Many drivers do not notice how the chain on the engine jumps. Accordingly, the engine refuses to come to life until the chain is in place.

Your task is simply to open the hood and check if the chain is good

, if not, put it in its place. This procedure will take 10 minutes at best, but you can start the car. The rest do not start the Gazelle 405 injector due to other problems.

It's difficult to answer this question, so we've just listed some of the most common rejection options for you. You can only get an accurate answer after a thorough diagnosis. It is at this stage that you can find out the reason why the car refuses to start. So don’t worry and it’s better to contact a car service.


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Common Causes

Do not start the Gazelle 405 injector for various reasons. There could be hundreds of them, or even more, just a lot of unrealistic details. However, very often injectors and spark plugs break. If the latter can be purchased at any auto parts store, and even an inexperienced driver can replace them, problems may arise with the former.

The fact is that it is very difficult to determine that in such a situation the injectors in the Gazelle 405 have broken.

The fuel pump does not work, the relay turns on.

Checking relay power.

The main reasons why a Calm chainsaw does not start and how to eliminate them: we explain it step by step

In the case when the fuel pump relay turns on when the ignition is turned on, but the pump itself does not work, you need to check the power at terminal 87 of the fuel pump relay. To do this, touch terminal 87 of the relay socket with the output of the control lamp connected to the vehicle ground, and the lamp should light up. If the lamp does not light, it means the fuse has blown or there is a break in the wire.

If there is power at terminal 87, you should remove the relay from the socket, and instead place a jumper between pins 87 and 30. In this case, if the pump and connecting wires are working properly, the pump should start working and if this happens, the relay should be changed. If the pump does not start working, then, without removing the jumper, you need to touch the power wire on the fuel pump with a test lamp connected to the vehicle ground.

Checking the fuel pump power circuit.

If a submersible pump is installed on the car as part of the fuel module, you need to remove the connecting connector and touch one of the thick wires. When you touch one of them, the indicator lamp should light up. If the lamp does not light up on any of the wires, then it is necessary to eliminate the break in the wire from the fuel pump relay to the module connector or the pump itself, if the pump is of a remote type. One of the reasons for the break may be the anti-theft blocking of an installed non-standard alarm system.

In the case when the test lamp lights up on one of the thick wires of the connector or one of the terminals of the remote pump, you need to connect these terminals with a test lamp to each other. In this case, the control lamp should light up. If the lamp does not light, it is necessary to eliminate a break or poor contact in the wire connecting the pump to the vehicle ground.

If, when checking the wires and relay for turning on the fuel pump, no malfunction is detected, the electric motor of the fuel pump or its connection to the module connector is faulty. It is not difficult to find the cause by removing the fuel pump module from the tank. If there is poor contact with the connector, melting of the plugs will be visible. If melting is not noticed, then to check the pump itself, you can connect it to the battery. It should be taken into account that operating a submersible pump without liquid will damage the pump. A faulty pump should be replaced.

One of the most important elements of the fuel injection system of a gasoline engine is the electric fuel pump, which is located in the fuel tank of the car. The fuel pump pumps fuel into the system from the gas tank, creating a certain pressure.

Auto repair experts identify the following common fuel system problems that are related to the fuel pump:

  • The fuel pump pumps poorly and does not create the required pressure;
  • the fuel pump does not pump when the ignition is turned on;

Considering that the fuel pump is an electromechanical device, the most common fuel pump malfunctions are related to both the mechanical and electrical parts. Next, we will look at what signs indicate a breakdown of the fuel pump and why the fuel pump stops pumping partially or completely.

Read in this article

Injector malfunction

The next reason that the engine starts and immediately stalls is a malfunction of the injector. Since most modern cars have a forced fuel injection system, this malfunction is very common.

Don't make mistakes.

What should not be allowed when operating fuel-injected cars:

  • Do not disconnect the battery while the engine is running.
  • Try to play with lighting as little as possible, and in general, handle food as carefully as possible. Injection cars are very sensitive to such manipulations.
  • Try not to disconnect the ground on the car. Although I turn off the mains in my car in winter if I don’t drive for a long time, and so far I have not noticed any discomfort in operation, although many experts say that it is possible to erase information in the computer. I just try to let the car idle for up to 3 minutes when starting the engine.
  • Injector-injected cars are not very fond of charging and starting devices, since when they are used, the voltage jumps significantly and the ECU can burn out.

  • If a neutralizer is provided in the design of the car, then try not to start the car by towing or pushing it down a hill, as unburned fuel is formed, which, if it gets into the neutralizer, can ignite spontaneously.
  • Do not allow water to enter the injector; this is strictly contraindicated. To do this, change fuel filters in a timely manner and fill with high-quality gasoline.

What does a neutralizer look like?

  • If your car is equipped with an L probe and a neutralizer, then think about whether you should take the risk by using leaded gasoline. When using such gasoline, the L-probe, in addition to the fact that it itself can quickly break down, it will transmit incorrect data to the ECU, indicating a large amount of oxygen, and this, to put it mildly, is not very good, as it can lead to local overheating of the engine .

So, we return again to our problem, the engine starts and immediately stalls or does not start at all.

Battery problems

If the Gazelle does not start, then you should start searching for the impossibility of starting the engine with the battery. If it is insufficiently charged, the starter does not have enough energy to turn the crankshaft. In this case, a significant drop in the on-board network voltage occurs. The traction relay starts to click, but the engine cannot start.

ATTENTION! A completely simple way to reduce fuel consumption has been found! Don't believe me? An auto mechanic with 15 years of experience also didn’t believe it until he tried it. And now he saves 35,000 rubles a year on gasoline! Read more"

The situation with starting the engine with a discharged or old battery is aggravated in cold weather. There are two reasons for this:

  • engine oil thickens in the cold and it becomes more difficult for the starter to crank the crankshaft, which causes increased starting current and greater battery energy consumption;
  • When it's cold, the chemical reactions of the battery slow down and the battery becomes able to deliver less charge.

In winter, both of the above reasons overlap each other. Starting becomes especially difficult when cold. Under unfavorable conditions, the car may completely refuse to start.

With a discharged battery, many car owners start their Gazelle only with a pusher, but there are other ways, the main ones being:

  • start using ROM;
  • “lighting up” from another vehicle;
  • charging the original battery with a nominal or increased current and then starting the power unit.

A situation with a discharged battery does not require special attention from the car owner if it occurs only once. It is enough to recharge the battery and you can continue to operate the machine as before. If the battery dies often, then it is necessary to diagnose it. Based on its results, a decision is made on the method and feasibility of restoration work. In some cases, it is more rational to purchase a new battery.

If the battery shows full serviceability, but dies in a short period of time, then the on-board network must be checked. It may contain short circuits and high leakage currents. If they are identified, you should not delay troubleshooting. Prompt resolution of problems will eliminate the risk of a car fire.

The presence of through cracks and other similar defects leads to the loss of part of the electrolyte. The battery's ability to deliver starting current and energy is significantly reduced. To diagnose the problem, just carefully inspect the case. If any damage is detected, the car owner is faced with a choice between carrying out repairs or purchasing a new power source.

The car starts and immediately stalls: causes, solutions

> Engine

Even a car that is well and regularly maintained may not work correctly. Usually this is due to worn-out systems, low-quality technical fluids, etc. But there are other problems due to which the car starts well and immediately stalls.

Main reasons

The car may stall after starting the engine for several reasons, both when it is cold when first starting, or when it is hot. The problem manifests itself on injection and diesel units, for which there are quite a few reasons: from lack of fuel to more complex malfunctions associated with the fuel line or even the engine.

It is necessary to identify as early as possible the reason that the engine starts and immediately stalls. Otherwise, the car will not be able to be used.

Attention! An unexplained plug may indicate more complex failures. They need to be eliminated quickly so that repairs do not become more complex and costly.

When cold the engine starts and immediately stalls.

There are several simple reasons why a car may stall immediately after the engine starts:

  1. Running out of fuel is a simple reason, but because of this it is often overlooked. During long breaks in operation, fuel condensate may drain from the walls of the tank, with which the car can start. There is not enough gasoline for further operation, which is why the car stalls.
  2. Bad diesel or gasoline - if the fuel was purchased at dubious gas stations, the composition contains additives, even water. They have a bad effect on the fuel system and its filters. Additional information! In diesel engines, paraffin added to the diesel composition can harden. Its particles clog the filter that cleans the fuel, causing the pressure on the fuel line to drop.
  3. Car alarms - advanced security systems can not only trigger when installed in a car, block the steering wheel locks, but also prevent the engine from running. If such a system is installed, you should check its deactivation.
  4. No vacuum - This problem occurs in carburetor cars if there is air in any part of the fuel supply. This could be the carburetor itself, the intake manifold, or the vacuum hose. The mixture of fuel and air has completely different proportions, which is why the engine cannot operate normally.
  5. Low idle speed is a common problem in carburetor cars, because in injection cars the speed is adjusted automatically. You will need to manually adjust the idle speed with the carburetor. It can correct the situation, since the engine will consume a normal amount of gasoline.

These are the main reasons why there are problems with starting cars, including carburetor-type ones. But there are still injection machines that require consideration.

The engine starts and the injector immediately stalls

An injector is a part that injects fuel into the engine and is sensitive to voltage changes. There are a number of reasons why an injector stalls:

  • problems with the fuel system: the fuel pump is checked. This is easy to do; you need to turn on the ignition; if you hear a buzzing sound, the pump is working. If there are no sounds, you need to check whether voltage is supplied to it;
  • dirty throttle: if the idle air control is contaminated with carbon deposits, air passes through it less easily, which means the engine operates in abnormal mode. A breakdown of the throttle valve also plays a role: if it is closed, no air enters the engine;
  • Ignition system problem: If the fuel system and air supply are operating as normal, check for sparking. The spark plugs are being studied, they should be unscrewed, cleaned, and checked for a spark. The easiest way is to attach an armored wire to the spark plug and crank the crankshaft with the starter. Damaged wires may be to blame for the situation; they can be checked with a tester and a megger. If they are not there, you should start the engine in the dark. If part of the system is damaged, high-voltage discharges can be seen on the coils, conductors and tips;
  • breakdowns of sensors and ECUs: electronic engine management systems control all motor power elements using information coming from the sensors. If any of them are damaged, the power unit may not only stall, but also refuse to start. If there are problems with the ECU, you can find out about them by the “Check Engine” indicator on the dashboard. To find a fault, read errors using a scanner;
  • “out of sync” of the valves: the valve timing in the car could be out of sync, for example, due to the timing belt stretching or being misaligned. Aligning the shafts to the marks or replacing the belt with a new one will help.

Signs of trouble

There are three main symptoms of problems with the injector (injector malfunction) of a Gazelle car.

A characteristic sign of a malfunction can be considered detonation, which is unpleasant for the driver’s hearing.

It destroys the motor, which is why it is so important to find the fault in time and fix it. If the engine stalls for no reason on the road, and subsequent attempts to start it lead to the goal only after many repetitions, this is a clear sign of a faulty injector. The power of the power unit does not inspire approval as before. In common parlance - the car does not “pull”

When climbing a hill, the movement turns into a real test of the driver’s nervous system and can be detrimental to the engine.

Doesn't start when the injector is hot

Gazelle 405 does not run on gasoline

Commercial vehicles often come to our service center, namely GAZelle cars, and today is no exception. An onboard workhorse with a ZMZ 405.22 Euro-2 engine pulled into the diagnostic post. The owner of the car (or rather the third owner) after purchasing it noticed that the car was driving somehow wrong. The revolutions dance as they please: they rise and fall. The check light blinks like crazy, the car jerks and shakes. In general, the car lives its own life, and something needs to be done about it

Bringing the car back to life

As for why a spark disappears, everything is probably very clear. Now, it would not be amiss to consider the order of her return. The reality is that in most cases, getting the spark back is a simple matter and just involves carefully checking the broken car. To be more precise, to normalize sparking it is required:

  1. Firstly, check the spark on the injector using the method described above, make sure that it has disappeared, and, at least indirectly, try to determine the cause of the malfunction;
  2. Next, it is enough to assess the current circumstances and act based on them. As typical situations, we suggest considering solutions to the following problems:
  3. the spark plug is wet, the presence and strength of the spark are unimportant, the carbon deposits are correct (brick color) - wipe the part and screw it back in;
  4. the spark plug is wet (not always) and the carbon deposits are incorrect (white or black) - clean, dry the part and try to start the engine, if there is no result, change the spark plug and deal with problems in the fuel system (cleaning the injector, checking the ECU, etc.);
  5. the spark plug is wet, there is no spark at all, the color of the soot is not important - we try to change the part, if there is no result, we check the ignition system and the operation of the injector.

In principle, in theory there are no particular difficulties in repairs of this kind. Despite this, it often causes difficulties in implementation for inexperienced motorists. To solve these, you need to act in the order described above, but if something doesn’t work out, it’s better to turn to professionals at a service station. This approach to repairs will not only save time, but also guarantee trouble-free operation of the car in the future.

Perhaps this concludes the most important information on today’s issue. We hope that the material presented was useful to you and provided answers to your questions. Good luck in operating and maintaining your car!



Not for various reasons. Some of them are related to the time of year, while others are related to wear and tear. This problem can also be caused by the negligence of drivers who are careless about the maintenance of the power unit.

So, if not, there may be several reasons:

  • malfunction of fuel system components;
  • problem in valves and cylinders;
  • malfunctions in the ignition system;
  • breakdowns in the starter and battery;
  • air supply;
  • sensors and control unit.

Malfunctions of the engine power supply system

The most popular problem among inexperienced car owners that leads to the inability to start the power unit is the end of the fuel in the fuel tank. At the same time, the indicator on the instrument panel does not always display information correctly. It is very easy to solve the situation that has arisen. You just need to refuel the Gazelle. Other problems that lead to the engine not starting can be found in the table below.

Table - Manifestation of fuel system malfunctions.

Cause of malfunctionManifestation
The wrong type of fuel is in the fuel tankGazelle refuses to start immediately after refueling
Electric pump malfunctionThe car stalls while driving and then won't start
The injector is not operating normally due to clogged injector nozzles.Difficulties with starting appear gradually. Starting the car becomes more difficult each time until it completely fails.
Damage to the fuel lineThe engine stops starting immediately after the defect appears
Fuel filter dirtyIt is impossible to start the car after the filter is completely clogged

Fuel injection system failures

For normal injection, the electronic control unit needs to receive and process information from several sensors in real time. Problems with the meters, communication links, or main module may cause the injector to stop working properly. Because of this, starting the engine will become significantly more difficult, even to the point of complete failure.

To solve problems with sensors, they need to be checked. It can be done indirectly using a multimeter. Car owners recommend sequentially replacing installed meters with known good ones.

If the start-up becomes normal, then the culprit of the problem is the last replaced element.

To solve problems with the electronic control unit, a diagnostic scanner is required. It should be used to count errors. After deciphering them, a decision is made on further repairs.

Why does the Kamens engine not start?

In order to start the Cummins diesel engine installed on a GAZelle car, the initial rotation speed of its crankshaft must be 150...200 rpm.

Let's look at the main reasons why an engine may fail to start.

When compression drops, the air in the cylinders is not compressed to the required level, and therefore does not heat up to a temperature sufficient for self-ignition of the sprayed diesel fuel.

A fundamentally opposite malfunction, in which, as in the first case, a GAZelle with a Cummins engine does not start, is clogging of the electromagnetic injectors, as a result of which fuel simply cannot enter the hot air environment due to existing mechanical barriers.

A low battery charge level does not allow the starter rotor to accelerate to those cherished 150-200 rpm, as a result of which some of the air, when compressed, manages to run through the smallest cracks and gaps into the under-piston space. As a result, as in the case of compression failure, the temperature in the cylinders does not reach the required value, and fuel ignition does not occur.

But there are also cases when the battery is completely charged, but the starter is still not able to develop the required rotation speed. Problems with the starter come from various origins and often require its dismantling and careful inspection.

see also

Comments 23

shoots into the launcher when the mixture is still lean

The valve timing marks were set incorrectly

YES, IT STARTED, but it runs on gasoline and on gas it shoots into the intake manifold. and the car quickly heats up and gases go into the exhaust tank. although the head was milled along the plane and measured...

also won't start after repair, only 402

and after starting the engine, dial from 1000 to 2700 rpm in 15 seconds, 3-4 times, to expel the air from the hydraulic compensators, then the engine will start to whisper, well, if you assembled it well))) on the first start there is usually noise

The high voltages may not have been attached correctly

look at the correct connection of the armored vehicles to the kateshkoh, it was like this

if there are pops, check the phases. They were right about the damper. and are all sensors connected?

and the wires are the same as 406 1-4 and 2-3

This can happen even if the car has been parked for a long time, it’s a fact

pull it in tow, the hydraulic compensators have lost oil and the clearance on the valves is completely different, or even there is no compression at all, pull it in 2nd-3rd gear for 700-1000 meters, the compensators will pick up oil and everything will fall into place, compression will appear in time

very good advice! There are no words for it!

pull it in tow, the hydraulic compensators have lost oil and the clearance on the valves is completely different, or even there is no compression at all, pull it in 2nd-3rd gear for 700-1000 meters, the compensators will pick up oil and everything will fall into place, compression will appear in time

Read more: Where is the frame number on a UAZ

+1 There was exactly the same situation, with the same engine, we took it in tow, drove it for 300 meters, everything worked.

One day the Gazelle stopped starting? The reason lies in engine malfunctions. The problem may be related to both the mechanical part and the electrical part. To fix the problem, you will have to diagnose a number of parts.

Cummins diesel does not start - what to do

Cummins diesel won't start? Does even such a reliable engine also have breakdowns? Although this engine has gained the status of an unpretentious, durable and reliable power unit, unfortunately, like all diesel engines, it can break down. So what to do in such a situation? There are only two ways of development.

If you have already repaired a diesel engine and know almost everything about it, then your path is to fix the problem yourself. Those who have no experience in repairing and servicing a Cummins diesel engine may choose another path.

In this case, you will have to tow the car to a service center, where they can fix all the problems.

If you decide to tackle the broken engine, then it’s worth noting right away that you shouldn’t start a Cummins diesel from a tow. It is also not recommended to “light it”. If you do this, then the likelihood that the engine will not only not start, but will also break down is very high.

We must not forget that cars with a Cummins engine have an electronic control unit, which in turn controls all systems of the power unit. If you try to start the engine from someone else's battery, then during such a start voltage surges may occur, which can damage any sensors or the electronic control unit.

As a matter of fact, for the same reason it is not recommended to start a diesel engine from a tugboat.

Cummins diesel diagnostics

When any equipment fails, we diagnose it. Also here. When a Cummins diesel engine does not start, it is necessary to carry out diagnostics, but this does not mean that you need to connect a computer to the electronic unit. Not at all! First you need to find out what condition the battery is in.

If the starter does not turn the engine or turns it too slowly, then most likely the cause of your problem is the battery. In this case, try first charging the existing battery or replacing it with a new one.

Let's now look at some more malfunctions that can occur if the lights on the dashboard come on when you turn the ignition key, but the starter doesn't even click.

There are possible problems here such as:

  • Lost contact on the starter
  • Starter relay burned out
  • The ignition switch is faulty
  • The solenoid relay is faulty

It is best to call a specialist if you have never dealt with car wiring.

He will be able to quickly and efficiently eliminate all faults.

The main thing to remember is that an inexperienced hand in the electrical wiring of modern cars can cause big problems with the equipment itself, and all this can also cost a tidy sum, for example, due to incorrect connection of contacts.

Based on this, we can conclude that you should not skimp on an experienced specialist, since his experience will not only help you do everything efficiently, but will also allow you to save a large amount of money, since you will not have to restore the car after unqualified intervention in its systems .

and if you no longer remember when you changed the filter, or simply did not track changes in the mileage of the car, then you just need to check the condition of the replacement filter cartridge

It is also worth paying attention to the presence of water in the filter housing

If you find that there is quite a lot of water, then this could be the real reason why the diesel engine is unable to start. To eliminate this malfunction, it is imperative to replace the fuel filter and bleed the system so that all excess water comes out.

Why does a gas car not start after being idle?

Cars equipped with gas cylinders very often malfunction when the engine starts cold. As a rule, this occurs when the car is not used for a long time and it sits idle in the garage. When the owner comes and tries to start the car, nothing happens.

Practice shows that there is a direct connection between the duration of inactivity and engine starting. Let's consider why a car with gas equipment may not start and what to do in such a case.

Diagnosis and causes . Each car owner can carry out diagnostics independently, without resorting to the services of specialists. To do this you need:

  1. Start the engine and let it run for a couple of minutes.
  2. Stop the engine and open the hood.
  3. Find the tube that leads from the gas reducer to the intake manifold.
  4. Disconnect the vacuum channel and place it in a glass of water.
  5. If gas balls are visible on the surface of the water, this means that the gaskets need to be changed.

If the car has been sitting in the garage for a long time, and gas is detected in the water during diagnostics, the problem can only be solved by repairs, which do not require large expenses.

If the car is very difficult to start after being idle, this may indicate the presence of gas in the system. It may be located inside the intake manifold, and this prevents the engine from starting. The gas begins to mix with the fuel. Among the reasons are the filter and hoses.

How to restore the gearbox yourself . The presence of air in the tubes indicates that it is time to replace the gaskets. To do this you need:

  1. Open the trunk and turn on the gas cylinder valve.
  2. Start the engine and leave it idling until the gas is completely exhausted.
  3. Remove the gas reducer, disconnect the hoses and unscrew the bolts.
  4. Replace gaskets, valves and other parts.

Under the gearbox cover there is a spring that acts on the membrane and on the gas. When the spring is compressed, the gas passage is closed. When the vacuum tube is removed, the gas pressure increases and the engine cannot operate normally. The injectors will not be able to perform their functions.

There are cases when the valve in the reducer cannot close the gas due to contamination. The valve can be easily removed and cleaned:

  1. For cleaning, use a cotton swab and kerosene.
  2. After cleaning, you need to install the valve back and put the electric coil on top. It creates an electromagnetic pulse.
  3. Screw the coil on top and open the bottle.

Bottom line . Cars with gas equipment are very difficult to start after a long period of inactivity. Usually the reason is a broken or dirty gearbox.

There is a spark; gasoline is supplied to the gazelle; the engine injector does not start.

If there is leakage from the throttle body, then it is not oil, but antifreeze. You fill the spark plugs, it won’t start at all. Tried starting it with a gas engine. bayan:

Added after 2 minutes 27 seconds Gasoline has been filled since September, and as I understand it, the car sat motionless all winter.

The gas pedal does not respond to the engine at all. I got two charged spare spark plugs from my battery. So it can't be because of gasoline? I'll try with a push.

Added after 2 minutes 20 seconds Yes, the car sat all winter, at the beginning of winter I started it a couple of times, and even then with difficulty. After this it won't start at all.

Not only that, the coolant temperature sensor plays an important role, the price of the part is 120 rubles, in addition, the specified sensor is not tested if MIKAS 5.4 is installed. buy it, connect it without installing it in the thermostat, if it’s the one that will start the car.

The possibility of valves sticking cannot be ruled out.

You can simply remove the connector from the DT. In this case, the ECU will see a temperature of 0 degrees. I would also try removing the MAF connector.

If tasol gets into the injector, how can antifreeze get into the injector? Or rather, what do you mean by “injector”?

then during startup there will be a vacuum in the intake and all this will fly into the combustion chamber, and during startup and during operation there should be a vacuum in the intake. Without it, the engine will not start. This is one of the cornerstone conditions for the operation of an internal combustion engine. In general, these two phrases are absolutely incomprehensible to me personally.

How can antifreeze get into the injector? Or rather, what do you mean by “injector”?

both during startup and during operation there should be a vacuum in the intake. Without it, the engine will not start. This is one of the cornerstone conditions for the operation of an internal combustion engine. In general, these two phrases are absolutely incomprehensible to me personally.

Tasol enters the injector from the heated valve as described above.

It is clear that there is a vacuum in any case, both during starting and during operation. I just wrote it this way to make it clear.


Gazelka does not start (engine 405)

Gentlemen, GAZELISTS and MECHANICS, help! After the repair, the gazelle curled up for about five minutes and no longer wants to start. The marks are all in their places, the compression in the cylinders is excellent, gasoline is flowing, the injectors are spraying well, gas is also flowing, the sensors have been changed or rechecked. Driving to a hundred is not an option (only under your own power).

  • O. New guy. Hello. What does self-diagnosis show?

    If you love to ride, you also love to turn wrenches...

  • Message from

    Gentlemen, GAZELISTS and MECHANICS, help! After the repair, the gazelle curled up for about five minutes and no longer wants to start. The marks are all in their places, the compression in the cylinders is excellent, gasoline is flowing, the injectors are spraying well, gas is also flowing, the sensors have been changed or rechecked. Driving to a hundred is not an option (only under your own power).

    When everything works but does not start, the most likely failure is the crankshaft sensor, or less often the camshaft sensor. But since you have already tried everything, then only the control unit remains (although it doesn’t matter). Is there a spark?

  • With the 402 engine it always starts and in any frost!

  • Message from

    When everything works but does not start, the most likely failure is the crankshaft sensor, or less often the camshaft sensor. But since you have already tried everything, then only the control unit remains (although it doesn’t matter). Is there a spark?

    There is one, but it’s bad, and I also see a torn wire in the right corner, and a stain on the windshield, that’s all for now.

    FRR35 6HL1 Vodka for weaklings, real men enjoy depression.

  • Check the pulses on the injectors with the LED, if it doesn’t work, change the polarity of the LED. If still deaf, see crankshaft and camshaft sensor

  • Message from
    Andrey 154

    There is one, but it’s bad, and I also see a torn wire in the right corner, and a stain on the windshield, that’s all for now.

    Vanga's grandson...?

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