5-minute engine flush for high-mileage cars Hi-Gear, 444 ml.

01/26/2022 17,352 Engine

Author: Ivan Baranov

Flushing the engine is an important process that should preferably be performed every time the engine fluid is changed. This procedure is the main way to keep the internal components of the engine clean, and this, in turn, will stabilize its operation. In this article we will talk about Hi-Gear soft engine flushing - reviews and its main characteristics.


Description, composition and properties of the product

Hi-Gear Quick Engine Flush - a special chemical composition for radical cleaning of the system. It contains substances that form an emulsion that envelops small pieces of decay products, soot, and deposits, and thereby prevents them from coming into contact with moving parts during the procedure.

Effectively breaks down and eliminates carbon deposits. Restores the functionality of individual parts of the system. Regular use of this product allows you to do without servicing the internal combustion engine and extends its service life. Oil and filters perform their duties better after the procedure.

Intended for gasoline and diesel internal combustion engines (including turbocharged ones) with a lubrication system volume of 4-5 liters.

Tips and tricks

So, the main properties of the most popular Hi-Gear washes were discussed above. At the same time, in the manufacturer’s catalogs you can find a large number of different flushing liquids that are distinguished by certain properties.

To summarize, the main difference between all compounds is what engine they are intended for, taking into account the degree of wear and general contamination of the internal combustion engine. In other words, for units that have not been previously washed and have a significant mileage, the same compositions are needed. However, if the engine is regularly cleaned before each oil change, a quick “five minutes” will be sufficient.

For this reason, it is necessary to select the correct flushing fluid to obtain the desired result. It is also important to understand that flushing (both High-Gear and others) in some cases can harm the engine. The fact is that the compositions are not capable of completely dissolving heavy deposits, but under the influence of washing, lumps and clots peel off from the surface of the parts.

As a result, in dirty engines there is a risk that the oil pickup screen and fine channels are literally clogged with dirt. For this reason, the engine may begin to experience oil starvation; individual parts begin to operate under dry friction conditions and quickly fail.

It should also be added that even mild washes, one way or another, still affect rubber elements. In practice, this means that after using the composition, a leak may appear due to a violation of the tightness of oil seals, gaskets, etc., and an increase in oil consumption is possible.

Another common cause of lubricant leaks is that in older engines, contaminants can act as an additional “sealant”. Moreover, after washing off such dirt, an element that has become deformed over time and has lost its elasticity (for example, an oil seal) completely ceases to perform its functions.

As a result, the part will need to be replaced, which means unscheduled engine repairs. Taking into account the above, it becomes clear that before using flushes, it is necessary to separately take into account its condition, degree of contamination and general wear.

Instructions for use

The Hi-Gear 5-minute engine flush is used as follows:

  • warm up the engine and turn it off;
  • add the product to the existing oil in the system;
  • start the engine and let it idle for five minutes;
  • turn off the engine and drain the oil;
  • change the filter and oil with new ones.

One container with the product is enough for 4-5 liters of oil. For very heavy contamination or a larger lubrication system, use 2 packs. But this volume cannot be exceeded - the seals may be damaged.

What is flushing?

Today, the domestic car market allows you to choose motor oil from different price categories and with different characteristics. Some fluids contain chemical elements that allow you to flush the internal components of the engine while it is running. As a result, there will be no carbon deposits and deposits in the system, which means that flushing the engine will not be particularly necessary.

When using lower-quality motor fluids, the likelihood of deposits and carbon deposits appearing in the engine structure increases significantly. Not every motorist knows what this means. Firstly, fuel consumption increases due to clogged elements of the injection system. Secondly, the consumption of engine oil also increases, which will have to be topped up regularly. In this case, there is only one way out - flushing the engine.

Cleaning the internal structure of the motor from carbon deposits using a brush

Engine flushing fluid is a special detergent designed to clean the internal components of the internal combustion engine. Typically, the engine flushing procedure is needed when the car owner uses different types of engine fluid. In these cases, carbon deposits appear in any case, however, in addition to this, other harmful substances appear in the engine in the form of deposits, which over time will negatively affect the operation of the unit.

Depending on the type of flushing fluid, its application may vary. Some fluids need to be added to the engine oil while the car is operating. Such substances are added periodically to the engine to prevent the formation of deposits. Other soft flushes are used when changing the oil so that harmful substances leave the system along with the “working off”. The third means are flushing liquids that need to be poured and “driven” through the system after draining the used liquid. Each engine flush has its own properties and characteristics, but how to choose what you really need?

How do five minutes work?

The principle of operation of 5-minute engine flushes is in the name. The general essence of how such products work is similar for all manufacturers.

Before changing the oil, five minutes is poured into the engine through the oil filler neck. Then the engine runs at low or medium speed for 5 to 30 minutes. After this, the used oil is drained. During this time, the additive actively dissolves sludge and varnish deposits and removes them along with used oil from the engine.

5-minute oils have several advantages over flushing oils:

  • easier way to use;
  • lower final cost of washing;
  • a more pronounced effect when it is necessary to remove old deposits;
  • The washing procedure takes a little time.

These funds also have disadvantages:

  • excessively aggressive effect on the seals (if you leave the five-minute flushing in the engine longer than the regulated period, this can lead to destruction of the rubber seals).
  • increased likelihood of a large slurry element peeling off from the internal surface of the internal combustion engine and getting into the oil channel (with subsequent limitation or complete cessation of oil flow through it).

Therefore, five-minute periods should be used carefully and only when necessary. For preventative flushing, it is better to use softer, high-grade flushing oils.

Advantages and disadvantages

Like any other consumable, Hi-Gear has both advantages and disadvantages. All of them are given below.


  1. Comparative availability. In the domestic automobile market, you can purchase this PS at any auto store. There may be problems with purchasing depending on the specific region, however, Hi-Gear soft flushing is sold successfully online.
  2. Good cleaning qualities. This is confirmed by consumer reviews.
  3. Universal additive package. Hi-Gear soft flushing can be used in all internal combustion engines without exception with any type of motor oil.
  4. Prevents destruction of unit components. Unlike some other types of flushes and motor fluids, Hi-Gear PS reliably protects the elements of the unit.

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As for the disadvantages:

  1. High cost compared to other analogues. About 400-500 rubles (150 hryvnia) for a small cylinder is a bit expensive for a domestic motorist. Hi-Gear is American quality, but on the domestic market you can also find other flushing products from foreign manufacturers that have such effective functions. Accordingly, the cost will be lower.
  2. Not all consumers note the good quality of PS. It all depends on the vehicle model and its operating conditions.
  3. The use of soft PS in old engines is effective, this is confirmed not only by reviews, but also by the results of numerous tests. Using Hi-Gear in old cars can be effective, but when it comes to new vehicles, car owners do not always feel the results.

Hi-Gear - soft motor flushing

Hi-Gear soft substance has a number of characteristics that are positive when used on older engines, since it contains additives that allow for thorough washing without damaging parts: dirt deposits are removed, transforming into a finely dispersed phase.

This is the reason why using a mild cleaner is highly recommended after purchasing a car with an unclear history.

Soft Hi-Gear removes contaminants using technology that transforms dirt into a finely dispersed phase, resulting in high-quality cleaning of the crankcase ventilation system (to improve valve performance) and the engine lubrication system.

The additives included in the cleaner work as you move.

Hi-Gear Mild cleaner for engines with wear and tear with SMT2

Flushing is necessary in cases where the car has not been driven for several months or has a mileage of more than 70,000 km, as well as if its ownership history is unknown (when buying a used car or from a dubious seller). It is also desirable in case of significant engine contamination or signs of moderate to severe wear.

The cleaner with SMT2 works while driving, protects the engine, which as a result ensures ideal car behavior even with sudden changes in speed and driving style.

A soft cleaner for engines with wear with SMT Hi-Gear includes a new generation metal conditioner SMT2 made of synthetics, which creates the best conditions for high-quality cleaning and forms a microscopic layer on rubbing surfaces that protects the motor, preventing the formation of varnish films, soot, and carbon deposits.

SMT2 is a 100% synthetic, non-corrosive and non-flammable, non-toxic, degradable anti-friction metal conditioner using oil as a carrier. SMT2 has the greatest residual protection effect, making it possible to use the vehicle in emergency mode without lubrication. It has consistent properties thanks to a completely synthetic base.

Container and release form

  • Hi-Gear Mild Engine Cleaner (ENGINE TUNE-UP GAS & DIESEL ENGINES) HG2207 444 ml


  • flushing is added to fresh lubricant after each shift;
  • For engines with high mileage and high oil burns, it is recommended to add another can 100–200 km before the oil change.

Before using the cleaner, you should warm up the engine and let it idle.

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